Lin Li has seen the "Heavenly Vein domain" of Master Jing'an and Yin Mei before, but he has never fought with Martial Artist of Ninth Grade!

Every 9th Grade Martial Artist, because of the cultivation technique he has learned, his personal perception is different, and his "Heavenly Vein domain" is also different.

Master Jing’an is too cultivation supreme Yin and cold’s "Maiden Scripture", so her domain is frozen and frozen for thousands of miles.

Yin Mei’s "Five Elements" has the miraculous effect of changing gravity.

Duan Moyan's "Heavenly Vein domain" is like the ocean, full of water vapor.

Lin Li not only feels suffocated, but even floats in the water.

Duan Moyan's real terrifying is not "domain", but his knife!

That black as ink, like a knife on a Fire Burning Stick!

Duan Moyan's sword is extremely domineering and seems to be able to split the sea in half!

Lin Li faced Duan Moyan's knife, suddenly thought of a word!

"Heavy sword has no front but no work."

Duan Moyan's knife interprets this sentence very well!

Lin Li faced Duan Moyan's knife and wanted to dodge, but found himself in the water, surrounded by the repulsive force of water, which greatly affected the speed and couldn't avoid this blade at all.

Since you can’t hide, you can only brace oneself!

Lin Li uses Guihai Yidao's "Holding the World" to counter Duan Moyan's black blade.

"Xiong Ba Tianxia" is already a rare domineering Blade Technique in the world, but facing Duan Moyan's knife, it is the defeat of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

The "Longwood Blade" donated by Li Qinxin is even broken!

The fragments were controlled by Lin Li's Blade Intent, and instead of scattered, they gathered and formed again, full of evil spirits.

Lin Li swung another stronger Blade Technique as soon as he turned around!

『Avici Dao Three Blade 』.

The Blade Technique, which Guihai Yidao couldn't control at the beginning, did not hesitate to sever his arm to seal its knife, and it could be transformed into another form in Lin Li's hands!

He is domineering and evil, but Lin Li's strong will is condensed and compressed into a Blade Qi!

The fragments of Longwood Blade accompany Blade Qi to Duan Moyan!


Duan Moyan smiled when facing Lin Li's strongest stroke. The black blade rolls like a vortex in the sea. The water vapor in the domain rotates with the black blade. And riot!

"You also pick me up "Turn the waves and cut"!"

Two huge Blade Qi collided, as if a comet hit Earth, and the overbearing Blade Qi charged directly into the sky, The clouds in the sky split in half!

After one blow, Lin Li and Duan Moyan retreated, but Lin Li was a little embarrassed, with a few pieces of Longwood Blade stuck in his body.

That is the fragment that was forced back by Duan Moyan Blade Qi, directly stuck on Lin Li's body!

Lin Li has already transported the "Golden Chapter" of "Turbid Heaven Xuanyu True Qi". The whole body is like gold casting, but it still can't stop the rebounding fragments!

Fortunately, the wound is not deep, Lin Li did not hurt his bones!

"Still not working!" Lin Li pulled out the debris from his body, shook his head and smiled bitterly!

Duan Moyan said with a sneer: "You want to use Grade 8 cultivation base to resist Lao Tzu's Ninth-Rank, it's so stupid!

How can the gap between Grade 8 and Nine-Rank be so? It's a great leap!"

Duan Moyan's black blade turned, and the whole Blade Qi overflowed, as if he wanted to make a second shot!

Lin Li pulled out the fragments from her body and said: "I'm not so naive, thinking that I can compete with Grade 8 with Grade 8!

But I'm always reconciled if I don't try! "

Facts have proved that Lin Li is not the protagonist. Without the protagonist template, he can’t skipping grades to challenge. With his current Grade 8 Peak cultivation base, he is still in a bad light to compete with Duan Moyan’s ninth grade!"

"In fact, at a young age, you have today's cultivation base. It has been rare in a century. Even in the nine Great Sects, there is no Heaven's Chosen that can compare to you!" Duan Moyan said:


"When I was young, I didn't have your cultivation base! It's a pity that you must die here today!"

Lin Li said in a tranquil voice: "Aren't you weird? I know You are a ninth product expert, why do you still go to the appointment alone?"

Duan Moyan confidently said with a smile: "I know you have hidden means, let's use it!"

It seems Because he has absolute confidence in his own strength, Duan Moyan gave Lin Li a chance to give full play to his strength!

Lin Li said: "I hope you don't regret it!"

After Lin Li raised high right hand with five fingers, Duan Moyan heard a sound of dragon's roar in his ear. , Two scarlet sword light fell from the sky, and a scarlet dragon-shaped sword appeared in Lin Li's hand.

"Nine Dragons Sword?!" Duan Moyan immediately screamed when he saw the sword in Lin Li's hand.

Great Zhou Taizu used "Nine Dragons Sword" to determine the Ding Jiangshan. His bronze portraits have "Nine Dragons Sword". Duan Moyan has also seen it.

The long sword that suddenly appeared in Lin Li's hands is exactly similar to "Nine Dragons Sword", and is accompanied by the unique dragon roar. It is difficult for Duan Moyan to admit his mistakes!

At this time, Mo Yan finally knew that Lin Li had the confidence to go to the appointment alone, and he knew that he might really not be able to kill Lin Li today!

There are a few Divine Weapon in the world, which can help Martial Artist skipping grades to challenge. Among them, "Nine Dragons Sword" is definitely the most famous one.

The prestige of "Nine Dragons Sword" is that the corpses of countless Nine-Ranks and even Grandmaster experts are laid. Duan Moyan does not dare to underestimate it!

"Didn't expect you to be in charge of "Nine Dragons Sword"!" Although Duan Moyan was surprised, he was not at all afraid. On the contrary, he was eager to have a try!

"I have long wanted to see the formidable power of this "first under the heavens Divine Weapon"!"

Duan Moyan is more domineering, "Heavenly Vein domain" one To close, but not to stop the war, but to restrain all the power.

Lin Li knew that Duan Moyan's next cut would be a desperate one!

"This is also the first time I use "Nine Dragons Sword", I hope I don’t let me down!"

Lin Li slowly exudes Death Qi, and his life is flying along with the dragon soul , Turned into a bone dragon phantom!

The "Fifteenth Sword" of "Life-Seizing Thirteen Swords", the Sword Art that can bring hell to the world, is also the strongest power Lin Li currently has.

After combining with "Nine Dragons Sword Essence", the "Fifteenth Sword" also undergoes a mutation. The entire "Huang Dang Mountain" is shrouded in the shadow of death, and the death is permeated. The trees are all withered. The Artist's "Heavenly Vein domain" has the same tune with the same effect!

With the help of two "Nine Dragons Sword Essence", Lin Li finally crossed the moat of Grade 8 Peak and set foot on the 9th-Rank domain!

It's just that this breakthrough is temporary. After "Nine Dragons Sword Essence" is dispersed, Lin Li will be beaten back to Grade 8 again!

"Didn't expect, what you really cultivation is not Blade Technique, but Sword Art?!" Duan Moyan was a little surprised.

After learning Lin Li's Blade Technique, Duan Moyan always thought he was a swordsman, but didn't expect him to be a swordsman!

"How about the sword, how about the sword, but it's just an extension of hands and feet!" Lin Li held the sword high above his head in both hands, but the sword intent of death quickly compressed!

Duan Moyan on the other side is also preparing for the next move.

None of the two took the first shot, because they couldn't find each other's weak spot!

Expert recruits, life and death are only between the front line!

The calm was quickly broken, and a leaf fell silently on Duan Moyan's right shoulder, and was quickly torn apart by the Blade Qi exuding all over his body!

At this moment, Lin Li has a sword!

dragon roar, sword cry shaking the sky, Lin Li Human and Sword Unity, sword qi is like a dragon, in a blink of an eye, across the distance from Duan Moyan, a sword pierced his throat.

Duan Moyan's eyes rounded, and fiercely cut out a knife to face Lin Li's sword!

Both of them put out their full strength and exhausted everything, even their facial features were deformed.

No, it was the two fierce sword qi and Blade Qi, which affected the entire space and made their bodies distorted!

A loud noise soon came from "Huangdang Mountain", and a powerful wave of air swept all over the place with "Huangdang Mountain" as its origin!

The entire sky, all the clouds are blown away by the powerful sword air, revealing the blue sky!

It seems that even the light is affected by the aura of the powerful sword. Within five miles of "Huang Dang Mountain", all of them fell into darkness. Three seconds later, the sunlight came in again.

Lin Li and Duan Moyan also decided the winner.

The "Nine Dragons Sword" in Lin Li's hand is quite dim, and Duan Moyan's black blade is missing a hole!

"Don't fight, don't fight, you brat is a little monster!" Duan Moyan first put down the knife in his hand and saw the gap on the blade, feeling distressed.

Lin Li on the other side spit out a mouthful of blood!

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