The "Profound Nether Elder" who has been hiding in the dark, saw Lin Li killing the sunflower Old Ancestor, scared to death, he just wanted to leave immediately and join the army of King Ruyang at the foot of the mountain .

It's just that they just wanted to leave, they were shot on the shoulder, subconsciously backhanded "Profound Nether Divine Palm", attacking the person behind them.

"Profound Nether Divine Palm" is cold and vicious. Those who are photographed will not suffer from the cold and poison until they die!

Only this time, "Profound Nether Elders" photographed the iron plate, and the vicious palm force seemed to be plunged into the mire.

"It turned out to be Daoist Bai Sun's "Profound Nether Divine Palm". Are you his descendants?"

Zhang Sanfeng haha ​​smiled, waved his hands, "Profound Nether Elder" Just like soar into the clouds and mount the mists, rolling down to the side of Wang Zhu's corpse.

The one standing not far away is Lin Li!

"It turns out that the mouse that has been hiding in the dark is you two!"

Lin Li faint smiled and looked at "Profound Nether Elders", and they panicked when they watched it, involuntarily Two steps back, only to find Yang Dingtian behind them.

"It seems that you are also the lackeys of the Imperial Court."

"Profound Nether Elder" is surrounded by three great experts, scared and sweating, thinking about how to get out.

It's just as strong as the sunflower Old Ancestor can't run away, how can "Profound Nether two old" leave.

"Do you have anything to do with the army at the foot of the mountain?" Lin Li looked at "Profound Nether Elders" with a smile on his face, but made him feel like he was being stared at by the poisonous snake.

"I saw them in the army at the foot of the mountain. They should have been with Sunflower Old Ancestor!" Yang Dingtian pointed to the "Profound Nether Elder" and said.

"The Second Elder of Profound Nether" trembled, a chill rushed from his back to the top of his head.

"You two rats, you are not qualified to participate in the Huashan Swordsmanship, get me down!"

Lin Li waved his robe, "Profound Nether two old men" seemed to be caught in the wind Scrape it up and roll out of ten zhang like a bottle gourd.

The shameless "Profound Nether Elder" finally eased his breath, and then he felt a pain in Dantian.

"You abolished our martial arts?!"

The two elders of Profound Nether discovered that their dantian was broken, and the usual accumulation of "Profound Nether cold poison" quickly leaked from the dantian To the Eight Extraordinary Meridians.

The taste of "Profound Nether Cold Toxin" is absolutely uncomfortable. What the "Profound Nether Elders" usually like to do most is to look at people who are "Profound Nether Cold Toxin", and go crazy and die in pain.

Didn't expect, today they tasted bitter fruit, the cold and poison raged at an extremely fast speed, and the "Profound Nether two elders" were rolling and howling on the ground in pain.

Lin Li has no pity for the "Profound Nether Elders", and he is very serious because he knows the character of these two people.

In the original book, "Profound Nether Two Elders" did all the bad things and brought countless pain and trouble to the protagonist Zhang Wuji.

And "Profound Nether Old Ancestor" is Yuan Ting's most powerful expert besides Sunflower Old Ancestor. Now they are full of bad luck in advance, and they are considered cheap.

The horrible howling of "Profound Nether Elders" soon disappeared, and there were two more corpses in Huashan Mountain.

On the top of Huashan Mountain, neither Zhang Sanfeng nor Yang Dingtian took seriously the life and death of "Profound Nether".

After killing the "Profound Nether Elder", Lin Li pulled out the "Dragon Slaying Blade" from the ground, and did not return it to the Baoshu monk, but gave it to Yang Dingtian.

"This Dragon Slaying Blade is originally a pair with Emei Heaven Reliant Sword. It was made by the northern hero Guo Jing, who borrowed your father Great Hero Yang's dark iron heavy sword!"

Yang Dingtian took over the "Dragon Slaying Blade", and didn't expect that this "Dragon Slaying Blade" that once caused turmoil in the world has some connections with him.

"Dragon Slaying Blade contains Yue Fei's martial art book "Wu Mu Suicide". Guo Daxia hopes that there will be a General in future generations who can overthrow the Yuan court and restore the Han people with the help of the book of war!" Lin Li directly Tell Yang Dingtian the secret of "Dragon Slaying Blade" and "Heaven Reliant Sword".

"Now the Mingjiao is the largest anti-yuan force in the world. The little monk hopes that you can make good use of the "Wu Mu Suicide Note" after you obtain it. It will not violate Guo Daxia's aspirations, let alone fall to your father, the eagle hero Yang Guo. Prestige!"

Yang Dingtian held the "Dragon Slaying Blade" in both hands, feeling a little excited, not because of the "Wu Mu Suicide Note", but Lin Li's support of the anti-Yuan great cause!

"Master, rest assured, Yang Dingtian swears here that he will take the anti-Yuan cause as his own responsibility, follow the example of Guo Daxia, striving to the utmost, and die!"

Lin Li will "Dragon "Slaying Blade" is handed over to Yang Dingtian, laughed: "Just do your best, the world will be united for a long time and will be divided for a long time. The destruction of the Yuan court is only a matter of time. The most important thing is that you, as the Lord of the cult, can take the well-being of the people of the world. Seriously!"

After that, Lin Li right hand forefinger point, "Profound Yin Sword Qi" point on the blade of "Dragon Slaying Blade", the power of the yin makes "Dragon Slaying Blade" even more formidable It's a bit cold.

Next, Lin Li shot "Dragon Slaying Blade" with "Nine Yang Stele Splitting Hand" with his left palm. The power of Zhigang and Zhiyin alternated, making "Dragon Slaying Blade" originally no stronghold one cannot overcome The blade became fragile.

Yang Dingtian sees the opportunity, breaks his hands, and casts Seventh Layer "Great Heaven and Earth Shift", "Dragon Slaying Blade", which is already fragile, can no longer withstand the double pressure of Lin Li and Yang Dingtian , Directly broken into two pieces, exposing the interlayer in the blade.

Lin Li pulled out a piece of silk cloth from the interlayer, and the silk cloth was embroidered with tiny tiny characters, which is the "Wu Mu Suicide Note".

“It turns out that Daxia Guo used the cloth woven from the "Western Sky Silk" to record the "Wu Mu Suicide Note". No wonder it is not afraid of water and fire."

Lin Li's comment on the "Wu Mu Suicide Note" I didn't care, and handed it directly to Yang Dingtian.

If Yang Dingtian is collected by Supreme Treasure, he understands that with this yum victorious art of war, Ming Jiao will be more confident in overthrowing Yuan Ting.

The monk Baoshu on the side saw Lin Li ruining the "Dragon Slaying Blade" casually and took out the "Wu Mu Suicide Note" inside. He finally understood that he had left when he just fought with him. Hands.

You know, his fleshy body is not as strong as "Dragon Slaying Blade"!

"It turns out that from the very beginning, I am not as good as you. The gap between us turns out to be so big!" Monk Baoshu was a little dejected.

Zhang Sanfeng relieved the monk Baoshu and said: "In fact, the gap between you is not as big as you imagined. It is just that the cultivation base has reached the realm of you and me. If you are on the front line, you will have no edges!"

Baoshu monk can't realize the realm of Zhang Sanfeng, but he understands that he might not be able to catch up with these two people in his life.

"Daoist Zhang, my mundane affairs are already here, and we can also make the final Huashan discussion!" Lin Li looked at Zhang Sanfeng with piercing eyes, and the fighting intent in his heart could no longer be suppressed.

"Okay, okay, I’ve lived a life of idiots for more than 80 years, and I’ve never been afraid of anyone in a fight. Today, let Baoshu Master and Yang Sect Lord be a testimony, who is the real first under the heavens!"

None of Lin Li and Zhang Sanfeng moved, but their "Tai Chi domain" and "Xuan Yin Sword Domain" have already begun to clash.

In the place where the two are standing, an air current leaks from the center, and the vegetation near the two is broken into ten zhang.

Monk Baoshu and Yang Dingtian stepped away from the twenty zhang distance to pay tribute to this decisive battle that was hard to see in a century!

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