"Then let's rest for a while, I'll do the rest." Lin Huan rubbed his sister's little head and said with a smile.

Under the insight of his scarlet eyes, the monsters in these three areas of mutual checks and balances are actually not strong.

A clone of the phantom that he can transform into at will can deal with a large area.

According to the current progress, all the monsters in these three areas should be eliminated in one day.

I just don't know why, but looking down at this "three-legged" reincarnation copy, Lin Huan always feels that the real threat is not on the surface, but in the dark lake between the three areas.

This lake was so weird that even his scarlet eyes couldn't really see what was hidden in its depths?

However, before dealing with those little monsters, Lin Huan still did not want to venture into the water to find out.

As for why Lin Huan has such worries, of course it is because as soon as the BOSS appears, the group buff will follow.

Soon after, they arrived at the second area.


A strange cry was heard everywhere in the foul-smelling muddy swamp.

"Gu Gu Gu~"

"Gu Gu Gu~"

Lin Huan waved his hand and killed an ugly blue-skinned monster hidden under the mud.


[Low-level monster: Blue Ghost]

[Introduction: Dark creatures evolved from dark forces. They never leave the swamp area and feed on all foreign creatures. They are weak in strength, but after dragging their prey into the swamp, they will go crazy and reduce their pain perception. 】

[Combat Power: Brief]

"This is a bunch of disgusting scum, let's just blow them up." Lin Huanxin said.

There is no telling what kind of terrifying existence is hidden in the darkness, so we can't waste our time on these low-level monsters.

However, Lin Huan did not launch an all-round bombing rashly.

After all, there are still many living martial arts university students in this area, and they must be evacuated before bombing.

Fortunately, this process is not troublesome. It depends on luck and strength, and just shouting a few times from high altitude will be enough.

The deterrent power of "world nuclear peace" is indeed terrifying enough.

Less than half an hour after the warning was issued, everyone in the swamp area quickly evacuated the area.

Lin Huan then conducted some more searches and insights to ensure that no one was missed before launching his "peace" plan.

At this time, Long Xiaoruo had fallen asleep in Lin Huan's arms.

In order not to disturb her, Lin Huan deliberately used his true energy to protect her.

In this way, the noise of the explosion is not worth mentioning.

Soon, Lin Huan devoted himself to the plan.





Lin Huan accurately dropped the high explosives one by one.



[Congratulations on killing the blue ghost*1]

[Congratulations on killing the blue ghost*10]

[Congratulations on killing the blue ghost*100]

For a time, the number of Lin Huan's hunting columns began to grow rapidly.

The entire swamp area also turned into a sea of ​​fire and scorched earth.

In less than two hours, the entire swamp area was completely razed to the ground by Lin Huan.

"Valley." Lin Huan looked in the last direction.

at the same time.

Principal Wan, who was watering flowers comfortably in the office, suddenly became flustered for no apparent reason.

"Strange, why do I feel so flustered for no reason? Could it be... I'm old?"

The monsters in the valley area are a group of deformed beings with human heads and dog bodies - human-faced beasts.

The leader of the "BOSS" is a three-headed human-faced beast.

The strongest combat power, close to the second level nine stars.

Even Lin Huan took a while to kill him.

Probably...two minutes.

Soon, the entire valley area was razed to the ground.

All the monsters in the three areas were destroyed, and Lin Huan's hunting value exploded.

This is not an exaggeration, but a true outburst.

This column can no longer record Lin Huan's specific kill value.

Without him, the hardware really can’t keep up.

After all, this is just a dungeon of reincarnation, so we can’t be too demanding, right?

Moonlight falls, midnight.

Lin Huan completed his plan and the monsters in the third area were wiped out.

Only the dark lake in the middle remains unexplored.

"It's time to go take a look." Lin Huan gently placed Long Xiaoruo in a place and left a bunch of protective restrictions.

Then, he safely dived into the depths of the lake.

The visibility in the dark lake was very low. Even with the insight of his scarlet eyes, Lin Huan could only see clearly a few feet away.

Moreover, the water of this lake seems to have the effect of shielding perception.

In this situation, Lin Huan's abilities were useless and he could only swim aimlessly like an ordinary diver.

Fortunately, in his vampire state, his constitution was inhuman and he didn't need to breathe at all, so the inspection could continue normally.

Time passed by minute by minute.

I don't know how long it took, but Lin Huan suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

But it's not palpitations, but familiarity.

"This is... Black Ball's breath!"

Lin Huan frowned slightly, a little surprised.

That little thing actually entered the lake?

"Black Ball! Black Ball!"

Lin Huan immediately called it through the contract connection.

Soon, Lin Huan also received a response.

The general meaning of the black ball's message was that it had found something interesting below, something that was very helpful in improving strength.

For a moment, Lin Huan couldn't help but become curious.

The black lake between the triangular areas, something that could be called a good thing by abyss creatures like the black ball, was interesting!

Lin Huan's legs exploded on the water.


The powerful interaction force pushed Lin Huan out.


Lin Huan was like a torpedo traveling at high speed, sinking into the deepest part of the inky black lake.


"Black ball, I see you!"

"Chirp chirp!"

Feeling Lin Huan approaching at a high speed, the black ball showed a very warm welcome.

In an instant, Lin Huan appeared in front of the black ball.

"Chirp chirp——"

The black ball stretched out its tentacles, pointed at a strange stone slab under it, and started to move around at Lin Huan, basically meaning that this was a good thing, and breaking it would have a miraculous effect on improving strength.

Lin Huan looked at the stone slab. No, it was more like a corner of some altar than a stone slab.

The crooked spells carved on it looked a bit like the Western...

[Great... and omnipotent and omniscient master! Your... most humble believer... will offer you the most... sacrifice...]

Lin Huan suddenly found that he could actually read the meaning of these intermittent symbols.

Lin Huan guessed that this might be the ability brought by the bloodline of the vampires.

After all, the blood clan originally belonged to the Western systems, and it was normal to understand similar texts.

"Chirp chirp!"

At this time, the black ball's attitude gradually became fierce.

It actually began to knock on the inexplicable stone slab with its tentacles, and kept shouting, as if it was rebuking Lin Huan for inaction.

"What's going on? Is this little thing crazy?"

Lin Huan forcibly restrained the black ball's actions with a soul contract.

It succeeded, but despite this, the black ball's attitude still did not recover at all.

Lin Huan narrowed his eyes slightly: "This stone slab..."


[Author's digression]: The ending leaves room for imagination.

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