A large number of minotaurs returned and returned to the inside of the wall with the help of the passage opened by the stone and wood spirit cave.

The battle ahead did not need them to care about for the time being, and in the next time, with the cooperation of Shi Mu Ling and Caomu Ling, they began to build a large number of workshops, and then began to produce various city defense equipment.

To say that these equipment materials can be prepared before entering the copy, and enter it with the troops.

Among those clearance videos, not no one has done this.

But there is one point, the judgment system of the temple of the gods is fair. If the army carries relatively normal supplies, then it will not affect the scoring results.

If the material brought in is too much, there will be manual intervention, and points will be deducted as appropriate according to the size of the material's function.

In general, such deductions are very large.

Wang Yi did not bring people here to brush records, but to get the branches of the World Tree after getting a high score.

He would certainly not approve of this large-scale deduction of points.

Therefore, when the Minotaur tribe entered the Challenge God Domain, it did not carry many supplies.

With the help of Shimu Ling and Grass Wood Spirit, they can produce any tools and equipment they want here.

What is made in the midst of a challenge does not involve a point minus project.

With the rise one by one, one by one the city defense tools began to be produced in batches.

What catapults, spiked rollers, fire oil wall washers, and even city defense guns were built.

In just two or three waves, the entire Minotaur tribe has entered the Ordnance Age from the Age of Cold Weapons.

And during this period, those grass and wood spirits and stone wood spirits were not idle.

They constantly reinforced and raised the city wall, and built various fortifications on the city wall, optimizing the structure and strengthening the stability.

Even when they themselves felt a little desperate, they stopped.

"Savior, the walls have been built!"

"Very good!"

Wang Yi took advantage of the time interval of the previous wave of insects and waved his hand: "Let all combat units retreat to the rear of the Great Wall!" Fight, it's time to move to the next stage. "

With the order, all the dependents and slaves were evacuated to the city.

As soon as Shi Muling closed the channel, the next wave of insects came.

There were no personnel to block the front, and they naturally came under the city wall very quickly.

Facing the towering walls, some of these insects began to dig hard, while others began to climb up the walls.

Di Xia's dependents naturally did not get used to them, and directly poured down with the prepared stones and hot oil, and lit a fire by the way.

Easily, the enemies blocked at the root of the city wall will be wiped out.

"Once and for all, it is still the method of the ancestors."

With this wall as a backing, those fierce evil insects have nothing to do.

Their attack power is powerful, but they cannot shake this wall in the slightest. They are more mobile, but they can only be flinched in front of high walls.

And their fragile defensive power was completely revealed in front of the eyes of the Dixia clan because of the high wall.

"Treat them well, don't stop."

After Wang Yi gave the oracle, he stopped paying attention to the side of the city wall.

With this powerful fortification, the Dixia clan instantly saved ninety percent of their troops, and the workshops in the city developed more rapidly.

And wave after wave of insect swarms were wiped out, and Wang Yi's side also constantly chose blessings that were beneficial to his clan.

What thunder paralysis, what destructive power strengthened, has not stopped, the whole time is pressing the enemy to fight.

If there is no good option, he will choose the god action point.

Of course, he had neither the intention of initiating God's Chosen Arrival, nor did he intend to use any miracle cards.

Although these behaviors are allowed in this challenge, Wang Yi knows very well that these are deductions, and the deductions are very painful.

He saved up these action points, and every five points he could exchange them for an increase in the population ceiling.

It didn't take long for the population of Wang Yi's tribe to advance from five hundred at the beginning to fifteen hundred.

And the population cap of the platinum challenge seems to be higher than in the gold level.

Those reserves prepared by Wang Yi can probably be used in the later stage.

What he really cares about now is the key project of the grass and wood spirit - the demon spirit plant.

The grass and wood spirit is the grass and wood spirit who was given life by the supreme god of the Incas. And Wang Yi's understanding of this is that flowers and plants have become fine.

These elven dependents have a big difference from those of humanoid dependents such as elves, that is, the breeding mode.

Humanoid dependents naturally give birth to the next generation through the marriage of male and female individuals.

A small number of special human races, such as elves, can be bred in batches through ancient trees of life like blossoms and fruits, in addition to breeding through marriage.

And special dependents such as grass and wood spirits, stone wood spirits, or fire element spirits and water element spirits, want to increase the number of individuals, then the means are strange.

In the case of grass and wood spirits alone, they will breed a seed-like life crystallization from their own bodies, and then plant it like a crop.

After the individual grows, he or she ritually divides his soul in half and injects it into the new body.

Thus, new individuals have long been new.

Both the mother and the new individual will have a period of soul weakness after the ceremony. But with proper cultivation, their half of their souls will be firmly re-established.

After getting out of the period of weakness, a brand new grass spirit can be regarded as successfully born.

And after accepting a large number of fresh skills that the Minotaur stole back, the grass and wood spirit clan gathered the strengths of hundreds of families, combined with their own advantages, dug deep into the ideological roots, and they actually came up with a new way to play.

They condense the seeds of life by breeding individuals, and then apply other skills to change their growth cycle and growth shape.

A new individual with a unique shape and special function, although it cannot become a place for half of the soul, but can accept a small piece of the soul.

After these grass and wood spirits injected a little soul fragment into the new plant, they awakened their consciousness of convenience. But because there are too few souls, the spiritual intelligence is extremely low.

Then, through [Enlightenment and Enlightenment], the spiritual intelligence of the target plant can be slightly improved.

After being promoted, the grass and wood spirit used the [Slave] skill and successfully domesticated it into his own slave beast.

A living, purpose-built plant becomes a slave beast!

After that Wang Yi saw this thing made by the grass and wood spirit, he felt his head buzzing.

He never expected that after so many messy skills and racial characteristics, put together in a messy stew, there was already a success that seemed a little numb to his scalp.

"Isn't this the weird plants in Plants vs. Zombies?"

Because this kind of thing is a magical plant with soul and spiritual plants cultivated by the grass and wood spirit using the technology of breeding individuals.

Therefore, Wang Yi eventually named it the Demon Spirit Plant.

They have ideas and are able to execute simple commands.

They are powerful because magical plants, specially made according to the needs of war, are powerful in their own right.

At the same time, they are also well-behaved, because their souls come from the grass and wood spirits, and they are also their slave beasts. Double suppression, let the demon spirit plant absolutely obey it!

And now, these magic plants are thriving!

Because next, they're going to be great!

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