Young Ah Xing ran to another street quickly, and a few dashed into a small alley, only then took out the "purse" that came from Mao Xiaofang.

This purse is very simple, and there are two patches. It looks swollen on the outside, it seems that there is a lot of money in it.

A Xing opened his purse with excitement, his originally happy face suddenly collapsed!

"Why are they all copper coins, these poor ghosts!"

The purse looks bulging, but in fact it only contains copper coins one by one, and the total amount is thirty-five. .

In the south, banknotes have long been implemented, and Great Shun copper coins are not circulated. The thirty-fifty mosquito money can be exchanged for a few yuan, which is really not much!

A Xing is a thief in these streets. He has been eyeing Mao Xiaofang entire group a long time ago and saw that they had come from a long way from the north, and they must have brought a lot of money with them.

So just now he deliberately fell in front of Mao Xiaofang, attracted his attention, and then stole his wallet.

The process went very smoothly. I'm afraid I haven't found those three fools yet!

Just Ah Xing didn't expect, they are poorer than themselves!

A Xing puts his purse in his pocket. No matter how few mosquitoes are, it is meat. These few dollars are enough for him to eat a few full meals!

"Brother Xing, Brother Xing, have you succeeded?" At this time, a Big Fatty happily ran over from the other side of the alley.

This fatty body trembled all over when he ran.

"Fatzai Cong, you are going to lose weight, look at your body!" Ah Xing patted Fatty's belly intimately.

Fatty was not annoyed. Instead, he smiled and asked: "Brother Xing, did you steal it? I'm hungry!"

A Xing said ill-humoredly: "Just know how to eat Eat, I’m surprised, you have a meal without a meal, how did you eat this flesh?"

Fatzai Cong said with a bitter smile: "People can’t do it! Drink water."

All fat!"

A Xing shook his head and said annoyedly: "I took you this little brother, but also fell down eight lifetime's bloody bad luck!

It's useless at all, just know it. Eat!"

Fatzai Congxi said with a smile: "Brother Xing, I'm hungry!"

A Xing said: "Go, let's eat meat buns!"

When he heard the meat buns, Fatty Cong yelled happily, but the two of them were stopped by the three before they reached the alley.

"Young man, can you give me your purse back!"

Mao Xiaofang stood at the entrance of the alley with a smile on his face, but Qiu Sheng and Wencai next to him had a little expression on his face. It's not good!

A Xing turned subconsciously and ran away. Fortunately, he was still a bit loyal, and shouted to Fat Tsai Cong: "The wind is tight, huh!"

The two turned to the alley in opposite directions He left in the direction of Wang, and was about to run to the entrance of the alley. The three silhouettes flashed, standing fixedly at the entrance of the alley. It was not Mao Xiaofang who was the master and apprentice!

A Xing and Fat Tsai Cong suddenly stopped in panic, looked back, and didn't understand how Mao Xiaofang and the three ran ahead of them!

A Xing and Fat Tsai Cong, who were desperate for their lives, turned around and ran again, but as soon as they arrived at the alley, they saw Mao Xiaofang and three people. After several times, they thought they had seen a ghost!

"Ghost hit the wall!" Fat Tsai Cong was the first to break down, and Ah Xing could keep a little calm!

"You three hillbillies, do you know who I am? I am from "Ax Gang", and my boss is Brother Chen!" A Xing pointed at Mao Xiaofang breathlessly.

Mao Xiaofang laughed hehe and said: "young man, we don't want to cause trouble, we just want to get back our purse!"

A Xing calmed his breath and pointed at Mao Xiaofang:" Believe it or not, I immediately call the one hundred and eighty to come!"

Speaking, A Xing took out a firecracker from his arms and yelled at Mao Xiaofang: "As soon as the firecracker rang, I "Ax Gang” people will come.

Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance! It’s still too late to run!"

Mao Xiaofang stood there calmly and walked a little bit. It didn't mean anything, obviously not surprised by A Xing's words.

A Xing was a little flustered, took out a box of matches, and directly lit the fuse of the firecracker.

Looking at the sparks shining, Ah Xing said to Mao Xiaofang again: "If you leave now, I will assume that nothing has happened!"

Mao Xiaofang is still completely motionless.

A Xing's face is twitched, and seeing that the fuse is about to burn out, he can only throw away the firecracker.


The firecracker landed and there was a blast, but no one came to the alley for a long time.

A Xing and Fatty Cong are already sweating!

Mao Xiaofang laughed and said to Ah Xing: "young man, return my purse to me!"

Before finishing talking, Mao Xiaofang felt a slight vibration under his feet. The footsteps of the team came!

A Xing and Fat Tsai Cong also felt that something was wrong, and when they turned their heads, they saw a team of black suits running into the alley!

Everyone also holds an iron axe in his hand!

This dress is the only one in Xuanhai!

"haha, you are dead! My "Ax Gang" brother is here!" A Xing roared happily.

Mao Xiaofang's face also began to change.

There are at least thirty or forty people in "Ax Gang" entering the alley, and each of them is armed with weapons. Even if Mao Xiaofang is not afraid, his discipline can't handle it!

Just when the air was about to freeze, Ax Gang, the nearest of A Xing and Fat Tsai Cong, directly put the axe on their necks.


The sudden change made Mao Xiaofang's master and apprentice a little confused.

How did "Ax Gang" point the axe at his own person?

A Xing and Fatty Cong were scared to death!

"Boss, boss, be careful! The axe doesn't have eyes!" A Xing said with a sad face.

The people of Ax Gang stood neatly on both sides of the alley, vacating a passage, and a thin silhouette came slowly from the alley!

That was a thin boy, wearing a black suit, a black windbreaker, and a white hat, covering half of his face, step by step towards Ah Xing!

A Xing’s cold sweat has soaked his clothes, Fat Boy Cong has long been limp, and he dare not lift his head in fright.

The thin young man walked up to Ah Xing and lifted the head, revealing a delicate and pretty perfect facial features.

Anyone who sees this face can tell where is a teenager, obviously a girl in a suit.

Such a perfect face is absolutely impossible to be a man.

The girl squinted at A Xing, corner of the mouth slightly raised, evil said with a smile: "It's you, the little brat, who has been using my name as "Ax Gang" to cheat! "

A Xing browses frowned, not because of the girl's words, but her voice is too ugly!

The girl has a face that countless women admire, but her voice is extremely hoarse and sharp. Anyone who listens to it will feel disgusted!

Not far away, Mao Xiaofang felt normal, because he had already seen that the girl didn't use her mouth to make a sound, but her abdomen!

She was shaking her abdomen to make a sound, matching the shape of her mouth, it looked like she was talking!

Maybe the girl’s "ventriloquism" has not yet reached home, so the voice control is not good!

The girl seems to know her problem, but she doesn't care!

"Bring people back to the gang!" The girl turned around and ordered her subordinates to tie up Ah Xing and Fat Tsai Cong and take them away.

Mao Xiaofang said at this moment: "Girl, this young man stole my purse, can you let him return it to me? You take him away again!"

Head, glanced at Mao Xiaofang, the three masters and apprentices, and said: "If you want something, come to "Ax Gang"!"

After speaking, the girl walked out of the alley, the person from "Ax Gang" was grandiose, Leaving with Ah Xing and Fat Tsai Cong.

Mao Xiaofang did not do anything!

"Master, what shall we do?" Qiusheng looked at Master pitifully, he was really hungry!

Mao Xiaofang gritted his teeth and said: "Let’s go to "Ax Gang"!"

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