All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 35: Seven Mysterious and Nine Lights Refining True Spiritual Yuan Technique

After bidding farewell to Guo Xiang and Zhang Junbao, Xu Chenzhou has no plans to return to the star world.

He still has seven days to stay in Yitian World, and these time cannot be wasted.

With thousands of years of accumulated incense that no one collects, Yitian World is definitely an excellent place to practice Taoism.

However, before practicing Taoism, Xu Chenzhou still had one thing to do, and that was to receive the task rewards from the chat group.

This was Xu Chengzhou's first time receiving a reward from a chat group, and he couldn't help but feel a little excited.

I don’t know what the rewards of the chat group are!

However, judging from the original skills of the previous rewards, the chat group is quite generous, and the mission rewards are quite worth looking forward to.

Xu Chenzhou opened the chat group interface and clicked directly to receive it.

"Congratulations to the group leader Xu Chenzhou for completing the cub growth mission and receiving a reward of peak Zhang Sanfeng's understanding, thirty years of Nine Yang Manual skills, and the Seven Mysteries and Nine Lumins of True Spiritual Yuan Technique."

! ! ! !

The chat group brother deserves to be you, you are really very generous.

Xu Chenzhoule's face burst into laughter.

Who is Zhang Sanfeng at his peak? He is respected by the entire world as someone who can practice martial arts while others cultivate immortality. His talent and understanding are extremely high.

Xu Chenzhou originally thought that the most reward given to him by the chat group was Zhang Junbao's talent.

Unexpectedly, the system directly super doubled and rewarded him with Zhang Sanfeng's peak understanding.

Even though they are both the same person, the difference between them is as vast as clouds and mud.

Zhang Junbao is like a piece of clumsy jade. Although its brilliance is restrained, it is not polished.

But the peak Zhang Sanfeng is different. It is a piece of national treasure jade that can be included in the Forbidden City. Not only is it flawless, it has also been carved by the most skillful jade craftsmen.

To give the most intuitive example, put a new martial arts book in front of two people. While Zhang Junbao was still comprehending its secrets, Zhang Sanfeng, who was at his peak, had already introduced new ones and derived stronger martial arts based on this martial arts book. .

As the rewards from the system were distributed, Xu Chenzhou felt that his body fell into a mysterious place.

Here he practiced the Nine Yang Manual day and night for thirty years in a daze.

The experience of these thirty years was like smoke and fog, and it had no impact on his mind.

It's as if these thirty years of experience were all in a dream, and after waking up from the dream, everything disappears.

When he came to his senses, the Jiuyang internal energy in his body suddenly increased with thirty years of skill.

This sudden increase in thirty years of skill was handled by Xu Chenzhou without any hindrance.

This feeling was very strange, as if he had really been practicing for thirty years, and even the various insights he gained during his practice had settled in his mind.

Xu Chenzhou thought secretly. It seemed that the thirty years of cultivation rewarded by the chat group were not pure skills, but also included the insights and foundation of Xu Chenzhou's thirty years of cultivation.

This kind of cultivation reward is much more fragrant than pure skill initiation.

With these thirty years of cultivation, he seemed to have truly become a great master in internal energy cultivation.

In addition, Xu Chenzhou also felt that there was an additional core of thinking in his spirit.

This feeling is quite strange. It's not that he has changed from one person to two people, but that there is a new thinking mode in his soul.

It's like having two operating systems installed on one computer at the same time.

It can run Windows, Apple system, or both at the same time.

He used his other thinking core to think, and many of the martial arts problems that had troubled him in the past were instantly solved.

It seems that this core of thinking is Zhang Sanfeng's understanding, which is the pinnacle of system rewards.

This kind of reward made Xu Chenzhou very satisfied.

Xu Chenzhou was a little hesitant at first when he saw that the chat group was rewarding Zhang Sanfeng, who was at the top of his game, for his understanding.

Because in his view, a person's understanding includes many aspects, knowledge, vision, mind, spirit, and way of thinking.

The sum of these spiritual aspects of each person constitutes a person's understanding.

If he simply integrated the peak Zhang Sanfeng's understanding into his thinking, would he really still be the original Xu Chenzhou after gaining this understanding?

Not to mention that there will probably be a lot of talent-based rewards in future growth tasks.

If it was physical talent, Xu Chenzhou would definitely accept it happily.

If it was this kind of thinking talent again, it would be a bit scary.

Once or twice may not matter, but what about after more?

You must know that almost all the members in the chat group are the proud ones of heaven, and everyone's mind and spirit are the best among men.

If such people are integrated too much, even Xu Chenzhou will find it difficult to maintain his own consciousness and remain his original self.

Now in this way, Xu Chenzhou can not only fully use Zhang Sanfeng's understanding.

Moreover, he can also absorb nutrients from Zhang Sanfeng's thinking model, feed back his own thinking, and improve his own understanding.

When he has enough thinking cores in the future, he can also absorb nutrients from them. Various thinking cores collide with each other, intercept all methods, and achieve true unity.

Isn't this kind of improvement a hundred times better than the system's random integration of thinking and improvement of understanding?

Then, Xu Chenzhou looked at the last reward, Qixuan Jiuyao's True Spiritual Energy Skill.

As the introduction of this reward slowly appeared in Xu Chenzhou's mind, a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

When I feel like dozing off, I immediately grab a pillow. The chat group is so considerate.

In the introduction to the chat group, the Qixuan Jiuyao True Spiritual Yuan Technique comes from a world where incense becomes a god.

In the other world, all the spirits in the world rely on incense to cultivate, build golden bodies, build temples, spread faith, and become immortals after nine calamities. They become emperors after ten thousand calamities.

This Seven Mysterious Nine Lights Refining True Spirit Yuan Art is not a powerful technique in that world, but only one of the three thousand left paths in that world.

It records the method of using incense to worship and train statues, which can worship and train 108 statue puppets with different functions.

Among them, there are only three statues with combat capabilities, one is the powerful Zhenyu Zhenlong statue that can shake the world, one is the Thousand-Handed Bodhisattva statue with magical powers, and the other is the Sudden Rain Sword Immortal statue that is proficient in swordsmanship.

In addition to the three combat statue puppets, there are also many functional statue puppets recorded above.

For example, there is a treasure-hunting demon rat statue, which can worship and train a treasure-hunting demon rat puppet. This treasure-hunting demon rat can smell the most valuable treasures within a certain range.

There is also a kind of alchemy boy statue, which can be used to commemorate an alchemy boy. This alchemy boy is proficient in stone fire, water fire, and air fire. He has an extremely exquisite grasp of the fire temperature and is the best assistant in alchemy.

The most important thing is that the Qixuan Jiuyao Refining True Spirit Yuanshu has a secret technique of collecting incense.

You only need to make the embryo of the statue and then engrave the magic circle, and the statue can absorb the incense.

As long as you don’t activate the sacrificial technique on the Qixuan Jiuyao Refining True Spirit Yuanshu, these unformed statues are the best things to carry incense.

With the method of collecting incense, Xu Chenzhou will not be polite to Shaolin Temple.

The speed of absorbing incense by the newly trained statue is very average.

And the carrying capacity also has an upper limit.

Xu Chenzhou calculated that if he wanted to catch all the incense of Shaolin Temple, at least 800 statues would be needed.

Making this most common statue is actually very simple, and there are no requirements for the raw materials. It only needs to be good wood, without defects and without termites.

Shaolin Temple is located in the mountains and forests, surrounded by shady trees, and suitable raw materials are everywhere.

What are you waiting for? Just do it!

Xu Chenzhou was full of energy and started the dual core directly, and comprehended the Seven Mysterious Nine Lights Refining True Spirit Yuan Technique together.

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