Dragon Tiger Mountain’s secret "Five Thunder Execution" uses its own five Qi to attract the outside Five Elements Divine Lightning. It is a famous domineering technique in the cultivation world!

The person who conspired against Lin Li is a cultivator of the daoist sect of Bashan, called Lieyangzi.

Bashan daoist sect is affected by Grand Era, and has long lost its glory.

Although Lieyangzi has a high cultivation base, his morals are corrupt and he is obsessed with power and money, so he took refuge in Liu Dashuai early and did a lot of wicked things for him.

Although his character is not good, Lieyangzi is also regarded as Old Senior in the cultivation world, Qi Refinement Realm Peak in Taoism that is a real.

Compared with Mao Xiaofang and the others, there is no difference!

Lieyangzi originally thought that Lin Li was just a pure Martial Artist. Although the physical destruction ability was amazing, but he didn't understand Taoism, it was easy to deal with as long as he planned well.

However, Lin Li didn't expect to display the secret Dragon Tiger Mountain "Five Thunder Execution". It seems that the cultivation base is not too shallow!

Lin Li is also the first time to use Taoism, so he is a little uncomfortable, and the movement caused by it is slightly bigger.

Xuanhai was originally a clear sky, but suddenly there were thunderclouds, thunder bursts, and thunder fell into the Xuanhai prison one by one.

People who don’t know thought that in the prison, which prisoner had a serious sin, caused God to get angry and lowered the thunder Divine Punishment!

Mao Xiaofang and the others who took a rest in "Ax Gang" also sensed Lin Li's "Five Thunder Execution", all speechless in surprise.

Because of the spell cast by Lin Li, Qi Refinement Realm can't make it at all!

"Five Thunder Execution of spirit refinement!" Mao Xiaofang said in surprise: "How could this Gang Lord Lin be spirit refinement!"

Now the cultivation world expert is withered, spirit The refinement environment has been hailed as a generation of Grandmaster.

Like Heavenly Master Zhang, it is with the cultivation base of "spirit refinement environment" that he is firmly established as the head of "Dragon Tiger Mountain"!

Originally Mao Xiaofang thought that Lin Li was favored by Heavenly Master Zhang, and he passed his "Five Thunder Execution" before his death, leaving an inheritance.

Lin Li is good at getting started, but didn't expect "Five Thunder Execution" to go directly to Great Accomplishment!

Mao Xiaofang suddenly felt ridiculous. Could it be that he has cultivated Dao for a lifetime, and he can't compare to Lin Li the past few days of kung fu!

On the other side of the prison, Lin Li is floating in the air, surrounded by thunder and lightning, like the Thunder God descends to the earth, and the Golden Axe in his hand wraps the Five Elements Divine Lightning, just like Mjornil in Thor’s hands!

The huge strength of Thunder has long destroyed Lieyangzi's Taoism, revealing his true colors.

Lie Yangzi is an old man with a short stature, and the hair on top of his head is already bald. At this time, seeing Lin Li standing high in the sky, majestic and majestic, I also regretted it!

To provoke a spirit refinement cultivator, or a spirit refinement cultivator who knows "Five Thunder Execution".

Lie Yangzi really wants to give herself two big mouths now, why don't you investigate his background well before finding Lin Li!

Now if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off, Lieyangzi doesn't know how to end it!

Just as he thought of giving Lin Li a soft spot and begging for mercy, Lin Li's golden axe slashed over!

Lin Li can’t do it without splitting. For the first time he cast "Five Thunder Execution", he miscalculated his own power, and directly drove all the mana of "Five Elements Divine Lightning" and attracted dozens of Five Elements Divine Lightning!

Now that Divine Lightning is integrated into the golden axe, the majestic power has reached the point where it has to be used.

Otherwise, it will blow up!

Lin Li thinks that he is unlucky, it is better to let others be unlucky, and simply throw an axe in his hand!

Lie Yangzi is dying now!

The axe thrown by Lin Li is not only powerful and fast, but also contains Five Elements Divine-Thunder Power.

Five Elements Divine Lightning What is that, that is one of the most powerful forces in Human World, but everything in Five Elements can be destroyed!

Unless you jump out of Three Realms and are not in Five Elements, you will suffer the restraint of Five Elements Divine Lightning.

By the way, if it is not in Five Elements, it is the realm of immortal. Naturally, you will not be afraid of the "Five Elements Divine Lightning" of spirit refinement.

Unfortunately, Lieyangzi is just a Qi Refinement Realm Peak Cultivator, which cannot stop "Five Elements Divine Lightning".

So Lieyangzi had a tragedy. Before the golden axe could kill, Lieyangzi turned into coke in the burst of "Five Elements Divine Lightning".

"Five Elements Divine Lightning" contains Lin Li's mana, which not only hurts the fleshy body, but also destroys the Primordial Spirit, so Lieyangzi completely disappeared between Heaven and Earth, without even a trace of soul There is no way to be a ghost if you stay!

Killing Lieyangzi, the golden axe's remaining power remains undiminished, and he blasts directly at the Xuanhai prison.

Then there was a huge flash of lightning, and the Xuanhai prison was destroyed in half!

"Oops, Han Chen won't be affected!" Lin Li was taken aback, didn't expect his "Five Thunder Execution" to be so strong, this destructive power is about to catch up with the 9th product expert!

"Five Thunder Execution" method Martial Fusion 1, not only has a very strong physical destructive power, but also can damage the Primordial Spirit, break all the laws, if it is not for cultivation, it is really difficult, and there are almost no shortcomings!

Lin Li finally found Han Chen in the ruins. He was lucky to be held in the deepest part of the prison and was not affected by "Five Elements Divine Lightning".

Han Chen should have suffered a lot, and his body was full of injuries. Lin Li's nose was inexplicably sore after seeing him.

It was so miserable. Han Chen was thrown into jail, and he was punished. There was no good meat on his body. It was sad for those who heard it, and tears for those who saw it!

Lin Li quickly input a vitality to him to help him relieve pain and heal his injuries!

"Gang Lord, you are finally back!" When Han Chen saw Lin Li, his tears couldn't stop, and hua hua flowed down!

"You have been wronged, I am here, and I will definitely seek justice for you!" Lin Li wiped Han Chen's tears.

Han Chen suffered a lot of injuries. Fortunately, they were all skin and flesh injuries. They didn't hurt their muscles and bones. After a good period of care, there will be no repercussions!

Lin Li helped Han Chen out of the prison, and saw a group of soldiers surrounded them, three floors inside and three outside, with a gun at them!

These soldiers are all the defenders Liu Dashuai stayed in Xuanhai. They were attracted by the movement of the previous "Five Elements Divine Lightning" and waited for Lin Li and Han Chen to come out.

Lin Li was in anger at this time, and seeing this gun made him even more angry.

If Han Chen hadn't been by his side, Lin Li would have rushed over and shattered these soldiers!

An adjutant figure came out of the soldiers and said to Lin Li:

"Gang Lord Lin, we have been waiting for a long time!"

Lin Li vaguely saw , There are three artillery hidden behind the soldiers!

This is probably the adjutant's confidence to dare to face him!

Lin Li is not afraid of these firepower, but with Han Chen's current situation, he can't bear the slightest turbulence!

Just when Lin Li if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off, there was a commotion behind the soldiers. Yu Fang and that A Xing unexpectedly killed them with "Ax Gang" dísciple !

The adjutant turned his head in panic, but a big hand clasped his neck at the next moment!

"The adjutant, if you don't want to die, let your brothers lay down their weapons!" Lin Li said coldly behind the adjutant.

The adjutant’s cold hair exploded on his back, and his neck shrank, completely embarrassed!

"Everyone put down their weapons!" The adjutant shouted.

Soldiers, look at me, and I will look at you. In the end, he obeyed the commander’s command honestly and put down all the guns!

Yu Fang brought the people from "Ax Gang", confiscated all the weapons, and then joined Lin Li!

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