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Chapter 84: Proud Li Guanzhe

The moment he saw this middle-aged man, Xu Chenzhou recognized his identity.

Xu Chenzhou was too familiar with the appearance of this middle-aged man.

He was Li Youlong, the vice president of the Martial Arts Association, in charge of martial arts affairs. There were a total of 108 martial arts halls in Tiancheng City, all under his jurisdiction.

As the owner of the White Crane Martial Arts Hall, how could Xu Chenzhou not know him?

Xu Chenzhou had long known that Zhou Xuanyi's identity was not simple. It was not until he saw Li Youlong that Xu Chenzhou realized that Zhou Xuanyi's identity might be higher than he thought.

However, Xu Chenzhou did not show any strangeness. No matter what Zhou Xuanyi's identity was, Xu Chenzhou did not care.

He Xu Chenzhou had seen all kinds of scenes.

He talked and laughed with the future Han Daozu in the chat group, and the future Emperor Huang Tian called him the group owner brother.

No matter how powerful Zhou Xuanyi was, could he be more powerful than these two?

The moment Li Youlong saw Xu Chenzhou, he also recognized his identity, the young owner of the White Crane Martial Arts Hall.

After all, there are not many people like Xu Chenzhou who inherit a martial arts school at such a young age in Tiancheng City, so he still has a good impression of him.

Li Youlong saw Xu Chenzhou standing next to Zhou Xuanyi, and the two of them were talking happily, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

But he didn't say much, just quietly came to the front desk registration office and took over Zhou Xuanyi's work.

Then Zhou Xuanyi took Xu Chenzhou to the direction of the actual combat assessment.

Chen Mu and Xiao Baozi had been waiting for Xu Chenzhou at the registration office, and now they also went to the actual combat assessment venue with them.

The venue for the martial arts assessment is larger than a football field and is divided into many areas. Under the leadership of Zhou Xuanyi, the four people finally arrived at the assessment site after many twists and turns.

This is a place dedicated to the actual combat assessment of the star-level martial artists. The size of the martial arts field is equivalent to a basketball court.

In the center of the martial arts field, an examiner with his hands behind his back was waiting for Xu Chenzhou's arrival.

The examiner's name was Chen Huyang. He was sturdy, with a full beard and beard. His eyes were golden in color.

There was a hint of anger on his face, and he looked around like a lion.

Damn it, why hasn't that guy named Xu Chenzhou come yet? He has passed the written test, but he is still dragging his feet.

Come here and let me kill him. Then I can get 8 million from Tianyuan Martial Arts School and a treasure, Jiuyuan Xizhenling Liquid, which is a heavenly material and earthly treasure that helps to break through the third level.

You know, 8 million is equivalent to his salary for ten years.

And if you kill an examiner and find out that he is intentionally hurting someone, you only need to fine him half a year's salary.

The most precious thing is Jiuyuan Xizhenling Liquid. With it, Chen Huyang has a 70% chance of breaking through to the third level.

Seeing that the time is getting longer and longer, Xu Chenzhou still hasn't appeared, and Chen Huyang's heart is getting more and more anxious.

Did this kid get wind and give up the test?

Wouldn't that mean that the cooked duck flew away when it was in my hand, and my eight million and the Nine Yuan Cleansing Spiritual Liquid were gone just like that?

Just then, a sound of footsteps was heard, and the door of the assessment room was pushed open.

Several people filed in, and Chen Mutou was the one walking in front.

Chen Mutou was dressed very formally today, wearing a custom-made robe from Ci'en Temple, with a shining bald head, afraid that others would not recognize him as a disciple of Ci'en Temple.

The moment he saw Chen Mutou, Chen Huyang's face changed, and he was in trouble this time.

There were actually disciples of Ci'en Temple among Xu Chenzhou's relatives and friends. If he was caught when he was going to do something dirty, the consequences would be disastrous.

However, Chen Huyang did not intend to give up, after all, the Nine Yuan Cleansing Spiritual Liquid promised by Tianyuan Martial Arts Hall was really fragrant.

The disciple of Ci'en Temple in front of him looked about seventeen or eighteen years old. With his cultivation as a second-level warrior, he did not believe that he would be caught.

Just when Chen Huyang was secretly thinking about how to make a safe move later, Xu Chenzhou and Zhou Xuanyi walked into the door of the actual combat assessment room, talking and laughing.

The moment he saw Zhou Xuanyi, Chen Huyang's eyes widened, his pupils almost shrank to the size of a needle tip, his face turned pale, cold sweat kept flowing down his cheeks, and he couldn't even control his strength as a second-level warrior, as if he was greatly frightened.

How, how is it possible! This Xu Chenzhou actually has such a good relationship with Mr. Zhou!

Damn it! Tianyuan Martial Arts School, Guanzhe, you are going to kill me.

As a staff member of the Martial Arts Alliance, Chen Huyang certainly knew that although Zhou Xuanyi was only a consultant of the Martial Arts School, his true identity was far more than that. Even the president of the Tiancheng City Martial Arts Alliance Association had to respectfully address Zhou Xuanyi as Mr. Zhou.

Xu Chenzhou had such a close relationship with such a big shot. If he really beat Xu Chenzhou to death, he would probably be caught in the next second and interrogated in the inspection room of the Martial Arts Association. At that time, his second half of life would be ruined, and he would even have to pay Xu Chenzhou's life.

Fortunately, Mr. Zhou came with Xu Chenzhou today, otherwise if he beat Xu Chenzhou to death without knowing it, the consequences would be disastrous.

Thinking of this, Chen Huyang's eyes widened with anger, staring at Li Guanzhe sitting next to him, with a murderous intent in his eyes.

Li Guanzhe was also in the actual combat assessment room.

The actual combat assessment room of the Martial Arts Alliance does not prohibit outsiders from watching. As long as they are relatives of the assessors or martial artists certified by the association, they can enter at will.

At this time, Li Guanzhe was sitting leisurely in the audience seat, shaking the dragon blood bodhi wood fan in his hand back and forth, looking confident.

He didn't care whether Xu Chenzhou came to participate in the assessment today, nor did he care whether Xu Chenzhou died or not. He only wanted the land of Baihe Martial Arts School.

In his opinion, if Xu Chenzhou retreated before the battle and couldn't get the star-level warrior certificate, then he would naturally lose the land of Baihe Martial Arts School.

If Xu Chenzhou came to participate in the actual combat assessment, then the end waiting for him would be to be beaten to death by the examiner who had already bribed him.

If Xu Chenzhou died, only the little sister of the Xu family would be left, and the land of Baihe Martial Arts School would be easily captured.

On Shuilan Star, those powerful martial arts schools are actually large-scale underworld gangs. Once they play dirty tricks, ordinary people without official backgrounds have no way to compete.

To put it bluntly, in a society with extraordinary power, the rights of ordinary people are completely ignored.

Therefore, the chairmen of major companies and large enterprises on Shuilan Star are almost all powerful extraordinary people.

In Li Guanzhe's opinion, although Xu Chenzhou has achieved extraordinary status now, he is only a first-level warrior without the protection of the Martial Arts Alliance and has no ability to protect himself.

Tianyuan Martial Arts Hall can easily send out seven or eight second-level warriors. What can Xu Chenzhou do to fight them?

Xu Chenzhou is dead in the end. He is dead in the end. In Li Guanzhe's opinion, he has already won this game.

Li Guanze showed a smug smile. This feeling of holding the pearl of wisdom made him very excited, and he waved the fan more vigorously.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a chilling murderous intent.

Li Guanzhe turned his head and saw that it was the examiner who was bribed by him a few days ago.

This made Li Guanze look puzzled. Is this guy a lunatic?

When the deal was reached a few days ago, this guy still called him Master Li and was as respectful as a dog.

But now he suddenly changed his attitude and even showed murderous intent towards him. What was going on?

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