Changfeng Gang was on guard for a long time, "Hundred-Legged Heavenly Centipede" did not appear, and Lin Li was relaxed.

After confirming that "Hundred-Legged Heavenly Centipede" will not come back again, Lin Li began to arrange staff to clean up the mess.

This time the "Hundred-Legged Heavenly Centipede" attacked the camp, the thousand soldiers of Ouyang Hao suffered heavy losses. At least 400 died, and the remaining 6.4 fled and disappeared.

Lin Li collected the dead soldiers, buried them on the spot to prevent the plague, and arranged for someone to simply erect a large monument.

Ouyang Hao's body was also buried together, and it is considered dead and home!

As for the soldiers who fled, Lin Li did not choose to pursue them either.

Without materials and water sources, even Grade 6 Martial Artists can hardly survive in this Desert Gobi.

After statistics, Lin Li found that "Hundred-Legged Heavenly Centipede" destroyed most of the materials, and the rest, only enough for "Changfeng Gang" people, returned to Yongning City!

The task of exploring the "Golden Trade Road" this time has actually been completed.

Hundred-Legged Heavenly Centipede, which possesses the power of "Hundred-Legged Heavenly Centipede", cannot be dealt with by ordinary Jianghu gangs. As long as "Changfeng Gang" reports the facts to "Star Sect", there will naturally be an expert to solve it.

The biggest gain of "Changfeng Gang" coming to Golden Commercial Road is still killing Ouyang Hao. From now on, "Yongning City" will be the dominant family of "Changfeng Gang", even if the Imperial Court sends another City outside Lord, also even a powerful dragon cannot repress a local snake!

So the Three Great Elders discussed and agreed that the mission of the Golden Trade Road has ended and they can return to "Yongning City"!

It was night, "Changfeng Gang" was ten miles away from the supply station, found a place to rest temporarily, and returned to "Yongning City" at full speed tomorrow.

Because of "Changfeng Gang"'s footsteps, there is no drag from the army, and he will be able to return to the city in two days.

In the dead of night, Li Qinxin suddenly broke into Lin Li's tent. At this time, he was changing clothes and preparing to go to bed!

"Qinxin girl, although our relationship is good, you rushed into a man's tent like this, okay?"

Lin Li was naked and saw Li Qinxin. Later, there was no accident, and instead teased her.

Li Qinxin doesn't even look at Lin Li's body, but coldly said: "You Changfeng Gang is a good plot against, kill Ouyang Hao, you can dominate Yongning City!"

In the daytime, although most people's attention was attracted by "Hundred-Legged Heavenly Centipede", Li Qinxin still saw Lin Li and Three Great Elders, the process of killing Ouyang Hao!

"Does girl Qinxin want to take care of the vendetta?" Lin Li didn't panic at all.

"I am not interested in any grudges between you and Ouyang Hao, but you still remember what you promised!" Li Qinxin said coldly.

"Of course I remember!" Lin Li said indifferently: "I replied Miss Ying to help you find what you want, you help me join sect!"

Li Qinxin nodded and said: "Yes, now I haven't found my things, do you want to leave? Do you want to break your promise?"

Lin Li spread his hands and said innocently: "Since Qinxin girl wants me to help you find something , Tell me what to look for!"

Li Qinxin stared at Lin Li for a few seconds, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "It's okay to tell you, I doubt the inheritance of Ancestor Master Ba, just Lost somewhere on the Golden Commercial Road, and the key to searching is on "Hundred-Legged Heavenly Centipede"!"

"That would be troublesome, then "Hundred-Legged Heavenly Centipede" If we can escape, we can't find it!" Lin Li said in distress.

"Don't worry, I put "tracking powder" on the shell of "Hundred-Legged Heavenly Centipede" during the day, enough to let us find its nest!"

It turns out Li Qinxin had already moved his hands and feet on "Hundred-Legged Heavenly Centipede" during the day. No wonder he didn't follow it, but came to Lin Li instead!

Lin Li looked at Li Qinxin said with a smile: "I don't understand, since Qinxin girl is already in her chest, why do we need me to help?

The little man is just a small Grade 2 Martial Artist, how can I help the girl?"

Li Qinxin said: "Although I am not afraid of "Hundred-Legged Heavenly Centipede", but I need someone to help me distract it so that I can find the inheritance of Ancestor Master Ba. ?"

"It turns out that girl Qinxin wants me to be a bait!" Lin Li pretended to suddenly realize.

Li Qinxin said: "Of course I won't let you help in vain. After everything is done, I will not only ensure that you enter the sect, but also directly become the inner sect disciple!"

General Wu Dao sect, recruiting dísciple, even if talented, starts with "outer sect". After years of inspection, you can enter Inner Sect and receive sect training.

If Lin Li can directly enter the Inner Sect, it is tantamount to ascending to the skies with a single leap!

For ordinary Martial Artists, the temptation of an inner sect disciple is enough to make people crazy!

But for Lin Li, Li Qinxin's promise is not enough!

"Although the inner sect disciple is good, but I want to have life, "Hundred-Legged Heavenly Centipede" is not something I can handle as a Grade 2 Martial Artist!" Lin Li said.

"How can you help me?" Li Qinxin frowned.

Lin Li laughed and said: "It's not that I don't want to help girl Qinxin, I really can't do anything!"

"Don't worry, I will naturally not let you take risks alone. Someone will help you. As long as you two find a way to distract the "Hundred-Legged Heavenly Centipede" for a period of time, when I get the inheritance, I will be able to come back and save you!"

Lin Li still has something Scrupulous, never agreed to Li Qinxin, forced Li Qinxin to hemorrhage!

"I can still pass you a set of martial arts, as an extra reward for this matter!"

When I heard about martial arts, Lin Li became interested and acted like a Wu Chi in general.

"What is martial arts, martial skill or internal strength?"

Li Qinxin does not doubt that he has him, and said: "It is a set of "Earth Grade" internal strength, called " Golden Boy Treasure Book"."

Lin Li's eyes lit up and asked: "Can the Earth Grade cultivation technique be taught to others casually?"

Li Qinxin explained: "Nature No, but if you can help me get the inheritance of Ancestor Master Ba, plus my recommendation, I can naturally enter the Inner Sect, even if the cultivation "Golden Boy Treasure Book" is all right, now I just teach it in advance!"

Lin Li naturally knew that things were never as simple as Li Qinxin said, but he could not refuse Li Qinxin because she gave herself an excuse for just and honorable cultivation "Golden Boy Treasure Book"!

To kill Zhao Jiandan, Lin Li had already obtained the "Golden Boy Treasure Book", but he did not dare to cultivation. Once he had practiced, he told everyone that Zhao Jiandan was the one who killed him.

With his current strength, he can't resist sect!

But if it was taught by Li Qinxin, that would be different. Even if Lin Li used the "Golden Boy Treasure Book", he could push the source to Li Qinxin!

At the same time, Lin Li is also more interested in the inheritance of the Ancestor Master Ba.

For Li Qinxin to pay such a high price, Lin Li must also be asked for help. The inheritance of this Ancestor Master Ba must not be simple!

Pressing the careful thought in his heart, Lin Li listened to Li Qinxin's cultivation formula of "Golden Boy Treasure Book" and compared the cheats obtained from Zhao Jiandan.

Lin Li discovered that Li Qinxin did not play tricks in the formula, but she only passed the first 6-Layer formula. As for the most essential "Practice Qi Method", Li Qinxin concealed something.

But Lin Li still can't wait to cultivate.

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