All Heavens Immortal Martial Arts

Vol 7 Chapter 79: The mother of the other side of the Qing Dynasty

"My god, save me!" Looking at Pan and Ling Tianyu who were killing him, Emperor Shahua hurriedly called out to the sky for help. He knew that this was his only life.

The mother of the other shore, who has been rooted in the land of origin, finally moved. The seven-colored mandala flower is in full bloom, delicate and beautiful, but it is enough to surpass the horror of this world. The seven-colored light forms a rainbow along the sky. , cover to Shahua the Great.

Everyone stared at the sky, at the flying rainbow light. At this moment, their hearts are dignified and not calm.

Under everyone's attention, just when the seven-color rainbow reached halfway, it suddenly stopped. Immediately, the seven-color rainbow gradually retreated to the other side, dissipating into nothingness, as if it had never appeared.

"How could it be?" Emperor Shahua showed a look of disbelief. He didn't understand why the omnipotent master would stop saving him.

Did she give up on herself? Impossible, if the master gave up on himself, there would never be the previous rainbow.

Eliminating this possibility, there is only one reason, that is, she is powerless to take action at the moment, and she is caught by something.

Is there any existence in the world that can hinder the master's footsteps? !

Who is it?

Frightened and frightened, Emperor Shahua didn't have time to know who was holding the other side's mother, and his life came to an end.

Pan and Ling Tianyu, either one is stronger than him, and when the two join forces, he has no life. What's more, he was seriously injured, and after learning about the mother of the other side, his mood was unstable.

Under various factors, a generation of kings has since died out.

On the other side, He Heng stepped on the pattern of the four sufferings that the four gods made together, and it turned into an invisible light that disappeared under the terrified gazes of the other three gods.

In the unknown space, he stared around, only to see a gorgeous ocean filled with colorful colors, a seven-color mandala in full bloom, and among the stamens, a beautiful girl stared straight at him, her eyes filled with indifference. , exactly the same as in his eyes.

Looking at her, He Heng said slowly, "Mother of the other shore!"

The Mother of the Other Shore was expressionless: "The existence from the great world, say your name."

He Heng said: "Too Shang!"

Mother of the Other Shore: "Okay, I remember it!"

"Then what?"

"You can die! It is your greatest honor to be able to let me remember your name."

"Haha!" He Heng sneered, stared at the girl's face, and said indifferently: "Meeting me is the end of your life."

"I don't want to give in. It's expected, but this won't change the ending." The other side said calmly, and then stretched out a hand, slender and soft, as white as jade. This was the most beautiful thing He Heng had ever seen in his life. A hand, and possibly the most terrifying.

The seven-color rainbow light condensed, and the entire gorgeous sea began to boil, stirring up turbulent waves, which were extraordinarily beautiful.

But especially deadly.

He Heng had already felt that an invisible pressure was really pressing him continuously, as if a person was at the bottom of the sea, he would not be suffocated to death, but squeezed to death by terrifying water pressure.

This sea is obviously not an ordinary sea, its terrifying is unimaginable. But He Heng is not an ordinary person, and his horror is unimaginable.

Suddenly, a mysterious Taiji map rose up, and yin and yang were intertwined, and the great force impacted all directions, forcibly propping up a space that was invincible in the huge sea.

"There are some things you can do, but failure is your destiny today." The Peerless Mother of the Other Shore had an ice-cold face, and ten slender fingers gently tapped the void in front of her.

"Really, I think it's your end!" Not to be outdone, He Heng held his five fingers in front of him, a Tai Chi pattern mediating the void, and at the same time three invisible swords slashed forward, the power of heaven, the universe, and time intertwined, Unmatched.


The two of them fought each other, causing the mysterious ocean to tumble, with colorful turbulence, turbulent waves, and the entire space was shaking.


The Taiji map cracked and the three knives shattered. The seven-color rainbow was too fierce, and its power was far beyond He Heng's full strength. He was forced to take a step back, but the rainbow was finally beaten into nothingness by him, which represented that the Although the mother is powerful, she has not completely surpassed He Heng's realm.

She also realized this, and suddenly said: "I didn't expect that there are still people in this world who can reach my realm, you are not bad, you are the strongest I have ever seen in my two eras of life, no wonder you can enter this world. The sea of ​​origin is fighting against me. It’s just a pity that you have just broken through, and the accumulation is too far behind me.”

"Two epochs?" He Heng didn't care about the other words of the Mother of the Other Shore, a glimmer of light flashed in He Heng's eyes, and he focused on four words.

The mother of the other side nodded and said: "There is nothing to hide, I am a strong man from the previous era of what you call the other side of the world. These two worlds are very similar. It is necessary to reincarnate once, destroy all living beings, and then start all over again. I should have fallen at the end of the previous era, but unexpectedly survived into the new era, so I can control the people at the beginning of the new era, and use their power to restore myself, Also explore that higher realm."

"The horror of the robbery of the It is unimaginable for those who have not experienced it. My cultivation base at the peak of the past is still higher than today, and I have faintly touched that incredible great realm. Transcendence. It has taken so many years now, but it is only close to the peak of the past. You are the best existence I have ever seen in my two eras of life, and you are fully qualified to comprehend the highest realm with me, why bother with me As an enemy? Compared with that realm, everything in the world is empty."

She actually enlightened He Heng and tried to convince him not to be her enemy. This is because the realm shown by He Heng already has the ability to threaten her. Although she has the confidence to defeat him, she does not want to consume too much of her strength. At this moment, she is on the verge of breaking through, and any consumption will delay her own breakthrough.

In this regard, He Heng sneered: "It's surprising that you still have such a past, but it's also reasonable. But you persuaded me, but it was a delusion. That higher realm, I will myself Arriving, you do not need to comprehend together with you. Moreover, you have two epochs, more than 200,000 years of background cannot be broken through, it can be seen that there is no potential for breakthrough, so let’s be honest, I will get all your accumulation. , to reach a stronger field."

"Ignorant junior, you are too arrogant!" The mother of the other shore's face was a little cold.

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