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Chapter 52 Flame Demon God Bone

Then Xu Chenzhou placed the fiery red feather between his eyebrows.

It was amazing that the feather seemed to be glued to Xu Chenzhou's forehead.

Xu Chenzhou closed his eyes and felt the energy surging in his body and the environment around him.

The steps to condense the first-level Burning Flame Battle Body were constantly deduced in his mind. His brain seemed to be divided into two areas. At the same time, he used his own consciousness and the consciousness of Zhang Sanfeng at the peak to check for deficiencies and make up for them, striving to be foolproof.

The path of extraordinary warriors in the Star Domain Alliance world is the path with the lowest requirements for practitioners among the ten extraordinary paths.

Practitioners do not need any special talents, they only need to constantly temper their bodies to become warriors.

However, even if the body is tempered to the peak, the mortal body is still the mortal body, and it cannot open the treasures hidden in the flesh like in some worlds and obtain all kinds of incredible powers.

The body of an ordinary warrior in the Star Domain world is similar to that of Xu Chenzhou's earthlings in his previous life.

The body of an ordinary person has its limits.

If you want to break through the extraordinary by your own hard training, sorry, you can't do it at all, your body doesn't have such function.

Just like an old car, even if you drive it on the road every day and drive 100,000 kilometers.

It is impossible to become a Transformer because of hard training.

Instead, it will be scrapped due to overuse.

Mortals are mortals. Even if you temper your body to the limit, you are still a mortal. If you want to take this step from mortal to extraordinary, you need external intervention.

Simply put, it means relying on the power of the outside world and starting from today, you will not be a human.

With the intervention of external energy, the practitioner can condense extraordinary organs in the body and embark on the road of condensing the battle body.

For example, Xu Chenzhou is now trying to condense the first-level burning flame battle body, which requires the help of three external objects.

They are the underground marrow fluid that provides the flame energy in the body, the tail of the Phoenix Bird that increases the affinity of the fire element, and the Thousand Forging Glass Stone that increases the concentration of the surrounding fire energy.

The first-level Flame Demon Battle Body needs to guide the energy in the body to shape the spine into the Flame Demon God Bone.

The spine is the dragon of the human body, and most of the human force cannot be separated from the spine.

Once the spine is transformed into the Flame Demon God Bone, then in the subsequent practice, whether it is dynamic or static, the Flame Demon God Bone will subtly change the practitioner's physique.

Slowly transform the reformer's physique into the Flame Demon Battle Body.

The steps of condensing the Flame Demon God Bone have long been familiar to Xu Chenzhou through thousands of deductions.

Feeling the energy released by the underground marrow fluid in his body continue to rise, Xu Chenzhou no longer waited and began to perform the Burning Flame Demon Fist one move at a time.

The Burning Flame Demon Fist is the key to condensing the Flame Demon God Bone.

Every move of this martial arts has been carefully designed.

Every time this set of boxing is practiced, it will subtly affect the spine dragon in the human body, making it more suitable for being transformed into the Flame Demon God Bone!

Practicing this boxing during a breakthrough can guide the energy in the practitioner's body to the spine dragon, and guide the energy to initially complete the transformation of the spine.

As his fists continued to be exerted, the energy in his body was gradually directed to Xu Chenzhou's spine.

Xu Chenzhou could feel his spine getting hotter and hotter.

The tail of the Phoenix Bird had already embedded in Xu Chenzhou's brow.

The fire element affinity provided by the tail of the Phoenix Bird gave Xu Chenzhou the power to control the fire energy.

He began to transform his spine according to the structural blueprint that he had memorized long ago.

The underground marrow fluid is not a natural material, but a precious medicine made by the master of alchemy to extract the essence of the earth's core magma, plus various precious medicinal materials.

The various medicinal powers in it began to take effect, some softened Xu Chenzhou's coccyx, some stabilized his muscle structure, and some reduced his pain.

Under the influence of the burning fire energy, Xu Chenzhou's coccyx was constantly reshaped with his will.

Under the perception of Xu Chenzhou's powerful mental power, he could feel that his spine turned into a very bright red, and in each section of the spine, there was a red magma-like liquid flowing.

He knew that his Flame Demon God Bone had been cast, but Xu Chenzhou did not stop. He continued to perform the Burning Flame Demon Fist.

As his God Bone was formed, the power of the Burning Flame Demon Fist increased greatly, and it was no longer like a common martial art.

As Xu Chenzhou continued to practice, his Flame Demon God Bone kept absorbing the fire energy in the air. These energies gradually settled in Xu Chenzhou's spine. In each section of the spine, the bright red Flame Demon True Essence like magma was constantly generated.

Countless fiery red fists emanated from Xu Chenzhou's body, hitting the walls of the training room, igniting countless sparks.

Fortunately, this training room was built by Xu's father. It used many precious materials and was extremely heat-resistant. It could withstand the full-strength attack of a third-level warrior, otherwise this training room would have been destroyed long ago.

While performing the Burning Flame Demon Fist, Xu Chenzhou felt the state of the Flame Demon God Bone in his body.

Something was wrong here. It felt that the shape of this section of the spine was a bit strange and would affect the power.

This is not the case either. The two spine sections are too far apart. When performing the Fire Raising Technique, there will be a one-millisecond gap, and it is impossible to breathe.

The amount of true essence stored, the operating speed, the output power, the speed of absorbing energy, as Xu Chenzhou continued to modify it, the performance of the Flame Demon God Bone became stronger and stronger.

Xu Chenzhou slowly felt it, the dual cores in his mind kept turning, and the structure of the Flame Demon God Bone was adjusted to perfection step by step.

In fact, ordinary practitioners who want to break through to the first-level warrior don’t need to be so troublesome.

The martial arts society has developed to this day and many convenient tools have been born.

Ordinary warriors use the battle body shaping cabin to shape their combat bodies.

After the warrior has tempered his body to the peak, he only needs to put the materials into the battle body shaping cabin and then lie in it. The battle body shaping cabin will transform the human body according to the blueprint input in advance.

The battle body shaping cabin also has a probability of failure, but basically people with six levels can rely on the battle body shaping cabin to break through to the first-level warrior.

Even the 40% who fail can save their lives under the protection of the battle body shaping cabin.

Moreover, there is one of these things in Xu Chenzhou’s training room. He wants to use this method to break through, which is extremely convenient.

However, there is a disadvantage of using the battle body shaping cabin to become a warrior, that is, the generated extraordinary organs will be exactly the same as the blueprint, and there is no room for adjustment.

And because it was not a supernatural organ forged by himself, there would be some gap between the two, and it would take a long time to slowly get used to each other.

Xu Chenzhou's way of shaping a combat body was called the practice method of ancient warriors.

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