All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 54 Group chat upgrade and group mall opening

With the secret medicine as a backup, even if he fails, he can remove the Flame Demon God Bone and grow a new spine. It's nothing more than a waste of time and materials.

It only takes a few days for him to adjust his body to the peak state again and try to break through again.

Xu Chenzhou can fully bear this loss.

In Xu Chenzhou's view, the combat body training system of this world is too versatile.

The way for extraordinary warriors in the Star Domain World to become stronger is to temper the combat body and cultivate extraordinary organs.

Being able to freely transform the whole body and cultivate various extraordinary organs, this kind of training method is like a universal extraordinary platform in Xu Chenzhou's view.

All kinds of magical skills and secret training systems can be undertaken by this extraordinary platform.

For example, Shi Hao's Supreme Bone.

If Xu Chenzhou can understand the runes on the Supreme Bone, he can imitate the process of the combat body condensing extraordinary organs and condense the Supreme Bone in his body.

Of course, Xu Chenzhou does not want to merge these training systems to create a new training system. Now he has just started and he does not have such a great ability.

His approach is more like taking the combat body training system as the foundation, and then integrating the training methods of the heavens and the worlds to create the strongest combat body.

For example, the blood-moving realm can refine the divine light in the blood and make a person's strength reach 100,000 kilograms.

This realm is useful for Xu Chenzhou, and the extraordinary organs created by the combat body naturally include blood.

After he has cultivated this realm, he can use these refined blood to condense extraordinary organs that belong to it.

As for the three realms of the cave and the spirit in the perfect method, they are not very useful to him in Xu Chenzhou's deduction.

Then these two realms can be skipped completely.

But it is different when it comes to the inscription array realm.

The whole body of the fifth-level warrior is replaced with extraordinary organs.

The training of the fifth-level warrior is mainly to engrave various runes in the body, and use these martial arts runes as a bridge to connect the extraordinary organs in various parts of the body.

When these divine organs are connected as one, they can be cultivated into the true body of the gods and demons and become gods and demons.

This kind of practice is very similar to the practice of the perfect inscription array realm.

In the inscription realm, symbols are engraved in the body. When it comes to the array realm, various killing arrays can even be engraved in the body.

There are many nutrients worth absorbing for Xu Chenzhou.

For example, by using the cultivation method of the array realm to replace the martial arts runes that connect the body with killing arrays, the power of the condensed divine body at that time cannot be compared with the divine body of the original martial arts rune version.

As for skipping the cave heaven transformation realm, the foundation is unstable, or the pre-requirements of the inscription realm cannot be met.

The second, third and fourth level warriors of the combat body cultivation system did not break through in vain.

Moreover, Xu Chenzhou did not practice the inscription array realm in full, but only absorbed the cultivation knowledge of these two realms to complete the cultivation of the fifth level warrior.

The cultivation system of the Yangshen world is the same.

Xu Chenzhou can also skip the stage before the martial saint in the Yangshen world.

After condensing the combat body to become a first-level warrior, the flame demon god bone in his body will naturally continue to temper his body, helping him to complete the process of training skin, bones, and marrow.

The warriors in the Yangshen world are all small Karami before the human immortal realm.

Even if it is the martial saint realm, Xu Chenzhou is now confident that he can kill it directly with some modern weapons.

However, after the martial saint cultivates to the human immortal realm, he will be reborn instantly.

Especially when cultivating to the later realms, rebirth with a drop of blood, ever-changing, and breaking the void are all incredible abilities.

The fifth-level warriors cultivated in this way have integrated the essence of various cultivation systems and are a little bit stronger than ordinary fifth-level warriors in the star domain world.

Of course, the prerequisite for cultivating in this way is that you must have a peerless understanding and have the cultivation system of the heavens and the world as a resource.

At the moment when Xu Chenzhou completed the cultivation, the chat group issued a prompt.

Congratulations to group member Xu Chenzhou for completing the achievement of self-created exercises and rewarding 1500 group points.

The group chat has met the upgrade conditions, the chat group has been upgraded, the group mall has been opened and several new functions have been added, and all group members can explore on their own.

Self-created exercises?

Xu Chenzhou shook his head. What he did was not really his own creation.

At most, it was an improvement on the Burning Flame Demon Fist.

However, since the chat group took this opportunity to upgrade and open the group mall, it was naturally a good thing.

Xu Chenzhou opened the group mall and checked the products in the group mall.

The interface of the group mall was extremely simple and looked extremely plain. There were only three products on the mall interface.

Time acceleration: Group members can purchase the time acceleration function and enter the group practice room to practice. The time acceleration ratio is 1:10 (100 points/10 days)

Xu Chenzhou's eyes lit up when he saw this function. This function is still quite practical and is a priceless treasure for many time-pressed group members.

It's just that the price is a little expensive. 100 points can only accelerate one day.

Currently, there are two ways to get points in the chat group.

One is to complete group achievements, and the other is to rely on daily sign-in.

According to Xu Chenzhou's statistics, the average points obtained by daily sign-in are about 30 points a day.

That is to say, you need to sign in for three days to get one day of acceleration.

If all the points gained from signing in are invested in time acceleration, then group members can have three more months of time to practice every month than ordinary people.

Xu Chenzhou looked at the next product.

Time imprint: can only be used in the group chat practice room, can leave a time imprint of group members in the chat group, and can be rolled back within the specified time. (100 points/30 minutes)

Xu Chenzhou carefully checked the introduction of this product.

As the name suggests, the time imprint can back up the status of group members in the group chat, and group members can roll back within the specified time.

It should be noted that this function is only for group members themselves, and there is no time reversal effect.

The cultivation resources consumed in this rollback process will disappear directly if rolled back.

This function is exactly what Xu Chenzhou wants, and it can be said to be a function tailor-made for him.

If he had this function before the breakthrough just now, he would have spent 100 points to leave a time imprint directly, and he would not have to take any risks.

If the practice fails, just roll back directly.

This function is simply a blessing for those who want to create a practice method!

Then there is the third product: Cleansing Potion: Using Cleansing Potion can reshape the foundation and let the user's body go back to the time before cultivation. (10,000 points/bottle)

The price is a little expensive, but to be honest, it is worth it!

When it really comes to the time when you need to clean up, it must be when the road of cultivation has become a big problem and you have reached the end of your rope.

At this time, a mere 10,000 group points can give you a chance to start over, which is really worth it!

Xu Chenzhou vaguely felt that the reason why the chat group provided these three products in the group chat was to allow group members to find their own way.

After all, with the skills of the heavens and the worlds as a resource, if you still practice step by step as before, it would be a bit of a waste.

The process of cultivation has time acceleration, and the path of exploration has time imprint.

Even if you really go the wrong way and become a useless person, don't worry.

Resurrection, my group friends!

Cleaning Potion, start!

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