Lin Li stayed in the other courtyard of "Saint Heaven Sect" for one night, while Yin Mei returned to the princess mansion.

They agreed to wait for Lin Li to finish the Heaven's Chosen qualifying match, and then disclose his identity. Feng Hong will decreed that Lin Li will be named king directly, and "Saint Heaven Sect" will also arrange a Grandmaster Expert, come out as just and honorable apprentices, and make a show!

As for Heaven's Chosen qualifying, Zhu Danhuang also told Lin Li that this year's Nine Great Sect geniuses will come out in large numbers, including the breakthrough Grade 8 expert before the age of 18.

The last time this phenomenon occurred was 100 years ago, when Great Zhou was not established, and it was Era of the Great Conflict.

Finally, Great Zhou Taizu was born, with the "Nine Dragons Sword" in his hand, he defeated the heroes and united with the nine Great Sects to create a new era!

The situation where sect geniuses emerge in large numbers is very similar to that at the time, but there are also differences!

At that time, the world was full of flames and smoke, and wars continued, and so many heroes were born.

In today's world, all seas are rising and the people are happy, and there is no room for rebellion.

In addition, for 30 years, Feng Hong has been actively easing the relationship with Sect. The Imperial Court and the Nine Great Sect are in harmony with each other, but they still maintain the basic etiquette.

This time Feng Hong’s 70th birthday, the 9th Great Sect sent people to attend his birthday banquet, which gave us a lot of face!

Nine Great Sects are actually not monolithic. Some sects are closer to the Imperial Court, and some are neutral. Only one or two sects are not friendly to the Imperial Court. Among them, "Solitary Sword Tomb" is the most!

The history of this sect is not long, and it is considered a new Sect among the nine Great Sects.

It is precisely because of the shallowest background that the first emperor attacked the Nine Great Sect, and the first one took "Solitary Sword Tomb" as the target, which caused the Sect to lose the most!

Feng Hong later actively eased the relationship with "Solitary Sword Tomb" and lost a lot of things, but it is a pity that hatred is planted and it is not so easy to dissolve.

"Solitary Sword Tomb" sets up Sect with a sword. Sword Art is unique among the nine Great Sects.

This generation "Solitary Sword Tomb" has produced a peerless genius, who had a breakthrough Grade 8 realm when he was less than eighteen years old. It is also known as the sword dao Heaven's Chosen that is rare in a century.

"Solitary Sword Tomb" protects this Heaven's Chosen very strictly. "Saint Heaven Sect" does not even know whether he is a man or a woman, and his name is surnamed He.

But it is foreseeable that in this Heaven's Chosen qualifying, Lin Li's biggest opponent is him!

In order for Lin Li to win more safely, Master Jing'an discussed with Zhu Danhuang and passed on Lin Li's "Saint Heaven Sect" stunt!

Lin Li has the inheritance of Ba Yuantu, but "Turbid Heaven Mirror" is internal strength, and "Strange Gate Transformation" is a secret technique. He still lacks an outer sect martial skill that can exert his strength!

Heaven's Chosen qualifying time is just after the Feng Hong birthday banquet, and there is less than one month left.

In a short period of time, it is impossible for Lin Li's skill to skyrocket.

After the cultivation base reaches Grade 7, every further step depends on their own comprehension. Some people have one day breakthrough Grade 7, half a month breakthrough Grade 8, and half a month breakthrough Grade 8.

Some people are stuck in Grade 7 for their entire lives and cannot make any progress!

Jing’an Master Tai and Zhu Danhuang believe that Lin Li has only internal strength and does not have an outer sect martial skill that matches it. It is difficult to maximize his strength. They want to teach Lin Li a high-level martial skill. .

In fact, Lin Li alone is the "Fifteenth Sword" is already strong enough, but he naturally does not refuse the Divine Art that he sent to his door.

Just in Yan Capital City, the Luck Seizing System failed. Lin Li was unable to steal Absolute Art from Jing'an Master and the others!

Jing'an Shitai and Zhu Danhuang racked their brains, thinking about Lin Li and what Absolute Art, in order to give full play to his strongest strength.

Ordinary yellow-rank and Profound Level martial arts, for Lin Li now, are tasteless.

Heaven Grade martial arts cannot be practiced in just one month.

Only Earth Grade martial arts, the grade is enough, and it is suitable for Lin Li's cultivation base!

"Saint Heaven Sect" still values ​​the inheritance of martial arts.

Ordinary handyman dísciple can only practice "yellow-rank martial arts" like "Great Stele Splitting Hand".

Outer Sect Disciple can pass "Profound Level martial arts" such as "Shaolin 72 Stunts".

Inner sect disciple can teach "Earth Grade martial arts" like "Immortal Flying Over The Heavens".

And "Heaven Grade martial arts", only Elder is qualified to learn and teach!

If Zhao Danyang hadn't been his teacher Su Rui, he would not have learned "Strange Gate Transformation".

Lin Li hasn't formally apprented a teacher, Jing'an Master Tai and Zhu Danhuang have not been able to pass on their behalf and teach "Heaven Grade martial arts".

Considering that Lin Li will be in charge of "Nine Dragons Sword" in the future, natural cultivation Sword Art is the best, so Zhu Danhuang imparted a "Six Tribulations Dragon Sword" to Lin Li!

This Sword Art is divided into six styles, both offensive and defensive. It is a good Sword Art of first-class, not under "Immortal Flying Over The Heavens" and "Fifteenth Sword".

Neither Jing’an Master nor Zhu Danhuang have practiced "Six Tribulations Dragon Sword", so they were taught Lin Li by Su Rui who had practiced!

""Six Tribulations Dragon Sword" focuses on not focusing on form. Although the moves are simple, it is extremely difficult to practice well!"

Su Rui taught Lin Li Sword on the Martial Training Stage Art, and open others.

"The sophistication of this Sword Art lies in the word "Sword Art". The senior who created this Sword Art believes that all things are robbery, and all things can be destroyed as long as they are found. So this Sword Art Art is also a sword technique for post-production!"

Su Rui taught Lin Li "Six Tribulations Dragon Sword" in an easy-to-understand manner, but he underestimated Lin Li's aptitude.

Practicing into the fifteenth sword of "Life-Seizing Thirteen Swords", after comprehending the meaning of extinction of Peerless Sword, Lin Li sword dao cultivation base has greatly increased, and understanding "Six Tribulations Dragon Sword" will not waste as easy. as pie!

"Six Tribulations Dragon Sword" is very similar to "Solitary Nine Swords", both of which are Sword Art that breaks the world's martial arts.

It's just that "Six Tribulations Dragon Sword" breaks "Ji".

The so-called "jump" is a weakness. Every martial arts has its weaknesses. Even if there is no martial arts, people will have them.

If you want to practice "Six Tribulations Dragon Sword", the most important thing is how to see "Six Tribulations Dragon Sword".

This is not to see with the eyes, but the heart!

According to my heart, thirty-six Thousand Tribulations, each triumph has thirty-six thousand difficulties, all of them are broken, and Sword Art has come to fruition!

Lin Li has practiced meditation for several decades, his spirit strength is strong, and he has become a "heart and eye", but where water flows, a canal is formed!

Three days later, Lin Li's "Six Tribulations Dragon Sword" was already 60% hot, which shocked Su Rui!

You know, it took him twelve years to get to Lin Li, a realm!

Three days to twelve years, Sun Rui almost followed in the disciple's footsteps and almost doubted his life!

I have seen a genius, I have never seen such an inhuman genius!

Su Rui suspects that he is really a fool. Sword Art has been in vain all these years!

Lin Li hasn't felt that he is practicing Sword Art fast, but he doesn't feel that his Earth Grade martial arts, the progress of cultivation is too slow, and he works overtime every day to practice hard!

People who are more talented than you work harder than you.

This time Zhao Danyang is completely convinced, and can't bring up the idea of ​​challenging Lin Li in a short time!

When Lin Li Sword Art reached 70% of his training, and almost understood the sword intent of "Six Tribulations Dragon Sword", an uninvited guest followed Yin Mei into the "Saint Heaven Sect" courtyard.

This person is the first under the heavens god catch, Gao Chang Gong!

He came to Lin Li for a murder case!

Wei Yongkang, the son of General Dingxi, is dead!

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