Yang Dingtian's wife's betrayal, coupled with the relationship between the cultivation "Great Heaven and Earth Shift" Seventh Layer, led to the cultivation deviation and lost his mind.

After coming down from Guangmingding, the Imperial court of Yang Dingtian aimless left. It seemed that something was guiding him, moved towards Huashan.

On this road, he is delirious. Fortunately, his martial arts is high and strong, but he doesn't lack clothes or food. He just looks a little embarrassed.

What’s more interesting is that although Yang Dingtian’s mentality is unclear, True Qi in his body runs spontaneously. Instead of hindering it, it moved towards a perfect route. In just a few days, Yang Dingtian’s The accumulation of skill gets thicker.

The original Seventh Layer "Great Heaven and Earth Shift", gradually moved towards a correct cultivation, the strength has not weakened, but has become stronger.

When Yang Dingtian came to the foot of Mount Hua, he accidentally saw the Mongolian cavalry led by King Ruyang.

Yang Dingtian has been aiming all his life to overthrow Mongolia and rebuild the Han people, even stealing the ancient tombs, starting from the bottom of Mingjiao until Sect Lord.

It can be said that overthrowing Mongolia is Yang Dingtian’s deepest obsession. Even if he is already delirious, he still instinctively wants to fight after seeing the Mongolian cavalry. This is the instinct deeply stuck in the bones. .

Although there is only one Yang Dingtian, there are three thousand Mongolian cavalry, the number is very different, but Yang Dingtian martial arts is the world, "Great Heaven and Earth Shift" even cultivated to a realm that is even less than the founder.

Yang Dingtian by the strength of oneself, against three thousand cavalrymen, even gained the upper hand. The Mongolian cavalrymen who killed lost their helmets and armor, and their military spirit was greatly lost. It was only a matter of time before the defeat.

But Yang Dingtian wants to slaughter three thousand Mongolian cavalry by virtue of strength of oneself. It is also impossible. The manpower is sometimes poor. If you martial arts are the best, you can't be a Myriad Slaughterer!

"Master Wang, that madman is probably the Sect Lord Yang Dingtian of Mingjiao, and the greatest enemy of the Imperial Court. Please also take him down. The fire of anti-Yuan under heaven will be extinguished!" Ru Yang Wang asked Wang Zhu.

Wang Zhu took a closer look at Yang Dingtian, and seemed to be somewhat inferior to his mental state.

"That crazy man martial arts is no less than Zhang Sanfeng of the year, but he may have a problem with martial arts, he seems to be unconscious!"

Ruyang Wang said with great happiness: "Then is the best time to capture Yang Dingtian!"

Wang Zhu shook his head and said: "Although Yang Dingtian has lost his mind, the martial arts is still there. If I want to win him, I have to pay. It’s a high price, I’m afraid I can’t help you deal with that monk Baoshu!"

Wang Ruyang heard this, his face changed several times, and finally he made up his mind: “Yang Dingtian is more threatening than the monk Baoshu Even bigger, let Master Wang take action to deal with Yang Dingtian!"


After that, Wang Zhu has drifted towards Yang Dingtian, the speed is as fast as lightning. , Wang Ruyang didn't even notice how he left.

Wang Zhu’s Lightweight Art is extremely amazing, even if it is the "Blue Wing Bat King" famous for its Lightweight Art, Wei Xiaoxiao is far inferior!

Yang Dingtian feels danger instinctively, and uses Seventh Layer's "Great Heaven and Earth Shift" to push back the "Profound Nether Elder", and then rolls back, avoiding the king dangerously and dangerously. Bamboo a sword.

I don't know when Wang Zhu has an extra sword in his hand, and countless sword lights stab Yang Dingtian quickly, like a ****.

Yang Dingtian's eyes are only the word light bursting out, and he instinctively uses the Seventh Layer "Great Heaven and Earth Shift", Yin-Yang Energy gathers his hands and transfers all the word light elsewhere.

"very fast sword!"

Although Yang Dingtian avoided in time, he was still hit by Wang Zhu's Three Swords, but they were all skin wounds and did not affect the combat power.

"What a Mingjiao Sect Lord Yang Dingtian, I have been the first person to escape my sword since "Sunflower Treasure Scripture" Great Accomplishment!" Wang Zhu flicked his long sword, sword light It's like a dragon, and then kill Yang Dingtian.

Yang Dingtian evaded Wang Zhu’s sword light embarrassingly, and there were a few more sword marks on his body. Fortunately, his skill was deep and his sword wound was not deep.

The two men fought faster and faster, and directly passed the surrounding Mongolian soldiers, moved towards the top of Huashan Mountain.

"Catch up with this king!" Wang Ruyang saw Wang Zhu and Yang Dingtian fought farther and farther, and didn't want to let this extremely rare opportunity pass.

"Lord, no!" Crane Biweng suddenly stopped King Ruyang, persuading him:

"Huashan Mountain Road is dangerous, and it is not good for the army to march. Lord Wang and Yang Dingtian are in the world again. Extremely expert, if the prince is involved in their decisive battle, it is likely to be in danger!"

Lu Zhangke also persuaded Ruyang Wang: “Master Wang deliberately led Yang Dingtian away, so he was afraid of affecting the safety of the prince! "

When King Ruyang heard the words of the second elder Profound Nether, he immediately stopped!

"Since the army can't go up the mountain, you two will go to help Lord Wang catch the anti-thief!" King Ruyang hit the "Profound Nether Elder" again.

The two elders of "Profound Nether" looked at each other and helplessly said with a bitter smile: "We are unable to intervene in the expert duel of Lord Wang!"

and Yang After Dingtian played against each other, the "Profound Nether two elders" knew well that for his own little cultivation, he could only go up the mountain to give food.

The two elders of Profound Nether are greedy for life and fear of death, so naturally they refuse to take risks.

Wang Ruyang noticed that "the two elders of Profound Nether" did not want to take risks, but he still said: "The two elders should still take a trip to meet Lord Wang from a distance. If there is something wrong with him, even the king can't bear it Get up!"

The two elders of Profound Nether heard the threat in King Ruyang’s words, but they had no choice but to agree, moved towards Wang Zhu and Yang Dingtian to chase after each other.


Lin Li sitting on the top of Huashan suddenly opened his eyes and felt a powerful breath approaching.

After being trained into "Marrow Cleansing Scripture", Lin Li's Sixth Sense is extremely keen, even to the point of agility.

Sure enough, a silhouette of divine poise and sagelike features floated from the bottom of the mountain, not who Zhang Sanfeng was!

"I haven't seen you for many years, the Master's style remains the same!" In the sky, Zhang Sanfeng's hearty laughter floated from far away.

Lin Li also said with a smile: "Daoist Zhang has changed amazingly, I am afraid "Primal Chaos Fist" has already come out!"

Speaking skills, Zhang Sanfeng has come to Lin In front of Li.

"Also many thanks Master, or else the veteran "Primal Chaos Fist" will be delayed for at least 20 years!"

Zhang Sanfeng is now more than when he was in Wudang. It's a lot younger.

"If there is no "Marrow Cleansing Scripture", the veteran can't create "Primal Chaos Fist" and create Internal Martial Arts lineage!"

I heard three "Internal Martial Arts" Lin Li is even more sure that the "Tai Chi" created by Zhang Sanfeng is not the original Primal Chaos Fist of "Heaven Sword World", but more like the fist technique in "Dragon Snake".

Lin Li asked tentatively: "Daoist Zhang, your Internal Martial Arts can be divided into "Ming Jin", "Dark Jin", "Transform Vigor"?"

Zhang Sanfeng's eyes lit up, said with a smile: "Lighting and darkening? This is in line with the level of Internal Martial Arts created by the old way!

The old way of Internal Martial Arts, just started to practice external power, not meridian , From the outside to the inside, oscillate the skeleton muscles and internal organs. After the strength reaches the whole body, try to converge the qi and blood to become a pill.

So in addition to the shading of the three strengths, there should be a "dan Jin", and finally Dan Jin Enthusiasm, so as to clear the comprehension of heaven and earth!" Zhang Sanfeng's words can be regarded as a clear explanation of the basic context of "Internal Martial Arts", and it is also exactly similar to "Internal Martial Arts" in Lin Li's impression.

The founding of "Internal Martial Arts" also enabled Zhang Sanfeng to be comparable to Bodhidharma. It is a generation of Great Grandmaster that continues the past.

It's just that Lin Li has more doubts in his mind!

"Is this "Yitian" or "Dragon Snake"." Lin Li said with a bitter smile.

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