Li Qinxin was able to suddenly kill and rescue Wan'er because Master Jing'an was too sensitive to movement in the woods and asked Li Qinxin to check it out and meet Lin Li and the others.

It's just that Li Qinxin found a group of black clothed persons bullying a little girl. A sense of justice broke out. The Holy Mother's heart was overwhelmed and she ran out to help out.

Now that there is a big trouble with Wan'er, Lin Li thinks that Master Jing'an should know too much, and then decide whether to take Wan'er on the road.

It was only when Lin Li made his point that he was immediately opposed by Hui Xin!

"Wan'er is still so young, you have the heart to leave her alone in the wilderness?"

At this time, Wan'er also made a scared expression very cooperatively!

Li Qinxin's eyes looked at Lin Li also changed.

It seems to be saying why you are so cold-blooded!

Lin Li asked the heavens speechlessly, thinking that Li Qinxin is enough for the sisters, and it depends on the occasion when the heart of Holy Mother is overwhelming!

This little girl named Wan'er is not a good thing at first glance, let alone the corpses of the group of black clothed persons are not cold yet?

Thinking of the black clothed person, Lin Li quickly collected the bodies of all the black clothed persons together, then rummaged through their clothes, looking for clues about their identity!

Lin Li's act of turning over the corpse completely disgusted Li Qinxin and Hui Xin. It shocked Wan'er and worried that Lin Li would find out!

It's just that these black clothed persons are very professional, they don't have anything on them, except for a night gown, they are almost naked, they don't even have a wallet!

Lin Li carefully flipped through the clothes of the black clothed person leader, almost stripping him off!

Li Qinxin couldn't bear it anymore, and accused Lin Li: "Those people are sneaky, but the dead are bigger. How do you pick up their clothes?"

Lin Li lifts the wordlessly Head came and explained: "I'm looking for clues to these black clothed persons, to see if they are from that power?"

Hui Xin said nonchalantly: "Isn't it just a bunch of bandits? Yes. What's easy to check!"

Lin Li really wants to tell Hui Xin and Li Qinxin that you are so innocent, you can easily be sold in the rivers and lakes to pay back the people!

These black clothed persons are well-trained, and they are not ordinary bandits at first glance. Even more how they hide their identity so deeply and wear night clothes during the day. How can bandits do!

It's a pity that Li Qinxin and Hui Xin, two silly girls, believed Wan'er and were deceived by her pure and innocent eyes!

After Lin Li repeatedly confirmed that he could not find the identity of the black clothed person, he dug a hole on the spot and buried them!

That Luo Tianfeng didn’t take away the corpses of sect members and disciple when he left. Lin Li could only bury them, and erected a tombstone to prevent Luo Tianfeng from finding it. .

After everything was done, the sky was completely dark, the forest was pitch black, and the four of them returned to find Master Jing'an.

Li Qinxin told Mrs. Jing'an about Wan'er's affairs.

In her statement, Wan'er is a poor child, the group of black clothed persons is simply heinous, and Luo Tianfeng, as a dartist, is irresponsible.

In short, how miserable Wan'er is! It's like those who hear it are sad and those who see it shed tears!

Finally, Master Jing'an also moved the compass, and promised to let Wan'er go with them all the way to Yan Capital City!

Lin Li tried to speak to Master Jing'an several times, but Hui Xin took the lead. She was afraid that he would talk nonsense and Wan'er could not stay!

Lin Li had no choice but to give up and deal with tonight’s dinner with peace of mind!

That sika deer!

Lin Li is familiar with skinning and bleeding of sika deer, and washing it frequently after finding a source of water, then picking some wild fruits and marinating venison!

Finally, venison was grilled with "Yang Essence True Fire", and soon the aroma spread to Jingan Master and the others!

"It smells so good!" Hui Xin looked at Lin Li's roasting process of venison, and couldn't help but said with emotion: "Didn't expect Junior Brother Lin to have this ability. I can think of using Inner sect cultivation base. Barbecue?"

Li Qinxin looks deeper than Hui Xin.

Lin Li uses the Inner sect True Fire barbecue, let alone the strength of this skill, it is the control power of this hand of True Fire, which is amazing!

『Yang Essence True Fire』extremely firm and fierce, hot and fierce, is one of the most difficult to control "Innate True Qi" in the world.

Didn't expect Lin Li to use it for barbecue.

You should know that this barbecue seems simple, but it requires a lot of firepower. A bigger one will zoom the meat, a smaller one will not be cooked.

Only those who have a very good control over "Yang Essence True Fire" and have a strong sense of ability can control the fire while roasting, and control the firepower according to the raw and cooked meat!

This move, I am afraid that few people in the entire "Saint Heaven Sect" can do it.

Even Master Jingan was amazed at Lin Li's expressions all!

"Lin Li, how did you think of using "Innate True Qi" barbecue?" Master Jing'an asked.

Lin Li laughed and said, "I am used to living alone, and I will take care of myself since I was a child. Later, I discovered that martial arts can do a lot of things besides killing people. I can use it for food, clothing, shelter, and transportation, so I practiced. This ability is difficult to be elegant!"

Hui Xin also said: "I am afraid that few people in the world will be so extravagant. Use "Innate True Qi" to cook!"

Master Jing'an doesn't think Lin Li is a luxury.

Using "Innate True Qi" to cook seems extravagant and boring, but it actually integrates martial arts into life and exercises Inner Strength all the time.

Martial Artist cultivation Inner Strength, usually through meditation, some special martial arts, also through footwork.

But no matter which method, it is impossible to exercise Inner Strength twelve hours a day.

However, Lin Li took a different approach, integrating martial arts into daily life. It may seem simple to cook with fire, but it is actually very good for the tempering of Inner Strength.

As time goes by, no matter what the course is, it is cultivation. Naturally, it takes twice as long as ordinary people’s cultivation.

Master Jing'an now understands a little bit why Lin Li has such a cultivation base at such a young age, far surpassing peers!

When you eat and sleep, people are cultivation. When you cultivation, they are still cultivation. Under the same aptitude, what can you compare with others!

This is completely open!

Just when Master Jing’an was thinking too much, Lin Li had roasted a sika deer, and then used his palm instead of a knife to cut it into equal-sized pieces along the texture of the sika deer!

This hand scared Master Jing'an too much.

Replace a knife with a palm, but it is sharper than a sword. Cutting venison is like slicing venison.

Lin Li did not show any Divine Art stunts, but in front of Master Jing'an and everyone, he performed the best martial arts!

It's just that Li Qinxin looked ignorant, while Hui Xin found it interesting. Only Master Jingan could see the doorway inside.

No, it should be said that there is another person who also sees Lin Li's extraordinary.

That is mysterious Waner!

At this time, Wan'er's eyes are full of brilliance, and her fear of Lin Li is even deeper!

After dividing the venison well, Lin Li will divide it equally among everyone, and Wan'er also has a portion.

When everyone took a bite of venison, they all gave Lin Li a thumbs up and said it was delicious.

Can it not taste good? Before roasting the venison, Lin Li used his palm to break the skeleton muscles, making the venison tender and delicious. Although no seasoning was added, the light taste was attractive enough.

Master Jing'an couldn’t help eating two more bites!

As for the monks’ precepts that they can’t eat meat, they have long been thrown into the topmost clouds!

Away from home, informal, barren mountains and mountains, don’t eat meat, don’t eat grass!

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