Dayuan Ruyang King Chahan Timur is a recent hot enough to scald one's hands figure in the military.

Now that the Great Yuan Empire is swaying wind and rain, the world is full of flames, and the rebels continue. The Imperial Court is still at the Drunken Stupor, and the emperor ignores state affairs all day.

In the Imperial Court, In Literature there is the Prime Minister out of Tamerlane to support the court. Wu Youchahan Tamerlane led the war and suppressed the rebellion. The Imperial Court of Dayuan finally managed to sustain it.

Recently, King Ruyang received a sword that cuts iron like mud, called "Slaying the Dragon".

There has always been a rumor that "the treasure sword slays the dragon command the world do not dare not obey".

It took a lot of effort for King Ruyang to find this treasured sword, but it was not because he loved the sword, but because he wanted to destroy it.

The title of "Dragon Slaying Blade" violated the Imperial Court taboo, so King Ruyang wanted to destroy the sword.

However, after getting the "Dragon Slaying Blade", King Ruyang found a craftsman and spent seven days unable to destroy the sword. He changed his mind again.

Since accepting the task of countering the rebellion, King Ruyang discovered that 50% of the rebels in the world came from Mingjiao. As Mingjiao forces developed and strengthened, the Imperial Court was gradually struggling.

After all, Mingjiao is also a Jianghu Sect sect. These quacks are obsessed with Divine Weapon. Even more how "Dragon Slaying Blade" still has secrets in them.

The King Ruyang doesn't know the secret of "Dragon Slaying Blade", but it does not prevent the use of "Dragon Slaying Blade" to split the rivers and lakes and cause some trouble for Mingjiao.

The King Ruyang is already considering how to put the "Dragon Slaying Blade" into the arena and cause conflicts in the martial arts. It is best to provoke the fight between Six Great Sects and Mingjiao to give the Imperial Court a chance to breathe. .

Wang Ruyang is not only a military commander, but his resourcefulness is not worse than any Civilian Court Official. I think he also participated in the Imperial Court expedition and passed the Juren. It’s not too much to say that he is both civil and military!

Just as King Ruyang was considering how to operate "Dragon Slaying Blade", didn't expect Prince Steward suddenly broke into the study.

"The prince, it's not good. A fierce monk came to the house and said that he was looking for the prince. He had overturned many guards!"

"Monk?" Wang Ruyang brows slightly wrinkle, put down the "Dragon Slaying Blade", some said with displeasure: "That monk dare to come to my Ruyang Palace to make trouble!" A group of royal guards were already lying there.

These guards are all good hands transferred by King Ruyang from the army. Not only do they count as ten, they are also fierce and unafraid of death, but now they are all lying on the ground, either with broken hands or feet.

In the middle of the guard, there stood a monk with a white face and beard. He was very old, but he didn't feel any senile. Instead, he exuded sturdy air.

The monk saw King Ruyang appear, and said loudly: "Sajia Xiyu Vajra Sect treasure tree, I have seen King Ruyang!"

When the monk reported his family, King Ruyang Brows twitched.

The King Ruyang knows Vajra Sect. Not only does he know, he also recruited Vajra Sect's experts. If he can find "Dragon Slaying Blade", Vajra Sect has a credit.

It’s just that King Ruyang has never seen Baoshu, nor has he heard of him in "Vajra Sect"?

"Master Baoshu, what do you mean?" King Ruyang's face turned black, pointing to the guards on the ground and asked.

Bao Shu puts his hands together, he is neither humble nor overbearing to King Ruyang: "The Sajia wants to see the prince, these people are blocking them, and they want to attack the Sajia, the Sajia can only fight back!"

Ruyang Wang brows jumped, and he resisted his anger and said: "The palace has the rules of the palace, even if you "Vajra Sect" are the guest of my Ruyang palace, you can't force the palace!"

The monk Baoshu doesn't have it. Apologetically: "The Sa family is not from the Central Plains, and I don't know the rules of the palace, but since you see the prince, please ask the prince to hand over the "Dragon Slaying Blade" to the next!"

"Asshole!" King Yang saw the attitude of Monk Baoshu, and couldn't bear it anymore, pointing at him and cursing: "You Vajra Sect are so brave, how dare you ask for a sword from this king!"

"Vajra Sect" is to fancy their powerful military force, and want to use their power to deal with the Central Plains martial arts.

But in my heart, King Ruyang looks down on these people from the rivers and lakes very much.

Now that Monk Baoshu dares to force him to hand over the "Dragon Slaying Blade", Wang Ruyang can't be angry!

Monk Baoshu didn’t seem to see King Ruyang’s anger, and said word by word:

"Since the prince does not want to give it, then the Sajia will take it by himself!"

After that, Monk Baoshu wanted to enter the palace.

"Come on, take this crazy monk for me!"

The king of Ruyang was full of black lines, and with a big wave of his hand, a team of archers rushed out of the palace and brought the treasure to the tree. The monk was surrounded.

Among the archers, eight of them are the most special. They are "divine arrow Baxiong". Each of them is a divine archer with a hundred steps through Yang. On the arrow technique, it does not lose to the Mongolian divine archer "Zhe Bie". .

"divine arrow Baxiong" bend bow and place arrow, the arrow points to the key point of the monk Baoshu, as long as he dares to take another step, the next moment will have five steps splashed with blood.

"Master Baoshu, this king will give you one last chance. As long as you retreat on your own, this king will not be blamed for today's affairs!" , Said plainly: "After January, the Sajia will face a strong enemy, and it must be "Dragon Slaying Blade"!"

The King Ruyang said in a spirit: "The King of "Dragon Slaying Blade" is still very useful. , I can’t give it to you!"

"Then you can take it yourself!"

Monk Baoshu suddenly rushed to "divine arrow Baxiong", not yet close, eight long arrows Coming to his eight vital points.

The eight long arrows are not only powerful, but the angle is also very tricky, ordinary people in the rivers and lakes can't avoid it.

But Monk Baoshu simply did not dodge, because when the eight long arrows came to Monk Baoshu less than a foot, they were blocked by an invisible force and solidified in midair.

"Guardian Qijin, a wall of Qiqi?!" Divine arrow Baxiong's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

No matter the shock of "divine arrow Baxiong", Monk Baoshu quickly attacked, clearing the way by one person.

Wang Ruyang saw Monk Baoshu so fiercely, he was a little surprised and couldn't help retreating to the palace.

"When did Vajra Sect have such an expert?!"

It's not that Ruyang King has never had contact with the people of "Vajra Sect". In his impression, Vajra Sect has many people I'm an expert from a foreigner, I haven't heard of an Inner sect expert, and I'm even an expert who is trained to protect the body.

Inner sect kung fu, practiced to protect the body vigor, this is the expert in expert.

Monk Baoshu not only trained to protect the body, but he could also reach a foot away from his body to form a qi wall. Such a cultivation base, King Ruyang has only heard of it, but has never seen it before.

Soon, the guards of Ruyang Palace were all overturned by Monk Baoshu, and he had already stepped into the gate of the Palace.

Two figures sprang out from the palace and slapped them at Monk Baoshu.

Senhan's palm wind seems to freeze the air!

"Profound Nether Divine Palm?"

For the first time, Monk Baoshu stepped back, and a pair of iron palms greeted the man.

Four palms touched each other, and the two of them retreated faster than when they came, and retreated to the side of King Ruyang, their faces pale and cold.

After a palm, Monk Baoshu made two deep footprints.

"What is the relationship between you and Daoist Bai Sun?" Monk Baoshu looked at the two people beside Ruyang King and asked.

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