"Why?" Leah said she didn't understand.

I saw that Hou Xiaotian took out the map he got from Aladdin, pointed to the location of the two of them now, and said in a condensed voice: "This is our current location, and the direction we are going to go to the ruins is to go to the interior of the Moranga Kingdom." "

So—" Leah still didn't understand for a moment.

"Leah, do you remember what I told you before, the system collected, the world backstory?"

Liya thought about it, fell into memory, and looked up at Hou Xiaotian suddenly, with a hint of fear in her expression.

"That's right. In the original text of the backstory, the system gives us this passage: 'An Assassin from another country attacked the returning party', just imagine. The Moranga Empire, which was closest to the ruins, sent troops to investigate as soon as it saw the pillar of light appear. In that case, when did the squad lay in ambush there? Hou Xiaotian lifted his glasses and continued:

"Obviously, the other party has long known about the existence of the ruins, and knows the time when the ruins that sealed the magic lamp were born. So the question is, why didn't these Assassins from other countries go in when they arrived at the ruins before everyone else? Instead, wait for the arrival of the Moranga army and send the return team back before conducting a surprise attack?

"Short on time? How is it possible, since the existence of the ruins was known in advance, then this possibility can be ruled out. I'm biased towards the other possibility, which is that they won't be able to enter the ruins at all. It may be that there are mechanisms in the ruins, and with their strength, they simply can't pass through.

Thinking of this, Hou Xiaotian took a deep breath.

"So we rushed over and were either killed by these assassins from 'other countries', or died in the institutions in the ruins."

Liya's heart fell with Hou Xiaotian's words, and she couldn't calm down for a long time.

"And Leah, think about it again."

"In the message that the system gives us, no matter how you look at it, the country of Moranga is not clear about the ruins and the magic lamp. And on the entire map, it can be seen that the strength of Moranga is much higher than that of other countries, and it can be said that it is the strongest country in the world.

Hou Xiaotian took out the second world map he got from Aladdin, and the first one was from the country of Moranga.

Because Hou Xiaotian said that he was a traveling merchant, Aladdin gave a world map before leaving.

"Such a powerful country doesn't know about the existence of ruins and magic lamps, but this 'other country' in the text knows... Although we don't know who this 'other country' is for the time being, it is not impossible for us to figure out the identity of this 'other country'.

"Right now, what we're missing is intelligence. Therefore, the plan to go to the ruins was cancelled, and first found a place where there were people and figured out the identity of this 'other country'. Clear your mind and judge the situation. "

Understood." Leah's expression gradually became serious: "According to the existing information, the formation of sealing the ruins was laid out in the ancient period. Then the one who can get this information must be a country that has existed from ancient times to the present. Speaking of this, Leah fell into thought again, and put her index finger against her chin and said, "However, judging from the historical inheritance time alone, there may be other countries that may exist; At that time, the method of elimination can only be carried out through the comparison of national strength.

"Well, so we also have to find out the strength of the advance force of the Moranga country; If you're lucky, you don't have to figure it out; But we also have to find a way to understand the power system of this world. Thinking of this, Hou Xiaotian and Liya's goals gradually became clear.

"I really can't imagine that Xiaotian, you can judge the situation rationally just from a map." Leah couldn't help but exclaim: "Even I, who have participated in many battles, didn't realize this in time. "

That's amazing!"

"Hmph, don't talk about it, there is not as much time as before, you have to find a place quickly."

Hou Xiaotian looked at the map, judging from the distance from them to the ruins, the nearest city-state to them was two days away.

It will take about a week to get there, and then go to the ruins, which is estimated to be about the same as the army of the Moranga Kingdom.

It's good, no matter how slow it is, it's too late!


Two days later.

Texas city-state, a tavern.


A half-naked man took a sip of wine and couldn't help but make a refreshing voice: "I haven't drunk for a long time, I'm hungry!" Boss, you are a news spirit here, do you know the news of the pillar of light two days ago? The

boss who was keeping accounts at the counter didn't raise his head, but still answered Dahan's question: "I've heard other guests discuss it, but I haven't heard any useful information." This morning, I learned that His Majesty the King had asked Lord Eagle Palace to lead 2,000 elite soldiers to investigate. "

Lord Eagle Palace? One of the Seven Palaces, Lord Eagle Palace?

"Nonsense, or which one. It's the Eagle Palace-sama whose strength has reached the disaster. The

whole tavern was instantly lively.

In a corner, Hou Xiaotian and Liya, who were still changing their clothes, glanced at each other and saw joy in each other's eyes.

I've been here for almost a long time, and I've finally heard some useful information.

Now, they have the critical information they need.

After a short time, the two left the tavern and came into an alley.

"According to the information gathered, the only thing that has survived from ancient times to the present day is the Zhuofulin Kingdom, which commands the Far North. Therefore, it is basically certain that the assassin team ambushed around the ruins is from Zhuo Fulin. Leah, do you have any intelligence about this country?

Hou Xiaotian leaned against the wall and looked at Liya Dao, who was wearing a cloak and hiding her cheeks in the hood.

"Zhuo Fulin, a country dedicated to the cultivation of assassins. Whether in terms of land area or military strength, it is far inferior to the country of Moranga. Liya raised her head slightly, revealing a fair face, and looked at Hou Xiaotian, who was dressed like her.

“... Assassin's Country?

Hou Xiaotian took out the map from the storage space and looked at it carefully.

In his thoughts, could the country of Moranga, or other countries that did not know about the magic lamps and ruins, have something to do with this country of assassins?

Because no matter how you think about it, it is not normal for such a powerful treasure as the magic lamp to not even have a legend handed down; Thinking of Zhuo Fulin, the only Assassin Nation who knew about the magic lamp and relics, it was hard not to wonder if they had killed all the people in the know, little by little, in the long period of time.

If that's the case, then these people are really a combination of wolves and tortoises - ruthless and enduring...

- The division of combat power in

the world - short blade - spear - chariot - disaster -

the sun The two already know the system of the world and know which stage of strength they belong to.

Liya is equivalent to a chariot, and Hou Xiaotian is equivalent to... Cannon fodder.

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