Lin Li returned to Shaolin and came to the abbot’s meditation room. This was the second time he came to this room. The last time he came was before his Master "Zen Master Wuse" passed away.

On the bed where "Zen Master Wuse" was lying, his discipline Hong Guan is lying.

Calculating age, Hong Guan is about to be ninety years old this year, about the same age as Zhang Sanfeng.

In this era when the average age is less than 50, 90 is already an advanced age.

Lin Li came to Hong Guan's bed and found that he was now completely old and his face was covered with a black air, and there was not much time to think about it.

Different from Lin Li’s intensive study of martial arts, Hong Guan didn’t love martial arts since he was a child. He only loved Buddhism. He has studied Buddhism for a lifetime. , He is already very satisfied.

"I heard that you defeated Zhang Sanfeng and Huashan Lunjian won the first place!" Hong Guan weakly asked Lin Li.

Lin Li was gently nodded, and didn't think first under the heavens was so great!

"I took over Shaolin’s presidency for many years. I knew I was too little to learn. Shaolin had several crises. If you hadn’t been there, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to get through it. Go down to face the colorless Master!" Hong Guan said in a tranquil voice.

Lin Li was a little silent, on the one hand because of Hong Guan's death, on the other hand because of guilt!

In the past few years, Lin Li has absorbed a lot of luck from Shaolin Temple. Although he is very restrained, he still has some influence on Shaolin. Shaolin has not developed smoothly over the years and is not as talented as who.

Lin Li cultivated the four of them and wanted to make up for Shaolin's loss.

Two generations of hosts of Zen Master Wuse and Hong Guan are all thinking about growing Shaolin, but they don’t know that the person who supports Shaolin’s hind legs is by their side.

"Junior Brother, you protect Shaolin for several decades, and you should take a rest. From now on, let the younger generations worry about Shaolin's affairs!" Shaolin.

The death of Hong Guan also made Lin Li no longer have any attachments to "Heaven Sword World". All those who care about him and those who care about him are passed away.

But before leaving, Lin Li has one last thing to do!

After attending Hong Guan’s funeral, Lin Li finally cleaned up "Hidden Scripture Pavilion" and left the "Profound Yin Sword Finger" and "Nine Yang Stele Splitting Hand" he created in " Hidden Scripture Pavilion 』is recorded in two Buddhist scriptures.

Lin Li doesn't know if anyone will be able to see these two stunts, and he didn't intend to pass it on to anyone, let's do whatever it takes!

Three days later, Lin Li left Shaolin alone and went to Yuandadu without disturbing anyone.

As the capital of the Great Yuan Empire, the "Yuan Dadu" is not only the political center, but also the economic and cultural center.

Although the Western Mountain of the Great Yuan Empire is declining and the world is full of flames, the Yuan Dynasty is still the most prosperous city in the world today.

Since Lin Li entered the "Yuan Dadu", he felt a strong world luck. It was a lucky dynasty gathered for a hundred years.

After entering the metropolis, Lin Li went directly to the place where the luck was the most dense.

That is the Imperial Palace!

Of course, ordinary persons cannot enter the Imperial Palace, even more how Lin Li!

Now that his killing of King Ruyang has spread all over the world, the Imperial Court has even offered a reward for wanting him, so he has to mobilize a large army to encircle Shaolin. The reason why he has waited until now is that he is calling for experts.

Lin Li swaggered close to the Imperial Palace, and was immediately spotted by the guards of the Forbidden Army.

But Lin Li ignored him, rushed directly to the Imperial Palace, jumped into the Imperial Palace with peerless Lightweight Art, and hit the "Dade Palace" all the way.

Countless forbidden troops, countless Imperial Palace guards, can't stop Lin Li, he has been found by him the current Emperor of the Great Yuan, and he is also the most profound person in the Great Yuan Empire.

"Boldly spoil the people, dare to trespass into the Imperial Palace, come here! Take this spoiler for me!"

Not many people responded to the words of Emperor Dayuan. Because most of the Imperial Palace guards did not dare to approach Lin Li.

Along the way, Lin Li, countless corpses of guards, told everyone that escorting is the price of life.

The eight great experts convened by the Imperial Family, and five Secret Sect monks, all died outside the Dade Hall.

Imperial Family has no expert available!

The monk robes on Lin Li's body have been blood dyed red. There are enemies and his own!

No one responded for a long time. The Emperor Dayuan was frightened. He began to promise Lin Li the position of Imperial Teacher. Unfortunately, Lin Li remained unmoved and directly smashed the emperor's head with a palm.

Then Lin Li used the "Luck Seizing System" to absorb the luck of the Great Yuan Dynasty and used it to return to the original world.

"Luck Seizing System" has two ways to suck luck, one is gradual, sucking a little each time, without hurting the foundation.

In Shaolin several decades, Lin Li used this method to absorb a little Shaolin luck every day, which will not harm the origin of Shaolin, at most hinder its development.

The second way is the Plundering Form. It draws money directly from the bottom and sucks the luck dry, but the sucked object will also lose the luck and die out soon.

This approach is good and bad for Lin Li.

The advantage is that you can get a lot of luck in a sudden, saving you years of troubles.

The disadvantage is that the huge luck is not what Lin Li fleshy body can bear, and he has to be reincarnated again after sucking it once.

Lin Li killed the Great Yuan Emperor and absorbed all the luck of the Great Yuan Empire, and his fleshy body was also declared broken and turned into a pool of meat, but the Primordial Spirit returned under the support of the "Luck Seizing System" In the original fleshy body of Great Zhou world.

Because of Lin Li's stealing of luck from the bottom of the cauldron and the death of Emperor Dayuan, the imperial family fell into an internal fight in order to fight for power.

Without the support of luck, the world’s anti-yuan fire is like Meteor Blazing Praire, Yang Dingtian led Mingjiao expert, raised the banner, openly resisted the Imperial Court, all the way like a hot knife through butter, and soon took it. The second half of the country.

At this time, the Imperial Court of Dayuan, although it reacted, King Ruyang was dead, and no one could resist the Mingjiao who possessed the "Wu Mu Suicide Note".

With the appearance of Lin Li, many things have changed. Mingjiao and the martial arts Six Great Sects did not fight each other, but because Zhang Sanfeng took the lead, temporarily put aside their prejudices and agreed to oppose the Yuan.

This time against Yuan, even Shaolin Temple got involved. Four Great Divine Monks organized a martial arts expert to continuously assassinate Imperial Court officials, clearing many obstacles for Mingjiao!

Lin Li has changed too much to "Heaven Sword World", and has long changed the original plot, but all of this is not what he wants to consider!

After returning to Great Zhou World, all the things that happened in "Heaven Sword World" turned into memories. Except for Martial Dao, who has the deepest memory, all other things are more like movies.

It was still in that room. Lin Li discovered that he had been in "Heaven Sword World" for almost eighty years. After returning, only eight hours had passed.

If it weren't for those clear Martial Dao memories and experiences, Lin Li would have thought he had just had a dream!

"Heaven Sword World"'s Shaolin sweeper Hongli, for Lin Li, it is like a game. After the game, he also wakes up. The martial arts of Grade 6 Peak will be forever Stay in "Heaven Sword World".

Martial arts is gone, at the worst recultivation, Lin Li is not a little frustrated, because he has already got the most precious thing.

Eighty years of Martial Dao experience and full of Divine Art cheats!

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