All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 7 Your master is a good man, but Shaolin is not

After listening to the stories of Hong Yi and Han Li, Zhang Junbao shivered a little.

Hong Yi's life experience was so tortuous. His mother was killed by his father, and his father had been trying to kill Hong Yi since then.

Let alone Han Li, his master took him in just to take over his body.

The experiences of the two group members were so miserable, could it be that he was similar.

Zhang Junbao (Shaolin disciple): "After listening to the stories of Brother Hong and Brother Han.

I am a little scared now. Could it be that my master is also a big devil?

But Master Jueyuan is so good to me, it is absolutely impossible."

Xu Chenzhou smiled, young man, you are still too naive.

Master Jueyuan is of course a good person.

But the monks in Shaolin Temple are hard to say.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Don't worry about this, Master Jueyuan is of course a good person.

There is no doubt about this.

But, your next experience is not simple."

Hearing this, Zhang Junbao first breathed a sigh of relief, and then a chill rose.

What do you mean his experience is not simple?

This sentence made him feel uneasy.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "You should have got the Iron Arhat that Miss Guo gave you now!

Isn't this Iron Arhat very interesting? He can also practice martial arts."

Zhang Junbao nodded.

Then he posted a video of the Iron Arhat in the group chat.

The people in the group chat are all smart. In a short period of time, they have almost figured out the functions of the group chat.

The pair of Iron Arhats that Guo Xiang gave to Zhang Junbao were kept by him.

When he returned to the yard tonight, Zhang Junbao was already attracted by the wonder of the Iron Arhat.

It's just that the chat group that appeared in his mind was more mysterious, so he put the Iron Arhat aside.

At this time in the video, the two Iron Arhats kept fighting each other, and each move was fair and peaceful.

It was the basic boxing of Shaolin, the Shaolin Arhat Fist.

Seeing this video, Xu Chenzhou didn't keep it a secret.

"Junbao, you should have received the news.

Ten days later, He Zudao, one of the Three Saints of Kunlun, will attack Shaolin.

This will be the first major change you will face in your life.

He Zudao, one of the Three Saints of Kunlun, is a martial arts master with great skills in sword, chess and calligraphy.

No one in the entire Shaolin can be his opponent.

Ten days later, when Shaolin is in danger, you and your disciples will take action.

Master Jueyuan shocked He Zudao with his profound Nine Yang Qi.

He Zudao mistakenly thought that Master Jueyuan was a martial arts master, so he attacked him."

Zhang Junbao (Shaolin disciple): "What, He Zudao actually attacked my master.

Doesn't he know that my master is a simple monk.

Apart from the Nine Yang Qi, he doesn't know any martial arts."

Xu Chenzhou shook his head: "How could He Zudao know this.

Who can believe that there is a person like Master Jueyuan in the world, who has the world's top Qi but doesn't know martial arts at all."

Zhang Junbao was anxious. Although this incident did not happen, he could already imagine how embarrassed Master Jueyuan would be in such a situation.

Although his master's Qi was deep, Master Jueyuan regarded the Nine Yang Magic Skill as a way to keep healthy.

To put it simply, that is, he can only take a beating and not fight back.

Zhang Junbao (Shaolin disciple): "Master, Master, what happened later? Is my master okay?"

Xu Chenzhou: "Master Jueyuan is fine. Although He Zudao is a master of martial arts, Master Jueyuan's skills are not to be underestimated.

Although there were dangers everywhere, Master Jueyuan finally escaped safely from He Zudao's sword with your help.

But He Zudao also set his sights on you.

He made a ten-move agreement with you. If he can't defeat you within ten moves, he will never set foot in the Central Plains again.

You defeated He Zudao with the Shaolin Luohan Fist you learned from Tie Luohan."

Hearing this, Zhang Junbao breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Junbao (Shaolin disciple): "That's good, that's good! This way the matter is resolved perfectly.

Group leader, you are really something, why do you scare me for no reason.

You said my experience was not simple, I thought I would experience some twists and turns like Brother Hong and the others.

By the way, I helped Shaolin solve such a big problem, I don't know what kind of reward the abbot will give me.

I used Shaolin Luohan Fist to repel He Zudao.

If you think about it this way, the abbot will definitely reward me with some superior Shaolin martial arts."

Xu Chenzhou smiled coldly, Zhang Junbao was still too young, and thought Shaolin Temple was too simple.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "This is the problem. You used Shaolin Luohan Fist to defeat He Zudao, which caused a lot of trouble for you and Master Jueyuan."

Hong Yi (Daqian Scholar): "Group leader, is there anything wrong with this?

Jun Bao, as a disciple of Shaolin, defeated the powerful enemy with Shaolin martial arts, which is upright.

No matter from any angle, it is something that should be rewarded."

Han Li also felt very confused.

The group leader just said that Shaolin Luohan Fist is the basic boxing of Shaolin.

It is undoubtedly a very face-saving thing for a disciple to defeat a powerful enemy with the basic boxing of the sect.

No matter which sect it is placed in, it should be greatly rewarded. How can this cause problems?

Han Li (disciple of Qixuan Sect): "Indeed, if Jun Bao did such a thing in my Qixuan Sect.

Using the basic martial arts of Qixuan Sect to repel the powerful enemy of the Wild Wolf Gang.

Then the sect owner will definitely appreciate it, reward it, and entrust it with important responsibilities.

Could it be that some villain saw Jun Bao's martial arts talent as too outstanding and secretly murdered him? "

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): “This kind of behavior would indeed be rewarded in any sect in the world.

But the sect that Jun Bao belongs to happens to be the Shaolin Temple.

Shaolin Luohan Boxing is just a basic martial arts, and it is considered a bad boxing technique in the world.

Any Shaolin lay disciple can learn Shaolin Luohan Quan.

Over the years, Shaolin Luohan Quan has been widely spread, and basically everyone who practices martial arts knows a few tricks.

But because of this boxing technique, the Shaolin Temple killed Jun Bao. "

It turns out that in Shaolin Temple, it is a big taboo for disciples to learn martial arts without a master.

A big event happened in Shaolin Temple that year.

There is a Huo Gong Tutuo in the Shaolin Temple, who has been oppressed by the disciples in the Shaolin Temple all year round.

So he secretly learned Shaolin martial arts, and after completing his studies, he exploded.

This Huo Gong Tutuo killed Master Kuzhi, the first master of Bodhidharma Hall at that time, killed and injured several Shaolin masters and escaped from the Shaolin Temple.

This incident directly caused the Shaolin Temple to split into the Western Region Shaolin lineage, and martial arts declined for decades.

So later, the Shaolin Temple established a temple rule that all disciples who did not have a master would secretly learn the martial arts of the Shaolin Temple.

It ranges from having all the meridians of the body destroyed, having the tendons of the hands and hamstrings cut off and beating him to death, to severe cases being executed directly.

That temple rule has been implemented for decades, and no monk dares to learn martial arts secretly anymore.

Xu Chenzhou paused and continued: "Jun Bao learned Shaolin Luohan Quan but did not have a master. This incident violated this temple rule.

So after Junbao helped the Shaolin Temple to repel the enemy He Zudao.

When he turned around, he was immediately arrested by the Shaolin Temple.

In the blink of an eye, he went from a Shaolin hero to a Shaolin traitor.

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