zombie, born out of the grievances of heaven and earth, immortal, immortal, immortal, abandoned by Heaven, Earth and Human Three Realms from Six Paths of all living beings, wandering, helpless, displaced, in Human World feeds on grievances and blood!

The walking corpse of Maoshan that Lin Li encountered in the "Xu Clan Tomb Mountain" before is just the lowest existence among zombies. After the Maoshan Taoism concocted, strong as an ox, impervious to sword and spear, I'm afraid Object of Pure Yang.

Zombies are also graded, based on the color of their eyes.

The lowest-level walking corpse has black eyes and white, blue, yellow, green, and red upwards.

The red-eyed zombie is also the Zombie Corpse King. Since ancient times, there is only one Zombie Corpse King, and that is the general.

On the black-eyed walking corpse, you can maintain your pre-mortem consciousness, and your appearance is no different from ordinary people. In addition to the blood addiction that cannot be restrained, you are also afraid of Pure Yang Qi!

However, the higher the zombie level, the stronger the resistance to Pure Yang Qi. After the yellow-eyed zombie, it has overcome its natural shortcomings, not afraid of Pure Yang Qi, even if it is exposed to the sun, it will not hurt!

Because zombie sucks human blood for a living, it is not allowed to be in the right way, regardless of Buddhism or Dao Sect, it is their responsibility to kill zombie.

In the past, in order to eliminate zombie, the Buddhist and Taoist families joined forces to start a bloody battle with zombie for a hundred years, and finally defeated this group of foreign objects.

It's just the Zombie Corpse King who is Undying and Inextinguishable. No one can kill. As long as he doesn't die, the zombie group will not perish.

However, the minister disappeared for hundreds of years without showing up. The other zombies are like mice crossing the street, not a climate!

Lin Li I heard from Mao Xiaofang that there is even the Zombie Corpse King who is about to be born, and it is not a general, it is a disaster for the cultivation world.

Not only the cultivation world, it should be said that it is a disaster for mankind!

Zombie feeds on blood, and human beings are food for it. The two sides are destined to oppose each other.

Once the Zombie Corpse King is born, he raises his arms and makes a large number of zombies, is there still room for humans to survive?

So the birth of Zombie Corpse King is not only a major event for the cultivation world, even for ordinary persons!

Lin Li also rarely became serious.

"Daoist Priest Mao, is the news about the birth of the Zombie Corpse King accurate?"

Mao Xiaofang nodded and said: "Wutaishan Zhijue Master passed away not long ago. It is estimated that a new Zombie Corpse King will be born.

Poor Daoist has investigated and found that near Xuanhai, only "Xu Clan Tomb Mountain" is the most likely to cultivate Zombie Corpse King!"

Lin Li Strangely said: "Zhijue passed away?"

Mao Xiaofang asked: "Gang Lord Lin knows the Zhijue Master?"

Lin Li nodded and said: "Three years ago After a fate, count the age, the Master is no more than 30 years old, how can you die an untimely death like this?"

Mao Xiaofang said: "The intellectual master is a Buddhist monk, a cultivation four The world is also a Buddhist monk who is most likely to have attained the "Arhat Attainment Status" for thousands of years!

half a month ago, the intellectual Master felt that his life essence was about to be exhausted, and based on his fourth life cultivation base, Calculating the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, within one year, the Zombie Corpse King will be born in Xuanhai. This is a catastrophe for all living beings!"

Lin Li strangely said: "How sure is Daoist Priest Mao, that Zombie Corpse King will be in "Xu "Clan Tomb Mountain" was born?"

Mao Xiaofang said: "Poor Daoist was born in the "Heavenly Dao Sect" branch of "Maoshan Supreme Purity Sect". He is best at Feng Shui.

I watch the whole Xuanhai Fengshui, realized that "Xu Clan Cemetery Mountain" is Liuyin Converging Ground, it is most likely to cultivate "Zombie Corpse King"!"

Lin Li didn't expect the matter is related to "Xu Clan Tomb Mountain" !

"The Tomb Mountain was bombed three years ago, can we still train Zombie Corpse King?" Lin Li said curiously.

Mao Xiaofang explained: "Although the mountain is destroyed, the six-yin gathering pattern is still there, but because there is no suppression by the mountain, Yin Qi continuously gathers and goes straight into the crypt, becoming the trend of the six-yin gathering! "

Lin Li asked: "Daoist Priest Mao means that this Zombie Corpse King is likely to be underground!"

Mao Xiaofang nodded and said: "This is just Poor Daoist guessed, and there is no substantive evidence!"

Lin Li hearing this was silent for a while, and then said: "If Zombie Corpse King is really underground in the grave mountain, the Taoist leader can have a way to eliminate it!"


Zombie Corpse King Undying and Inextinguishable, when countless experts of Buddhism and Taoism wanted to kill him and then soon, they all ended in failure, at most they were sealed!

"If it is a real Zombie Corpse King, Poor Daoist will never be able to kill him, but this corpse king has not been fully cultivated and has not reached the Undying and Inextinguishable state, Poor Daoist can deal with it!"

Mao Xiaofang explained: "According to the calculations of the Zhijue Master, the Zombie Corpse King will be born in one year. As long as the "Six Yin Convergence" pattern is broken within one year, Its premature death!"

Lin Li said: "What does the Daoist want me to do?"

Mao Xiaofang somewhat hesitantly said: "Poor Daoist wants Gang Lord Lin to organize manpower and material resources. Dig the tomb and break its Yin veins!"

Lin Li did not immediately agree, because it is difficult and difficult to say, simple and simple, everything is in the word "money"!

As long as you have money, let alone digging mountains, moving mountains is a trivial matter.

But there is a lot of money used in it, enough to bankrupt a rich family!

"Tombs are now banned by the government. If we want to dig the mountains, we must get the government's approval. It is not easy to let the government make way because of the speculation of the Taoist chief without substantive evidence!"

Mao Xiaofang also knows the difficulty, otherwise he wouldn't be in Xuanhai for two days, there is nothing he can do.

Cultivation has never dealt with the government, especially 20 years ago, the cultivation world supported the Great Shun dynasty, which led to a confrontation between the North and the South. The southern government had a very bad attitude towards the cultivation world.

Many southern cultivation Sects were forced to relocate to the north. Among them was his "Maoshan Supreme Purity Sect".

"Maoshan Supreme Purity Sect" was originally located in Maoshan in the south, but it changed a lot 20 years ago. Because of the support of the Great Shun country, it was not allowed in the southern government and had to move to the north, but some people were unwilling Leaving Maoshan eventually led to Sect divided into two!

South "Maoshan Supreme Purity Sect", north "Maoshan Heavenly Dao Sect".

Mao Xiaofang belongs to the northern faction, so it is difficult to move in the south!

It's not that he never thought of asking for help from "Supreme Purity Sect", but unfortunately, the Southern School has long been set by the government as the target of strict investigation, powerless to defend himself!

Dharma End Era, Cultivation Sect In front of the government, there is no such insurmountable power hundreds of years ago.

No matter how strong martial arts is, it is still insignificant in front of guns!

In the past two decades, there have been no one hundred of the cultivation Sect destroyed by guns in the south, but eighty!

Only those Sects who are aware of current affairs can survive!

"Gang Lord Lin, this time for the birth of Zombie Corpse King, Xuanhai gathered a lot of colleagues in the cultivation world, it is better for me to come forward, borrow your place, and meet them to discuss together, how about?" Mao Xiaofang wanted to come. If I want to go, I feel that this matter is not a family matter, it is better for everyone to discuss it together!

Mao Xiaofang's request is actually in Lin Li's arms!

He just needs to gather more cultivators to get more cultivation cheats, which is also very good for him to integrate into the cultivation world!

"Daoist Priest Mao might as well live with my "Ax Gang", I will arrange the venue immediately, and just speak frankly if the leader has any requirements!" Lin Li said generously.

Mao Xiaofang cup one fist in the other hand and said: "Gang Lord Lin understands the great righteousness, and Poor Daoist is amazed. This time he killed the Zombie Corpse King. Gang Lord Lin will help him, and he will be able to succeed easily! "

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