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Chapter 106: The truth of the cultivation world

Looking at this stone tablet, Long Yun seemed to be lost in reminiscence.

That was thirty years ago...

Okay, no more nonsense.

In short, this stone tablet has a connection with Long Yun.

In a sense, this stone tablet can be regarded as his spiritual awakener.

Without it, Long Yun and Long Xiaoruo's parents would not have become immortals.

But similarly, without this stone tablet, they might not have betrayed the reincarnation space...

"Alas!" Long Yun sighed in his heart.

He didn't know whether he should tell Long Wu and Long Xiaoruo about this news?

Let's see what the situation is.

Long Yun pointed to the stone tablet and said: "As you can see, this stone tablet is not a simple stone, but a spiritual instrument from the world of cultivation, a spiritual tablet, you can also call it a spiritual awakening tablet."

"So... this thing is really used to test spiritual roots?" Lin Huan was a little surprised, after all, Long Yun just said that he had spiritual roots.

"That's right. The main function of the spirit-testing tablet is to detect spirit roots. Lin Huan, you are very special. You have spirit roots, and they are top-grade mutant space spirit roots." Long Yun said to Lin Huan with a face full of satisfaction.

"Really?" Now only Lin Huan can understand what Long Yun said?

Didn't you see that Long Xiaoruo and Long Wu were both confused?

Spirit roots?

Cultivating immortals?

Unfortunately, although Long Wu is in the high position of Dragon King of the Dragon Group, he is still a little bit inadequate in the face of such a level of secrets.

As for "cultivating immortals", he only knows the word for the time being.

But if he goes deeper, he will be in the dark.

He really didn't expect Lin Huan to have a relationship with the world of cultivating immortals. No wonder Uncle Yun thinks so highly of him.

But even so, he still doesn't have a good impression of Lin Huan.

The cabbage that has been cultivated with many years of hard work has been pushed by a pig in one day.

Uh... just looking at the appearance, Xiaoruo should be considered a cabbage.

In short, Long Wu disliked Lin Huan, a wild boar who suddenly showed up to take advantage of others, and could even be called annoying.

If it weren't for this grudge, he might not have been so easily affected by the evil dragon's resentment before.

"Senior Long Yun, according to what you said, the world of cultivation and reincarnation really exists?" Lin Huan asked.

"No, there is no world of cultivation and reincarnation, only the world of cultivation.

"It exists, and it doesn't exist again? Uncle Yun, what does this mean?" Long Xiaoruo didn't understand Long Yun's inexplicable words.

Long Wu just listened to the fun, after all, he specialized in fighting, and entering the world of reincarnation basically relied on pushing forward.

Except for fighting, other things were not within his scope of attention.

"So... the world of cultivation is independent of the main world of reincarnation?" Lin Huan asked.

Hearing this, Long Wu sighed: "That's right, so far, there has been no stable transmission channel between the main world of reincarnation and the world of cultivation, even I haven't returned to the world of cultivation for a long time. "

"What is the important matter that needs to be told in person by a strong man of your level, Senior Long Yun?" Lin Huan asked curiously.

"Because this matter... concerns the two pillars of our Long family." Long Yun looked at Long Xiaoruo and Long Wu with a complicated expression.

For a moment, Long Wu couldn't help but feel uneasy.

Long Xiaoruo also noticed something wrong and waited quietly for Long Yun to reveal the mystery.

"Alas, if you want to say this, it's my fault. After all, this matter was caused by me, but in the end, it implicated my eldest brother and sister-in-law. "

"Uncle, what's going on? Didn't my parents go to perform a special reincarnation mission?" Long Xiaoruo said nervously.

Long Wu was also a little anxious and took a few steps forward.

"Don't worry, let's listen to Uncle Long Yun first. "Lin Huan patted Xiao Ruo's back and comforted her.

Long Yun glanced at Lin Huan and didn't care about his change of words.

It was a matter of time anyway, so there was no need to care about the details.

Next, Long Yun told the whole story.

A few decades ago, Long Yun was just a second-level reincarnationist.

When he was lucky, he entered the world of cultivation.

But this world is different from other reincarnation worlds.

It is not only a super-limited world, but also the most special and advanced plane in the history of the main world of reincarnation!

At that time, since the cultivation world was first known by the high-level officials of Longguo, it immediately became the most important secret of Longguo.

Because the level of this world is too high!

Those so-called "immortal" masters can even move mountains and fill the sea with their hands. Picking stars.

These were completely unimaginable to Long Yun before.

At that time, the strongest person in the main world of reincarnation was only at the third level.

In comparison, the power of the main world of reincarnation was so weak that it could not be compared with the world of cultivation with countless strong people.

Therefore, the world of cultivation, which was rich in resources and awe-inspiring, became the first strategic stronghold of Longguo.

All reincarnations who had entered the world of cultivation must accept the unified management of Longguo, and they were also obliged to hand over the non-unique resources they obtained.

Of course, Longguo would naturally give those sensible reincarnations the same or even higher rewards.

As one of the world's top powers, it would never be free.

Among that wave of lucky people, Long Yun was the first batch!

But at that time, the Long family could only be regarded as a first-class family in the entire Longguo, not the top one.

Therefore, Long Yun's initial situation was not very good.

Among those who entered the world of immortal cultivation, he was only considered to be in the middle class.

He even almost lost his life during that reincarnation.

The reason why Long Yun could grow into the mainstay of the Long family and lead the entire family to the top level in one fell swoop was because of an incident of "help from a noble person" that was not known to outsiders.

This also directly enabled him to obtain an improvement speed that no one could match among the reincarnations in the world of immortal cultivation.

Most of the specific circumstances were buried with the elders of the Long family, and the only person who knew about this matter was Long Yun.

Originally, according to the two nobles, this matter must be concealed, but who would have thought that the incident would happen.

After so many years, he really couldn't conceal it anymore.

After all, the children are grown up, and if they want to continue to make up lies, they can only make up more sophisticated lies, which is not so simple.

Long Yun was tired a long time ago.

Today, he decided to take this opportunity to tell all these secrets to Lin Huan and other juniors.

After explaining some basic knowledge, Long Yun finally got to the point!

"Xiao Ruo, Long Wu boy, in fact, your parents are not going to perform any reincarnation mission. After so many years, I believe you all have some doubts. Now I will tell you the truth. They actually defected from the main world of reincarnation together seven years ago."



[Author's digression]: Please give me silver bills, please give me silver bills, please give me silver bills!

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