Song Zhe’s body was discovered two hours later when a servant of Heavenly Fragrance Restaurant was cleaning the room, and it immediately caused a great sensation!

Ouyang Hao personally took someone to "Heavenly Fragrance Restaurant", and after confirming that Song Zhe died, his head started to hurt again.

Song Zhongshu died only two days ago, Song Zhe died in Li Qinxin's room, and Li Qinxin disappeared with Xiang Wuxin.

One thing after another, Ouyang Hao is completely angry!

"Check, give me a thorough check, this Marquis wants to know who killed Song Zhe!" Ouyang Hao lost his temper in front of his subordinates.

After losing his temper, Ouyang Hao then went to "Changfeng Gang".

This is the second time Ouyang Hao has come to Changfeng Gang. The first time is because of the beasts of the Golden Trade Road.

This time is for Song Zhe's death.

When Lin Yitian heard the news of Song Zhe's death, he also looked confused.

He has fought with Song Zhe for a lifetime, seeing a rare cooperation, Song Zhe died before the trip, the two gangs of cooperation must be a waste!

"City Lord Ouyang, do you know who is the one who killed Song Zhe?"

Ouyang Hao carefully observe Lin Yitian’s reaction and make sure he doesn’t know the inside story , Then said:

"You don’t have to worry about the murderer, this Marquis will definitely investigate it. This Marquis is here this time, I hope you Changfeng Gang, don’t profit from somebody’s misfortune, this Marquis don’t make trouble in Yongning City !"

Lin Yitian hurriedly said: "Heavenly Wolf Group has something like this, and I am also heartbroken. City Lord Ouyang can rest assured that Changfeng Gang will never hit a person when he's down!"

From Ouyang Hao's standpoint, Song Zhe didn't care if Song Zhe died.

But Song Zhe is the Branch Lord of "Heavenly Wolf Group". Once he dies, it is inevitable that "Changfeng Gang" will not come out to grab the site.

In the past, Ouyang Hao would be lazy to deal with the disputes between the rivers and lakes gangs, but in this troubled autumn, Ouyang Hao does not want to see "Yongning City" mess up, so he will come to the door personally and warn Lin Yitian!

"The wild beast on the Golden Trade Road cannot be dragged. This Marquis is going to personally lead the team to annihilate it. Can Branch Lord Lin help the Imperial Court share the worries!"

Ouyang Hao decided, It is better to leave the "Changfeng Gang" people away, so as not to meet the two gangs and cause any troubles!

"Changfeng Gang must be the leader of Ouyang adults!"

Ouyang Hao satisfied nodded and said: "Okay, tomorrow this Marquis is in order, and you will go with the elites of Changfeng Gang. Golden Trade Road!"

After Lin Yitian left Ouyang Hao, he found Three Great Elders to discuss!

"This Ouyang Hao, I'm "Changfeng Gang" being used as a tool!" "铁锁横江" Wan Guchang angrily shouted.

Lin Yitian said cautiously: "Elder Wan, City Lord Ouyang also wants to keep the golden trade road unblocked. It is in line with our purpose. The cooperation between the two parties is also good for us!"

" What Ouyang Hao thinks, Branch Lord Lin doesn't know yet. He wants us "Changfeng Gang" to stand in the front line and wipe out the wild beasts for him!" said Feng Zhiyuan, "A sword has no return."

"Yes! Originally our mission was to explore the strength of the desolate beast. If the desolate beast's strength is not strong, just destroy it!

But if the desolate beast's strength is too strong, as long as it is safe Retreat and report to sect!

But if you get entangled with Ouyang Hao, I’m afraid it won’t be so easy if you want to retreat!"

Three Great Elders are all "Changfeng Gang" "The old man, this time he came to "Yongning City", and he didn't plan to take any risks at all.

"Now that Heavenly Wolf Group has no leader, it is a good opportunity for us to win in one fell swoop. If we can get the Heavenly Wolf Group site, our Changfeng Gang will be able to dominate Yongning City!" "Great Compassionate Hand" Wu Taihang Shi said suddenly.

Three Great Elders did not agree to help Ouyang Hao, instead they wanted to annex Heavenly Wolf Group!

"Heavenly Wolf Group is, after all, a big gang like my Changfeng Gang. Even if a Branch Lord Song Zhe dies, it will not hurt. If we rush into a battle with Heavenly Wolf Group, we may not get any benefits. , I still offend Ouyang Hao!" Lin Yitian worriedly said :

"If it is other times, it will be fine, but now the top priority is to solve the wild beast first!"

Three Great Elders was silent for a while, and after talking to each other privately, they asked: "Are you sure to deal with that wild beast?"

Lin Yitian said: "Who dares to see the wild beast before?" Say sure! It’s just that we have no choice!"

Wu Taihang said: "I think this matter should be reported to the Gang Lord, and he will decide!"

"It’s too late, Ouyang Hao will leave tomorrow! Tell the Gang Lord that it will take at least three days to come and go!" Lin Yitian shook his head.

Three Great Elders hesitated for a while, but couldn’t make up their minds!

Lin Yitian persuaded for a while, seeing that he could not persuade Three Great Elders, he was also secretly anxious.

At this time, Lin Yitian's son, Lin Gongfu walked into the room, paid respect to Three Great Elders, and came to Lin Yitian's side!

"Father, I have an idea, maybe it can solve the current dilemma!"

Lin Yitian said with displeasure: "We are discussing the major event, what are you going to fill in!" "

Lin Gongfu said: "In fact, father doesn't need to worry at all. We can fulfill Ouyang Hao's wish and occupy the site of Heavenly Wolf Group again!"

Three Great Elders When the eyes lit up, he asked: "What sly plan does you brat have?"

Lin Gongfu said with a smile: "Father can be divided into two groups with Ouyang Hao pretend to be polite, and send someone to follow He went to the Golden Commercial Road, while occupying the Heavenly Wolf Group's territory!

Now the Heavenly Wolf Group branch expert is dead and wounded, but we have Three Great Elders here. As long as one person is separated, it will be enough to sweep Heavenly Wolf. Group branch!"

Three Great Elders asked: "What should I do with the wild beast?"

Lin Gongfu said with a smile: "The wild beast is better to solve it, if it is The desolate beast is weak, and our strength is enough to destroy it. If the desolate beast is strong, at the worst we will leave Ouyang Hao, and we will retreat by ourselves!"

Lin Yitian frowned: "You think too simple! If it is Ouyang Hao Will it be investigated afterwards? Besides, the strength of Heavenly Wolf Group is not weak and it is not so easy to swallow!"

Lin Gongfu said with a smile: "Originally, if Ouyang Hao didn't lead the team personally, we didn't even take him. The way, but he is so dying, he actually wants to explore the golden trade road himself. If something accident happens during this period, is it normal for the Imperial Court to die one or two Imperial Court commanders?

As for the Heavenly Wolf Group From the perspective of Song Zhe’s effort to seek cooperation between the two gangs, I’m afraid there is something wrong with Heavenly Wolf Group and I’m overwhelmed!"

"Hiss!" Lin Yitian sucked in a breath of cold air, staring in surprise Lin Gongfu said: "You want to put Ouyang H ao is also done! "

Lin Gongfu coldly snorted and said: "Since this Yongning City Lord looks down on us, Changfeng Gang, why should we stick to his cold buttocks with warm faces? Why don't we take this opportunity to change to an obedient City Lord!" "

"Ouyang Hao is Grade 5 Martial Artist, can we kill him? "Feng Zhiyuan worriedly said.

"We don't need to act, we can murder a person with a borrowed knife! "Lin Gongfu said with a smile: "Just do some tricks when killing the wild beasts!" "

Lin Yitian discussed with Three Great Elders for a long time, and finally unanimously decided to do nothing, not only to annex Heavenly Wolf Group, but also Ouyang Hao to kill them!

Divided into two routes, one route led by Lin Yitian and Feng Zhiyuan leading Changfeng Gang elites, and Ouyang Hao to the Golden Commercial Road.

One route led by Wan Guchang and Wu Taihang, with local experts from Yongning City, invaded Heavenly Wolf Group site!

After the negotiation is settled, Lin Yitian left Lin Gongfu alone and asked:

"Let’s talk! Who gave you this idea? "

Lin Yitian knows too much about his son, who is both proud and incompetent, how could he come up with such a great idea, there must be expert advice behind him!

Lin Yitian knows that Lin Yitian cannot be kept secret, Laughing hehe said: "Who else can have, it is naturally Li Ge's idea! "

Lin Yitian's face is wonderful!

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