Great Sect, Saint Heaven Sect, Star Sect, Divine Axe Sect, Solitary Sword Tomb, Imperial Defense Sect, Overwhelming Academy, All Kinds of Grass Sect, Heaven's Mystery Pavilion, Three Star Island.

These nine Great Sects each have their strengths.

In addition to martial arts, Divine Axe Sect is good at forging weapons.

All Kinds of Grass Sect is good at medical treatment.

Heaven's Mystery Pavilion's Profound Technique master is well-known all over the world.

Overwhelming Academy has cultivated several current Confucian scholars.

Imperial Defense Sect's Beast Controlling Technique Unparalleled Beneath The Heavens!

Three Star Island hangs lonely overseas, the best water quality!

Star Sect is good at Formation.

Solitary Sword Tomb's sword dao first under the heavens.

The most special of Saint Heaven Sect, in addition to martial arts, he is best at warfare. Many famous generals in Great Zhou are born in Saint Heaven Sect!

Nine Great Sect, at first helped Great Zhou Taizu unifies the world, so it has inextricably linked with Great Zhou Imperial Court.

Thirty years ago, the first emperor felt that the existence of the Nine Great Sect threatened the central Imperial Court, so he took the lead in provoking a civil war.

At that time, the Emperor Xiandi adopted the strategy of defeating them separately. First, he took the worst "Solitary Sword Tomb", but didn't expect to kick a piece of iron.

『Solitary Sword Tomb 』skilled in Sword Arts, every dísciple is a swordsman and possesses the pride of a swordsman, it would rather break but cannot be bend!

Imperial Court and "Solitary Sword Tomb" had a big battle, and suffered a big loss, lost a lot of experts, and also aroused the heart of Nine Sects' joint resistance.

Nine Sects unity, that is a force that no one can ignore, it is enough to subvert the Great Zhou Imperial Court!

If Feng Hong later awakened "yellow-dragon soul" and took control of "Nine Dragons Sword", which would threaten the Grandmaster expert, I am afraid the world would have changed!

In the first battle, "Solitary Sword Tomb" suffered the most and hated the Imperial Court the deepest. Lin Li didn't expect this Feng Hong birthday, "Solitary Sword Tomb" actually sent people to participate. Prepare a rather heavy gift!

The person sent by "Solitary Sword Tomb" is a nine-tier Elder, called Hai Jianxing, who is also a well-known swordsman in the world. A set of "Ting Tao Sword Art" can be moved unhindered in the whole world, also participated in the battle thirty years ago.

Hai Jianxing was followed by two teenagers, who looked exactly the same. They turned out to be a pair of twins with very similar auras.

Lin Li guessed that they must have practiced a combination of double swords!

In addition to "Solitary Sword Tomb", Lin Li is more interested in the representative of "Three Star Island".

Because the representative of "Three Star Island" is called Nakamuro Goro, not only the name, but also the dress and dress are very similar to the Kou Guo warrior that Lin Li has seen in his previous life!

Nakamuro Goro also has two teenagers by his side, named Miyamoto Kenzo and Sasaki Taro.

Lin Li clearly felt that in this Nine Sects birthday, most of the two dísciples led by an Elder. Those dísciples are very young, most likely Heaven's Chosen of this generation!

Yin Mei came over before the birthday banquet started.

His seat was close to Nine Sects, and he ran over to say hello, and wanted Lin Li to go to the king's table to say hello and get to know the princess and the son.

Lin Li directly refused, saying that he did not want to get involved with King Xiang too deeply. In the end, Yin Mei could only give up!

During the conversation between Yin Mei and Lin Li, she carried everyone on her back and did not attract too much attention!

When Lin Li returned to his seat, when he accidentally walked past a table, he smelled a special fragrance.

Since the cultivation "Marrow Cleansing Scripture", Lin Li's five senses are particularly strong, especially the sense of smell and smell, I will always remember!

The smell is familiar to Lin Li, but he can't remember where he smelled it.

Lin Li glanced at the table and found nothing special.

That table is the seat of honorable children, the general and his wife, Lin Li doesn't know a single one!

The owner of the fragrance belongs to a middle-aged lady, with a mediocre appearance, but good manners!

Out of curiosity, Lin Li asked Yin Mei.

"Which general's wife is that!"

Yin Mei took a look and said, "He is the wife of General Dingxi!

The unidentified Wei Yongkang who died before is her son!"

Lin Li suddenly looked around and asked, "Why is she alone sitting there, General Dingxi?"

Yin Mei said: "General Dingxi is responsible for the guard of the Imperial Palace, now it is on duty!"

This time to ensure the safety of the birthday banquet, Feng Hong transferred to the three major camps of Yan Capital City. All soldiers guarding the Imperial Palace, General Dingxi is one of the three battalions, the commander of the Shenji Camp!

Lin Li looked at Mrs. General Dingxi, her eyes flashed with doubt.

"Grandfather Yin, can you please inform the emperor, this Mrs. General Dingxi is a little weird! Let him send someone to take precautions!"

Yin Mei's face slowly became serious.

"What's wrong, what do you see?"

Lin Li shook his head and said: "No, it's just that she makes me feel uncomfortable?"

Since taking charge of "Nine Dragons Sword", Lin Li is extremely sensitive to the Evil Thought of others, and with this, he has resisted the two waves of killers in the "Killer Tower"!

Just now when Lin Li fixed his gaze on Mrs. General Dingxi, there was nothing wrong. After he came back to his senses, he discovered the problem!

The ordinary aristocratic lady, being stared at like this, should have been angry a long time ago. Lin Li did not hide his sight. Mrs. General Dingxi had noticed it a long time ago, but there was nothing unusual.

Too normal is very abnormal!

Why isn't Mrs. General Dingxi angry, or that she is already angry, but Lin Li didn't feel it!

If the former is nothing, if the latter is too terrifying!

A person who can escape the induction of "Nine Dragons Sword", in case she approaches Feng Hong with bad intentions, who can detect it!

At first, Yin Mei didn’t take Lin Li’s words seriously, but later I heard that "Nine Dragons Sword" was involved, and she had to pay attention to it, and secretly informed Feng Hong to let him send someone to approach in a concealed manner. Mrs. General Dingxi, just in case.

Lin Li looked around the venue again and made sure that he didn't see any suspicious people, and Feng Hong's birthday party officially began.

Amidst a burst of vocal music, Feng Hong slowly walked into the venue with the help of Eunuch Hong, and came to sit on the rostrum.

Feng Hong was followed by a concubine, but not a queen, but a concubine.

Twelve years ago, the empress collapsed and Feng Hong no longer became an empress. The harem was in charge of Concubine De. Although she had no posterity, she had the power of a queen.

In this birthday banquet, among the concubines of the harem, only Concubine Dee can sit on the right side of Feng Hong!

Feng Hong and Concubine Dee are seated and the birthday banquet officially begins. The Book of Etiquette serves as the host, praising some of Feng Hong’s great achievements on the spot, and then the princes, envoys of various countries, and ministers of power will pay tribute to the birthday ceremony. .

This session is quite time-consuming, but it is also a routine. There are three little Court Eunuchs who wrote down the birthday gift and read it aloud!

Here at Saint Heaven Sect, Zhu Danhuang is represented as a tribute birthday gift.

The birthday gift that Zhu Danhuang prepared is quite heavy, but "Saint Heaven Sect" will not suffer, because after the birthday banquet, Feng Hong will prepare a thicker gift in return, showing the grandeur of the big country!

A birthday banquet actually costs a lot of money, but at this birthday banquet, Feng Hong did not use the national treasury, but used the money from the Imperial Family private treasury!

Not everyone can participate in the gift gift. Basically, it is the person sitting at the 100 tables in front of Feng Hong.

It took two hours for this session to end, and it was the honorable class who contributed last.

Mrs. General Dingxi is on the list!

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