Ba Yuantu rushed out of the hole and stood under the sun, feeling the long-lost sunshine, and his face couldn't help but be fascinated.

Lin Li, Li Qinxin, and Xiang Wuxin also went out of the tunnel and came to the ground, finally catching a breath.

Too many things have happened before. This is the resurrection of the wild beast adult and the resurrection of Ba Yuantu. If you encounter some people with poor psychological endurance, I am afraid that the world has long been crazy.

Lin Li is okay. Although things are bizarre, he is a transmigrator after all, and his brains are naturally bigger than those of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

What he cares more about is the strength of Ba Yuantu.

Just now, Ba Yuantu punched through the ground from the ground with one punch, and punched a path for one person to pass through to the tunnel. Such strength is terrifying and far surpassing Grade 8 realm.

When Lin Li just came up, he discovered that the tunnel Ba Yuantu had penetrated was fifty meters deep, and he had just thrown a punch.

Ba Yuantu punched in the air and hit a fifty-meter tunnel!

Grade 8 expert, Golden Qi Vein connects heaven and earth, making "Innate True Qi" endless and ten times stronger than Grade 7, but it is not as exaggerated as Ba Yuantu!

The only explanation is that what Ba Yuantu just punched was a kind of "Heaven Grade martial skill", which increased his original Grade 8 strength by many times.

Martial Dao cultivation technique is divided into foreign and inner sect. "Golden Boy Treasure Book" is the obvious inner sect cultivation technique, which can be cultivated into a strong Inner Strength.

The outer martial skill is a secret technique that can perfectly display the Inner Strength, even beyond the limit.

Generally speaking, only by combining internal and external and promoting each other can we truly achieve the supreme Martial Dao Realm.

Take the weird boy as an example. He has cultivated the "Golden Boy Treasure Book" for a hundred years and accumulated a strong Grade 8 Inner Strength, but he has never been able to break through the ninth rank, and even his vitality is only "Bronze vitality ".

In the final analysis, it is because he lacks a matching outer sect martial skill, which limits the development and growth of his strength.

In fact, Lin Li also encountered the same problem!

His "Golden Boy Treasure Book" has already brokenthrough Grade 7 realm, and has become "Innate True Qi", but he lacks the martial skills to match it.

Lin Li created "Profound Yin Sword Finger" and "Nine Yang Stele Splitting Hand", both of which are just Profound Level martial skills. Compared with the "Golden Boy Treasure Book", they are somewhat unworthy.

So Lin Li was very enthusiastic about the boxing technique used by Ba Yuantu, and even secretly used the "Luck Seizing System", hoping to collect Ba Yuantu's luck and get feedback from the system.

But what is strange is that the "Luck Seizing System" failed for the first time, and it didn't even steal the slightest luck from Ba Yuantu.

This is the first time this happened.

Be aware that unless it is a dead person, everyone has luck blessings, but there are more people and fewer people.

But Ba Yuantu has no luck at all, which is a bit abnormal!

Just when Lin Li was about to try the "Luck Seizing System" again, the monster boy suddenly broke out of the ground, his huge body turned out to be several times the size of "Hundred-Legged Heavenly Centipede"!

"Old Ghost Ba, you killed my grandson, I want you to be buried!"

The crazy boy, waving his tail, smashed at Ba Yuantu.

At this time, the child's body is already five or six times that of an elephant, and the tail alone weighs several thousand catties!

"Boy, you have been cultivating for a hundred years, and you still can’t get rid of the animal body. It can be seen that the innate talent is not high!"

Ba Yuantu slowly raised his right hand and supported him directly. The tail of a few thousand catties inhabited by the child is just the ground under his feet, shattered like a spider web!

"Ah!" The child wobbled his tail frantically, as a hammer, hitting Ba Yuantu again and again.

dong dong dong!

On the empty flat ground, the sound of the pile driver sounded.

"Boy, you haven't received formal Martial Dao training, you don't know martial arts mysterious!" Ba Yuantu shook his head and said, "Let our grievances disappeared today!"

Ba Yuantu's body is golden light flashed, an invisible wave spreads out, enveloping the child.

The child’s huge body was shaken, and then he could no longer move, between Heaven and Earth everywhere "Nine Heavens Primordial Yang Qi" and "Supreme Yin Moonlight", forming a resembles nature itself, Mixing with Ba Yuantu's imposing manner, it suppresses him tightly.

"This is the power of "Turbid Heaven Mirror"!" Li Qinxin felt the mysterious power of Ba Yuantu and couldn't help but yearn for it!

Lin Li was more calm, he found that Ba Yuantu's state was a little bit wrong.

Since he came to the ground, Ba Yuantu's original majestic body began to sweat, and the flow became more and more, and there was a tendency that he could not stop it.

As a Martial Artist at the level of Ba Yuantu, it is a trivial matter to control yourself, not to mention sweating, just not letting your wounds bleed.

It can be seen that Ba Yuantu's condition is not good!

Soon, what Lin Li was worried about happened. The child trapped by Turbid Heaven Qi over there suddenly straightened his waist, and a large amount of "Primordial Yang True Qi" was ejected from the pores of his body, which washed away Ba "Turbid Heaven Qi" by Yuantu.

"haha, Old Ghost Ba, a hundred years of tortoise breath, still drained your life force, now you are only strong in appearance but weak in reality!"

Ba Yuantu wry smile With a sound, the whole body "Turbid Heaven Qi" retracted in vain, and was collected among the dantian.

"Yes, I should have died a long time ago, but now I am looking back and I have settled this hundred years of grievances with you!"

Ba Yuantu seems to be indifferent to life and death. comprehend to realm above the 9th rank.

"so that's how it is, is this the Grandmaster realm?"

Ba Yuantu raised his palm and gently stretched it forward, half of the boy's body over there suddenly burst, and the flesh was broken. The blood mixed with jade green was spilled everywhere.

"When?" The boy looked at Ba Yuantu in shock, and said: "When did you make the attack!"

Ba Yuantu looked down at his hands , Said with a slight smile: "It turns out that the realm above the Ninth Stage is so simple. This seat has always been Eyes Obscured by a Single Leaf, so I can't enter it. Didn't expect to see Supreme Martial even before I die!"

next moment, Ba Yuantu's right hand was raised again, and the boy was immediately attacked by unknown means, and his whole body exploded in many places, but he didn't even know how Ba Yuantu attacked.

Don't talk about the victim of the child, Lin Li and the three who were watching the battle were also at a loss.

Just now Ba Yuantu made a move, and it was full of great things, grand and magnificent, and destructive power to the extreme.

How the next moment, Ba Yuantu's attack, is invisible, just raising your hand, and breaking the child to pieces. This is beyond the scope of martial arts!

"Boy, this is my last blow, let's end this fate!"

Ba Yuantu suddenly took a step, which seemed to move instantaneously, spanning ten several feet Standing beside the boy, gently touching him with the right palm!

The child was suddenly stunned, his whole body stiffened, and blood was ejected from all the pores of the next moment, as if there was some power to squeeze his blood out of his body!

“dust returns to dust, earth returns to earth, this seat killed your mother, you also betrayed this seat and killed this seat for a hundred years. There is a time for goodbye!"

Ba Yuantu took back his right hand, but the child slowly turned into fly ash, even the flesh and blood became dust, and those who died could not die again!

After the child died, Ba Yuantu's fleshy body was also about to collapse, and a crack appeared on the skin of his chest, like a crack in the egg shell, slowly expanding!

Ba Yuantu suddenly turned and looked towards Lin Li and Li Qinxin, with a smile on his face.

"You two cultivated "Golden Boy Treasure Book" and "Maiden Scripture". I want to be descendants of Saint Heaven Sect. This seat is about to die out. Let me pass on the "Turbid Heaven Mirror" created in your lifetime. !"

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