Reverend Liu Ru took Boss Li as a sacrifice and offered it to the bottle gourd. After the bottle gourd, which originally shining red light, suddenly the rays of light gathered and made the sound of "peng peng" .

The sound is very similar to the sound of a heartbeat, but it is much stronger and more powerful than a normal heartbeat.

Immediately afterwards, the whole tomb hill suddenly wail like ghosts and howl like wolves, countless gloomy and cold aura emerged from the earth, turning into one after another jade green evil light.

In the evil light, Lin Li saw the hideous and terrifying faces, and cast them towards the red bottle gourd.

After the green light merges into the red bottle gourd, the originally huge bottle gourd suddenly shrinks, and when it shrinks to the size of one person, it starts to expand again.

After repeating this nine times, red's bottle gourd completely stabilized, and the strong heart sound slowly disappeared.

Lin Li and Zhijue knew that the Ghost King bred in bottle gourd was about to be born.

The originally dark sky suddenly rising winds, scudding clouds, lightning and thunder, it seems that even the sky does not want the Ghost King to be born!

A thunderbolt illuminates the sky, like an angry dragon-like, slashing towards the red bottle gourd.

Reverend Liu Ru yelled, cut off his left hand, and sprinkled countless blood on the bottle gourd.

The original noisy grave hill suddenly fell silent.

The thunderbolt fell, but when it was less than one meter away from the bottle gourd, it suddenly exploded, divided into ten lightning snakes, coiled on top of the bottle gourd.

The bottle gourd that was originally gloomy Devil May Cry, after passing through the baptism of the lightning snake, has produced a trace of Pure Yang Qi.

"Yin and Yang reversed the big array?!" Zhijue finally understood at this time that Reverend Liu Ru chose this "Six Yin Converging Ground" to cultivate the purpose of Ghost King.

After the death of the world's most common creatures, the obsession will not disappear before death, the ghost will not enter the Six Paths of Samsara, but stay in the world with a mouthful of Yin Qi, this is a ghost!

A newly born ghost has no memory of life, and is as fragile as a human infant, but it can instinctively absorb Nether Yin Qi and strengthen itself.

Absorbing Yin Qi for a hundred years, ghosts are also formed, and most of the memories and obsessions of the lifetime are restored!

At this time, ghosts usually rely on obsession to go out of the mountains to harm people. If the obsession can be eliminated, they can re-enter the cycle, but if the obsession cannot be eliminated, it will cause resentment.

Combine resentment and Yin Qi to generate Ghost Qi, Ghost Qi is 10%, ordinary ghosts will become Ghost General, possessing some strange abilities.

The Ghost General who assassinated Lin Li before, can kill and invisibly.

Ghost General is strong, but it also has weaknesses, such as the sun and masculine substances.

However, if there is a Ghost General who overcomes the persecution of Yang Qi, he can absorb Yang Qi for his own use and oppose Yin and Yang. Since then, there will be no natural enemies, no fear of the sun, and freedom of the world.

This is Ghost King, the king of ghosts!

It is very difficult to achieve Ghost King. In the last ages, few ghosts have succeeded.

Reverend Liu Ru was originally a master of "Maoshan Supreme Purity Sect", and his innate talent was excellent. Sect Elder originally had high hopes.

Unfortunately, Reverend Liu Ru was not right in his mind and indulged in alcohol and wealth, so that he finally entered the evil way and was expelled from sect.

Reverend Liu Ru has been obsessed with ghosts all his life, and his biggest wish is to make a Ghost King by himself.

In order to achieve the goal, Reverend Liu Ru did all the bad things, condensed the materials for making Ghost King, and finally attracted subdue monsters and defeat demons!

Although Reverend Liu Ru is a terrible person, this innate talent is indeed extraordinary. When traveling around the world, he accidentally got a strange book.

"Yin and Yang Reverse Great Array".

This is a Formation circulated in Ancient Era, with the ability of Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth.

If Reverend Liu Ru obtains the Supreme Treasure, he finally made up his mind to use the thunder Pure Yang Qi, the place where the six yin converge, to reverse the yin and yang, and let the Ghost General contaminate the "Yin in Yang" and "Yin in Yin" Yang", forcibly transformed into a Ghost King.

Ghost King was born, with dry sky and harmony. It needs the blood of all creatures in a hundred miles to wash the ghost body.

That’s why Zhijue said, Ghost King was born, barren.

Reverend Liu Ru is everywhere today, and the birth of Ghost King is unstoppable.

"Benefactor Lin, you leave quickly, the little monk must not let the Ghost King be born, and prepare to be perish together with him!"

Zhijue sits cross-legged and puts "Demon Subduing Pestle" Put it on your lap and emit a large fearless holy light.

Reverend Liu Ru saw the holy light on Zhijue, haha ​​said with a big smile: "It’s too late, the Ghost King has taken shape. It absorbs Yin Yang Qi and overcomes its inherent shortcomings. Even Buddhism holy light I can't help him!"

Zhijue said with grief: "If I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell, even if the little monk exhausts his life's cultivation base, he must pull the Ghost King and fall into reincarnation again!"

After finishing speaking, Zhijue used "Demon Subduing Pestle" to cut his wrist and shed golden blood.

Those golden blood contains the power of the Buddha's practice of Wisdom III, which can purify all evil spirits in the world.

The consequence is that the cultivation base will be abolished and reincarnation will occur again.

Buddhism practice in the next life, the Buddha power in this life can be accumulated to the next life.

The wisdom looks young, but he is actually a high monk of Cultivation III, not far from the Arhat fruit position.

Nowadays, in order to eliminate the Ghost King, a cultivation base is spent, and there may not be a chance to start again in the next life.

"Ugly monk, did I plan your ancestral grave, or killed your wife, and use the III cultivation base to destroy my Ghost King!"

Reverend Liu Ru was very angry. , Yelled at Zhijue, but couldn't stop him.

In order to become a Ghost King, Reverend Liu Ru has exhausted everything and lost a hand.

He has no power to stop his intellect.

The golden blood of wisdom sensation flows backwards, forming a golden Buddha, infinite holy light shining in all directions, and countless Brahma sounds permeate the world.

Just looking at this movement, Lin Li felt it was worth the fare!

"Little Monk, Zhijue, before you want to perish with Ghost King, why don't you ask me if I agree?" Lin Li said silently to Zhijue.

Zhijue was surprised: "Does Benefactor Lin want to help Ghost King be born!"

Lin Li rolled his eyes and said: "I mean, why don't you ask me, can you? Deal with Ghost King?"

Zhijue was stunned.

Because he really didn't think that Lin Li could deal with Ghost King, or prevent Ghost King from being born.

Lin Li until now is a pure Martial Artist, still working against ordinary ghosts, but on the opposite side is the Ghost King, the King of Myriad Ghosts who have ignored Yang Qi restraint.

Even if Lin Li martial arts is the best, it is also impossible to be Ghost King's opponent!

So Zhijue subconsciously ignored him!

Lin Li helplessly said: "Think clearly before committing suicide next time, and don’t make unnecessary sacrifices!"

After that, Lin Li picked up his mental consciousness and blocked his bloodline, then took him, turned his head and ran away!

I ran, and ran directly out of the grave, without looking back, ignoring Reverend Liu Ru and Ghost King!

Reverend Liu Ru stared at Lin Li's back in a daze. He didn't understand what he said to deal with Ghost King just now. He turned his head and ran away!

After doing it for a long time, and pretending to beep for a long time, it turned out to be deserted!

Reverend Liu Ru can't help but smile proudly!

It's just that his smile froze very quickly, because the entire tomb mountain was caught in the explosion flames!

The ruthless flame directly engulfed Reverend Liu Ru and Ghost King, and also destroyed the "Yin Yang Reversal Array".

Before he died, Reverend Liu Ru smelled the familiar medicinal smell of fire, which was the smell of explosives.

Obviously, I was still fighting martial arts and Taoism last moment, so why did it turn into gunpowder and explode the mountain in a blink of an eye!

Reverend Liu Ru wants to say something to Lin Li.

"young man, you don't teach martial arts!"

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