All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 43 Upload Data

When Misaka Mikoto saw the box appear, her heart began to waver.

In fact, Misaka Mikoto was already used to the sudden appearance of such a box.

Her roommate, Shirai Kuroko, was a level 4 space ability user, and it was easy for her to do this.

But space ability users were quite rare in Academy City.

Could it be that someone would really use a level 5 psychic and a level 4 space ability user to play a prank?

Just think about it and you will know it is impossible.

This made Misaka Mikoto gradually believe that the chat group was real.

Xu Chenzhou sent five more pieces of information to the group chat.

These five pieces of information were named after the five new members, and they contained the stories of the five people in Xu Chenzhou's memory.

After practicing the Amitabha Sutra to the realm of driving objects, Xu Chenzhou's thinking speed and memory increased significantly, and he remembered more details.

So these five pieces of information were much more detailed than those provided to Hong Yi and others at the beginning.

Xu Chenzhou also explained to the four new members why he knew the future of the five of them.

The reason why there are four new members is because Xiao Yangchan is still offline.

If he didn't know that Xiao Yangchan is the future San Sheng Mu, and his brother is the future Erlang Shen Yang Jian, otherwise Xu Chenzhou would have thought that Xiao Yangchan had died.

Xu Chenzhou has not read the original text of Dragon Clan.

The reason why he knows Lu Mingfei so well is because the fan fiction of Dragon Clan is so popular.

However, this problem is not a big deal. After reading so many fan fictions, Xu Chenzhou is quite familiar with the world of Dragon Clan, and he can remember the more critical plots and characters.

Besides, Lu Mingfei in the group chat is not Lu Mingfei in the traditional sense. He is Lu Mingfei who has returned from Monster Hunter World.

After all, fate has changed a long time ago, and it is not important for him to know the original plot.

The world line has long been deflected, and it is enough to know a general idea.

As for Misaka Mikoto, Xu Chenzhou is still relatively familiar with it, but it is a pity that his understanding of Misaka Mikoto basically comes from the animation.

In fact, this animation only filmed a small part of the original novel, and a large part was not filmed.

Xu Chenzhou didn't know much about that part. After all, Xu Chenzhou hadn't read it either, but occasionally saw some fragmentary information in other places.

Yang Chan was also quite special.

After all, Yang Chan came from the prehistoric world.

Although it was unknown which prehistoric world it came from, no matter which prehistoric world it was from, there would definitely be a local specialty, that is, the saint.

The only one in the heavens, omniscient and omnipotent,

The prehistoric saint was a very terrifying existence, and above them there was an even more terrifying existence named Hongjun.

As long as it wasn't a strange prehistoric world like the Grenade Daozu, basically speaking, the saints were all unreasonable existences. Some secrets he told Yang Chan now might be deduced by the saints in the next second.

So Xu Chenzhou also screened some information about the prehistoric world and provided information that he thought was not a big problem.

In a world like the prehistoric world, sometimes knowing less is a good thing.

Xu Chenzhou was also very clear about Shi Hao's story. Perfect World and Holy Ruins were both classics, and Xu Chenzhou had read them all.

With the blessing of the Amitabha Sutra in the past, Xu Chenzhou could recall the general plot.

But in order to give little Shi Hao a happy childhood, Xu Chenzhou decided to temporarily hide part of Shi Hao's information.

Some futures are too bitter, and just thinking about them makes me feel endless pressure.

However, Xu Chenzhou did not hide it completely. He told Shi Hao where his parents and grandfather went, and how he lost the Supreme Bone.

There is also the origin of the Willow God, the various opportunities in the Great Wilderness, the cultivation realm of the Perfect World, the Blood Moving, the Cave Heaven, etc., until the final sacrifice.

Knowing the complete cultivation system in advance and looking down from a high place will definitely help Shi Hao's future cultivation.

Telling Shi Hao these is the result of Xu Chenzhou's careful consideration.

In fact, let alone how Shi Hao lost the Supreme Bone, Xu Chenzhou didn't even want to say the whereabouts of Shi Ziling and his wife.

To be honest, the parents of little Shitou are quite incompetent.

First of all, Shi Hao was dug out of the Supreme Bone because the couple entrusted the wrong person.

Then after this incident, Shi Hao was left alone in Shi Village, and the two of them went to the upper world to ask for the holy medicine at Bulao Mountain.

This operation is quite confusing.

At least let Shi Ziling stay to take care of Shi Hao.

With the strength of Bulao Mountain, if they want to harm them, what difference does it make whether Qin Mengyi goes alone or with the couple?

Either take little Shi Hao with you, and the family will live and die together.

Or leave one person to take care of Shi Hao.

What happened last time when Shi Hao was handed over to someone else to take care of, don’t you have any idea at all!

Fortunately, the people in Shi Village are very simple and take good care of little Shi Hao!

Then the operation of the couple after going to the upper world was also outrageous. First, they were deceived by Bulao Mountain to give Shi Hao a younger brother, and then they were trapped for more than ten years.

The newborn child was not educated well. In order to take care of the child’s self-esteem, they didn’t tell the child that he had a brother, so that he was brainwashed by Bulao Mountain and made him fight Shi Hao.

In the end, Shi Hao was hit by the Immortal Curse and needed to take Qin Hao’s immortal bone to save his life.

As a result, Qin Mengyi couldn't bear to leave Qin Hao at the last moment, and missed the best time for treatment due to hesitation.

Let's not discuss whether to love or not, it's meaningless.

Although Xu Chenzhou felt that Shi Ziling and his wife still had feelings for Shi Hao.

But judging from the results, all the efforts of the couple were basically pitting Shi Hao, and they didn't play even a positive role!

If possible, Xu Chenzhou would rather Shi Hao never know the whereabouts of the couple, and never meet them.

In this way, Xiao Shitou would not see that his parents, who he missed so much, gave him a younger brother, and the family lived in great happiness.

Nor would he dig out his supreme bone again before he died to fulfill his brother.

But this is impossible.

Xiao Shihao lived a very happy life in Shi Village, but there was only one thing that was always in Shihao's heart.

Where did his parents go!

For Shihao, it was actually a very happy thing to know that his parents and grandfather were still alive and loved him.

Since we are talking about the whereabouts of Shi Hao's parents and grandfather, the supreme bone is naturally an unavoidable link.

Xu Chenzhou was not worried at all about telling Shi Hao about the Supreme Bone.

When Liu Shen told Shi Hao about the past when he was six years old, Shi Hao once said, isn't it just a piece of bone? The Supreme is not a seal, nor can it be determined by a piece of bone.

Although Shi Hao is a few years younger now than he was then, Xu Chenzhou believes that Shi Hao is Shi Hao, and has never taken the Supreme Bone too seriously.

What he cares about most is always the people around him. Knowing that the Supreme Bone can be reborn will only make Shi Hao work harder to practice!

"Misaka Mikoto", "Lu Mingfei", "Shi Hao", "Yang Chan".

After Xu Chenzhou sent out the information, the chat group fell into silence.

Everyone concentrated on studying the information sent by Xu Chenzhou.

Even Hong Yi, Han Li, and Zhang Junbao looked at it very seriously.

Although these materials are a bit scattered, the amount of information contained in them is so large that people can't help but feel excited.

Hong Yi (Daqian Scholar): "Have you noticed? I feel like all the members in the group chat seem to have experienced some bitterness and hatred."

Zhang Junbao (Jianghu Sanren): "Yeah, let's not talk about the three of us. Ming Fei has to sacrifice his life every time he kills a dragon. According to the information provided by the group owner, Ming Fei killed three dragons, and three-quarters of his lives were not his own."

"Misaka was cloned into countless Misaka sisters, and these Misaka sisters were used by unscrupulous organizations for some inhumane experiments."

"Yang Chan's mother was suppressed by the Emperor of Heaven under Taoshan, and is now being hunted down by people sent by her uncle. It is not known when she will be online."

"Little Shihao is even more miserable. His supreme bones were dug out, and now he is separated from his parents and grandfather."

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