Lin Li and Han Chen returned to "Ax Gang", and let their subordinates take over the site of "Fierce Tiger Hall" with all their strength, and divided one of the streets out.

This street is located in the center of Xuanhai. It is very prosperous. Which gang will not refuse it.

In doing this, Lin Li is tantamount to killing three men with two peaches. In order to snatch ownership of this street, the nine gangs absolutely have no time to control "Ax Gang".

In this period of time, Lin Li just can make "Ax Gang" develop rapidly.

2nd day, Lin Li is going to continue to find the dumb girl, and then absorb a bunch of luck.

Han Chen came over mysteriously, saying that Lin Li didn't need to go out because he invited the dumb girl back to sell him ice cream.

Lin Li was surprised at that time, and ran to look for the dumb girl. Only then did she discover that Han Chen, a silly and silly girl, had a group of younger brothers surrounding the dumb girl, saying that she was protecting her.

But surrounded by a group of hooligans, every woman was scared to death.

The dumb girl was already shaking all over, with a look of fear on her face!

Lin Li asked Han Chen speechlessly: "Who asked you to get her to help?"

Han Chen said with an innocent look: "Brother Li likes to eat For ice cream, I will just bring the ice cream stand back, and you can eat it every day!"

Lin Li always felt that the ice cream in Han Chen's mouth was not the same as what he understood!

Han Chen is obviously pretending to be confused!

"Fuck me, take all these people away!" Lin Li shouted to Han Chen angrily.

Han Chen immediately came with an expression of comprehension and happily greeted the little brother to leave, leaving only Lin Li and the dumb girl!

Lin Li walked up to the dumb girl helplessly and said: "Sorry, the people under her are not sensible, are you alright!" The dumb girl looked at Lin Li with a look of fear. Don't say she is a dumb, just a normal person, and now she is also speechless.

Early this morning, Han Chen took a large group of people and forcibly brought her to "Ax Gang", and then told her that her own help likes to eat ice cream, and she will only be allowed to sell it in the future!

The dumb girl has long been heartbroken!

Seeing Lin Li, it seems to see fiend in human form.

Lin Li patted his head, helplessly said: "Don't be afraid, I have no malice, and I will not hurt you!" , Ease the girl's emotions!

The girl no longer trembles, but she is still a little afraid of Lin Li!

Lin Li keeps a distance from the girl to avoid misunderstanding, and then says:

"I will let you go, no one will harass you in the future!"

Lin Li took the initiative to open the door of the room and signaled the girl to leave by herself.

The girl approached the door with a guarded look, Lin Li opened the distance and expressed sincerity!

Out of "Ax Gang", the girl runs desperately for fear that Lin Li will regret it!

Lin Li did not leave the girl behind, and ordered his men not to trouble her in the future.

Absorb the girl luck, as long as you get close, you don't need to take her with you every day.

Han Chen misunderstood Lin Li, thinking he liked girls, and used the gang way to get the girls back, but he was self-defeating!

Lin Li fiercely's criticism of Han Chen paused, and let him not make his own claim in the future.

But didn't expect, 2nd day Han Chen ran to Lin Li and said that the girl was taken away by the "Lan Gang"!

"What's the matter, didn't I tell you not to bother that girl?" Lin Li angrily asked Han Chen.

Han Chen explained: "Brother Li, we did not dare to harass Miss Xiaofang, we just wanted to make amends and send someone to take care of her business!"

"It turns out that the dumb girl is called Xiaofang. Fang!" Lin Li murmured to himself.

Lin Li asked: "Then why was she caught by the "Lan Gang" again!"

Han Chen explained: "According to the people I sent out, today Miss Xiaofang did not go to the usual street to set up a stall, and went to the "Lan Gang" sphere of influence.

The people of the "Lan Gang" charged for protection, but Miss Xiaofang didn't give it, and there was a conflict between the two parties. , The person was taken away!"

Lin Li said in a breath: "You watched her being caught, didn't you stop it?"

Han Chen helplessly said:" This is the site of the "Lan Gang". If we intervene, we are afraid that we will cause trouble again, so our subordinates will come back to the Gang Lord to make an idea!"

Lin Li said without even thinking about it!" Go, go to the "Lan Gang" and find someone from Boss Li!" Han Chen said happily: "Okay, Brother Li, I have gathered a hundred brothers, and they are all waiting outside!"

Lin Li weirdly said: "I will do what I do with that many people!"

Han Chen said anxiously: "Don't! This is too dangerous, let me take some. People!"

Lin Li said impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense and tell me where Boss Li is?"

Han Chen knows what Lin Li decided, eight horses I can't pull it back, so I can only tell him the address.

"Boss Li usually likes to stay in his own "sing and dance hall", now people are still there!"

Lin Li picked up the golden axe and left, and told Han Chen, Take a good look at Ax Gang.


"Yehai Song and Dance Hall" is the largest entertainment venue in Quanxuanhai and the most important industry of "Lan Gang"!

Norally, "Yehai Song and Dance Hall" sings and sings every night, and there are endless guests coming and going. Most of the political and business celebrities like to go there for a drink and listen to the most popular singers singing!

Of course, the "Yehai Song and Dance Hall" is also the best place to socialize. The ** transactions that are secretly operated are the main part of the "Lan Gang".

Lin Li walked into the "Yehai Song and Dance Hall" alone, and was immediately seen by the younger brother of the "Lan Gang" and notified Boss Li.

Boss Li is in the office at this time, chatting about life with a popular singer girl in the song and dance hall. It is the time when the nature is high and ready to act.

The arrival of Lin Li, like a basin of cold water, has wiped out all of Boss Li's enthusiasm!

Boss Li didn't wear his pants, so he ran out of the office for fear that Lin Li was here to make trouble.

Fortunately, Lin Li came to the dance hall and did not make trouble. Instead, he walked to the bar and ordered a glass of "Whiskey".

Lin Li sits at the bar, sipping wine, watching the performance on the other side of the stage, and feels at ease!

When Boss Li came over with a large number of younger brothers, Lin Li also had a glass of wine!

"Boss Li, let alone, the wine in your place is quite authentic!" Lin Li said to Boss Li holding the glass.

"If you want to drink, I ask you to move upstairs to the private room!" Boss Li looked at the surrounding guests and said with some scruples.

Lin Li knows what Boss Li cares about, said with a smile: "Although the wine is good, you can't be greedy for a cup. I came to Boss Li this time, not for drinking!"

Boss Li suppressed his anger and asked: "Old Lin is coming to me, what's the matter? Perfectly clear it!"

The men behind Boss Li have already touched the weapon and are ready to go. Do it!

Lin Li said without any fear: "My friend and your gang had a misunderstanding, I hope Boss Li be magnanimous, let me take people back!"

Boss Li For a moment, I didn't know why he said: "What friend?"

Lin Li explained: "A dumb girl named Xiaofang!"

Boss Li astonished: "Mute girl?" !"

At this time, one of Boss Li's subordinates walked to his ear, lightly said, and he understood why Lin Li came here!

"Boss, we caught a woman. She is dumb, but she is pretty. We are going to sell it to Mother Wang!"

Although the surrounding environment is noisy, Lin Li’s Cultivation base, no sound can be heard.

When he heard the words "Wang mother", his heart suddenly became tight.

The "king mother" in their mouths is Xuanhai's most famous old bustard. He is famous for eating people and not spitting out bones, but none of the chaste women who fell in her hands can leave intact!

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