There is a brothel in the North City of Yan Capital City, named "Bao Cui Pavilion".

The girls in "Bao Cui Pavilion" are well-known in Yan Capital City. Not only are they beautiful, they are also good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

It is rumored that this brothel boss is not an ordinary person, and has an official background behind it, so no one is jealous even if the day advances to the gold.

Few people know that "Bao Cui Pavilion" is actually the Yan Capital City branch of the Assassin Organization "Killer Tower"!

The boss of "Bao Cui Pavilion" Yan Wanjin was very angry today because he took a list three days ago and killed a sect disciple.

But it was this list that caused the "Killer House" to lose five Grade 7 killers.

Originally, Yan Wanjin didn't want to take this business, but the price offered by the other party was so attractive that he had to take it!

In order to ensure that there is nothing wrong, Yan Wanjin sent out the five strongest killers in his hand, but he didn't expect the entire army to be wiped out!

Those five killers, martial arts may not be the strongest, but they can hide their identities and assassinate them, but they are second to none in the industry.

Grade 7 is not impossible to kill Grade 8 either!

Many of the target people are not alert yet, behind them there is a saber pierced into his heart!

The killer is not a Martial Artist, he never chooses to kill the enemy head-on, and uses any insidious means. Even if the target character is stronger than himself, the one who can survive in the end must be the killer of the killer building. !

The killers of "Killer House" are all cultivated since childhood and are loyal to the organization, because the lives of the whole family are held in the hands of the organization.

"Killer House" never seeks out those orphans as killers. Those killers have no relatives, so they have no weaknesses and are the most difficult to control.

On the contrary, those killers with families are the easiest to control.

Thanks to the "loyalty" of the killer, any killer who fails the mission will choose to commit suicide and be perish together with the enemy.

So the "Killer Tower" has killed many nine sect disciples over the years, as well as the emperor's relatives and relatives, and they still stand tall.

It’s not a killer who doesn’t have a sect disciple to capture the "Killer Tower". He wants to use a spiritual secret technique to hypnotize the killer and obtain information about the "Killer Tower".

Unfortunately, the killer of "Killer House" has received the most rigorous training. Even if he is captured, he will not reveal a word of organization, even if the other party is an expert who is proficient in spiritual secret technique!

Yan Wanjin is not worried that he will be exposed. When he knows that there are two killers who fall into the hands of the target, he can still be stable as Mount Tai and continue to be his own "Bao Cui Pavilion" Boss.

Even he is still thinking about whether to contact the employer and increase the remuneration. The target person's strength is obviously too strong, not in line with the previous offer!

Just when Yan Wanjin was thinking about when to contact his employer, a killer codenamed "Viper" suddenly ran in.

"reporting to Branch Lord, that target person came to "Bao Cui Pavilion"."

Yan Wanjin was startled, and immediately thought that the two captured assassins were betrayed Up him.

But soon he denied this speculation!

The wives and children of the two killers are in his hands, and they are impossible to betray.

"Is he here alone?" Yan Wanjin asked Viper.

Viper replied: "No, the target person came with Feng Yuanrong, King Xiang, and ordered the four hottest girls in the pavilion as soon as they arrived!"

Yan Wanjin hesitantly said: "Did they come to visit brothel and didn't find our identity?"

Viper did not answer, he knew that Yan Wanjin was not asking for his opinion!

Yan Wanjin decided to meet the target person in person, not to kill him, but to send him away!

"Baocui Pavilion" is the guise of "Killer Tower", but this guise is getting more gold every day. Yan Wanjin is not afraid of revealing himself, but is worried that "Baocui Pavilion" will not be able to operate, and one is missing. Huge financial resources!

When the "Bao Cui Pavilion" was built, Yan Wanjin secretly built a number of secretly thoughts, which lead directly to each box room.

In this way, he secretly controls the intelligence and the privacy of many ministers of Great Zhou.

As soon as Lin Li and Feng Yuanrong came, Viper arranged for them to enter the largest box and arranged for the four most popular girls in the pavilion to greet them.

They are not the killers of the "Killer Tower", but the oiran cultivated by the "Bao Tsui Pavilion".

The most important thing is that each of the four has a unique skill, which can make men want to stop and linger!

Yan Wanjin spent a lot of thought to train these four girls.

Through secretly thought, Yan Wanjin came to the secret room of the box, and observed the situation in the box through the dark eyes reserved in advance.

Unlike Yan Wanjin's expectation, the scene he imagined did not appear in the box. Instead, it was a scene of his four girls, tied up by five flowers and placed on the bed!

Although some guests like to play the bondage, Yan Wanjin has seen many of them with his own eyes.

But like Lin Li, he directly wrapped the four girls into zongzi, wrapped them in a quilt, and threw them on the bed. They ate and drank with Feng Yuanrong, and looked at ease. Yan Wanjin was the number one. See you next time!

"They didn't come to visit brothel at all!"

Yan Wanjin knew immediately that he might be exposed.

The target person Lin Li, I don’t know what method was used to extract the "Killer House" message from the killer!

Immediately, Yan Wanjin wanted to run, but before he raised his foot, he realized that he couldn't move his body. A huge air pressure locked him.

Lin Li in the room slowly turned his head and showed Yan Wanjin's white teeth, smiling very irritatingly!

"Yan Boss, come in since you are here!"

Lin Li right hand has five fingers and uses "Great Cultivation Absorption Technique".

Yan Wanjin felt a huge suction in front of him, and his body involuntarily broke through the walls of the hidden cells, jumped into the room, and rolled all the way to Lin Li's feet!

Feng Yuanrong got up and grabbed Yan Wanjin, and instantly tapped eighteen acupuncture points all over his body to control him!

Yan Wanjin was captured, but he did not show a trace of panic, instead he was calm and composed!

"This Young Master, what do you mean?"

Feng Yuanrong was coldly snorted, and threw Yan Wanjin to the ground.

Lin Li said: "Didn't expect, the famous "Killer Tower" Yan Capital City branch Branch Lord, turned out to be an ordinary person who does not know martial arts!"

Yan Wanjin calmly said, "Young Master, but there is any misunderstanding, I am "Bao Cui Ge" Boss Yan Wanjin, although secretly peeping is against morality, but I am willing to pay for compensation!"

Lin Li shook his head and said, "You are still pretending until now, why bother? Anyway, you are going to die!" Yan Wanjin said anxiously: "If you have something to discuss, I am the nephew of Mr. Shang Shuyan. , Young Master not for the monk's sake, but for the Buddha's, give me a chance, how much you want, just ask!"

Lin Li said with a smile: "I want ten million tael of Gold, can you give it too?"

Yan Wan golden-bright and dazzling said: "Young Master said and laughed, anyone in the world can take out ten million tael of gold, even the emperor can’t take it out! "

Lin Li tunes said with a smile: "Your killer's tower has been in the fight for more than a day, and you can't take out the trifling ten million tael of gold?"

"Young Master, You really admitted the wrong person!" Yan Wanjin said with a sad face.

Lin Li shook his head and said: "It's useless for your sophistry. My revenge is never overnight. I have killed mistakes and never let go. Whether you are or not, you must die today!"

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