All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 37 No way, no way, no one would come to the Song Dynasty to travel and not go to the brothel

After practicing to the night wandering realm, Xu Chenzhou's soul left his body and traveled thousands of miles in the night to appear in Shaolin Temple.

In Shaolin Temple, Xu Chenzhou saw the incense Buddha belonging to Shaolin Temple.

The incense Buddha, which was originally majestically sitting in the air, had become a little ethereal around its body at this time, and strands of incense power floated from the Buddha to the incense gathering spirit formation arranged by Xu Chenzhou.

Seeing this scene, Xu Chenzhou frowned slightly.

The foundation of Shaolin Temple is too profound. A gathering spirit formation plus more than 300 statues have been absorbing day and night for two days, and they are still so strong.

Looking at the appearance of this statue, it is probably difficult to empty the family of Shaolin Temple in less than ten days and half a month.

The speed at which the gathering spirit formation absorbs the incense power is not as expected, not because its absorption speed has reached the upper limit, but because the incense Buddha of Shaolin Temple is too strong.

This incense Buddha was created by the longing of the faithful men and women for Shaolin Temple for thousands of years.

Thousands of years of prayers, the prayers of tens of millions of people, made this incense Buddha's golden body flawless, like a piece of forged steel, extremely solid.

Fortunately, none of the monks in Shaolin Temple knew how to use incense, otherwise, as long as there was a monk who could communicate with this incense Buddha, it would be hundreds of times more difficult for Xu Chenzhou to absorb the incense power of this Buddha than it is now.

However, this did not bother Xu Chenzhou, because an ownerless object is fake even if it is solid.

Xu Chenzhou's eyes swept, and Zhang Sanfeng's thinking core turned at full speed, carefully analyzing the structure of this incense Buddha's body.

Three dead points, eighteen cracks, and seventy-two structural weaknesses.

The Buddha, who originally looked like a golden body without leaks, was exposed with the help of another thinking core.

The incense Buddha, which looked extremely solid on the outside, had many holes inside after the incense overflowed in the past two days.

Just start from these deadly cracks and expand its wounds, and the Incense Buddha will no longer be able to maintain its indestructible golden body.

As Xu Chenzhou thought about it, his soul came to the deadly spot of the Incense Buddha he had calculated.

"Star Domain Alliance Basic Body Building Exercise, start!"

Xu Chenzhou pressed his palms on the Buddha, and an endless stream of incense power flowed from the Buddha into Xu Chenzhou's body.

Incense is poisonous, and the whispers of millions of people sounded in Xu Chenzhou's mind.

"Buddha bless me, I must pass the exam this year! I will bring honor to my family and stand out!"

"Buddha bless me, the weather will be good, and my family's ten acres of land must have a good harvest, otherwise my whole family will starve to death this year!"

"Buddha bless me, Bodhisattva bless me, I don't want to die yet, I'm still very young! I'm only eighty years old! I haven't lived enough! I ask the Buddha to give me ten more years of life."

These whispers were just blocked by a big Buddha deep in Xu Chenzhou's soul.

This Buddha seemed to be sitting in the past, motionless. The desperate pleas of thousands of believers were like a breeze to the Buddha.

This was the effect of the Amitabha Sutra in the past.

At the same time, the basic body-building exercise of the Star Alliance was also running non-stop. These poisonous incense powers turned into pure and flawless incense power after two turns in Xu Chenzhou's body.

These incense powers poured into Xu Chenzhou's soul, which was more nourishing than the most nourishing tonic. Xu Chenzhou could feel that his soul was expanding like a balloon.

This rapid improvement made people feel euphoric. If someone with a weak will came, he would probably be addicted to it.

Fortunately, Xu Chenzhou did not forget the main business. It was really cool to absorb the power of incense to cultivate the soul, but to put it bluntly, these incense powers still belonged to Shaolin Temple. The most important thing was to pack these incense powers and take them home.

At that time, he could practice whatever he wanted. Wouldn't it be more enjoyable without any taboos?

Xu Chenzhou did not let go of any of the three deadly points, eighteen cracks, and seventy-two weak structures. He desperately absorbed the power of incense in these places.

With Xu Chenzhou's unremitting efforts, the cracks on the incense Buddha became more and more.

Finally, just when Xu Chenzhou's soul realm reached the late stage of driving things and was almost about to reach the realm of manifestation, the incense Buddha made a wail.

With a bang, it broke into pieces of Buddha statue fragments.

On these fragments, the power of incense spread at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the absorption speed of the incense gathering array arranged by Xu Chenzhou also increased by more than a hundred times.

Abbot Tianming of Shaolin Temple was meditating in the main hall at this time.

Suddenly, he felt a wail coming from the void. This wail was like a complaint, gentle and desolate, as if thousands of people were wailing at the same time.

For no reason, Abbot Tianming felt that he had lost something extremely important, so that his heart felt empty and had nowhere to go.

Not only Abbot Tianming, but all the monks in the Shaolin Temple were affected. Even the Shaolin monks in their sleep couldn't help but show a painful expression on their mouths.

According to the principle of smile conservation, smiles will not disappear but will only move.

At the moment when the Shaolin monks showed a sad expression, Xu Chenzhou's mouth kept rising.

According to the current speed of incense spreading, it only takes one day to catch all the incense in Shaolin Temple.

The chat group gave Xu Chenzhou a total of seven days, and now he can save two days to go down the mountain.

His current Taoist practice has reached the peak realm of driving objects, and with the help of the Thunder Suspense Sword, he can completely fly with the sword.

Not only that, he also has more than 300 incense statues on hand, which can replenish the power of incense and allow him to fly without any worries and travel at a very fast speed.

Two days are enough to travel to the places he wants to go.

To be honest, Xu Chenzhou is still quite interested in the world of Yitian.

As a modern person, who can refuse to travel to ancient times!

This is really too novel!

What's more, the Song Dynasty was very useless in fighting, but when it comes to enjoyment, there is almost no dynasty in ancient China that can surpass it.

Especially the most prosperous Jiangnan area, which is simply extravagant and brings together all the enjoyment in the world.

This must be seen.

Drink fine wine, eat delicious food, and visit beautiful scenery.

At night, you can also appreciate the unique customs and customs of the Song Dynasty.

The word "Gou Lan" first appeared in the Song Dynasty.

Xu Chenzhou felt that if he didn't observe and study carefully, study ancient Chinese culture, and do academic research, he would be ashamed of his history score of 90 points in the college entrance examination.

Of course, Xu Chenzhou's main purpose of traveling to Jiangnan was definitely to taste the ancient delicacies, not to listen to music in the brothels.

Absolutely not!

Seven days passed quickly, and this trip to the Yitian world was a great harvest. Xu Chenzhou said he was very satisfied with the Yitian world.

The food in Jiangnan is simply unique. Although there are not as many seasonings as in modern times, sometimes the most high-end ingredients only need to be cooked in the simplest way.

Seasonings are just icing on the cake. A real chef can make amazing food with just the knife skills and the original flavor of the ingredients.

Of course, what made Xu Chenzhou even more satisfied was that the legendary brothel listening to music was indeed extraordinary.

When the system opens the world shuttle service in the future, Xu Chenzhou decides to travel to the Yitian world every year to relax.

Just when Xu Chenzhou returned to the main world, a chat group reminder came from his side.

"Congratulations to the group owner for completing the first cub growth task. The chat group is upgraded and two group members are available."

Because I didn't think it through before, I added two Japanese comic characters. Now one has been deleted, and the author promised that there will be no more Japanese comics, American comics, and other foreign works in the future.

The remaining Misaka Mikoto cannot be deleted because of readers. If you guys can't accept this, I'd like to say sorry. I'm really sorry.

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