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Chapter 1018: An underappreciated transformation

The Butterfly Effect!

A word popped out of Xu Ang's heart, and the influence of his butterfly flapping its wings finally began to show.

If I remember correctly, the big ship of the trucker was finally jointly invested by Fox and Paramount as major investors, and the box office was mostly split between the two parties. It can be said that both companies made a lot of money with this movie of the trucker.

The same is to make money, and it is also a big investor in the movie. Some people burst into tears with joy when they counted the banknotes, while others cried bitterly, regretting that they wanted to pee and drown themselves.

Paramount belongs to the former, Fox belongs to the latter.

The film company decided not to invest any more when the truck driver's big boat expenses were added, and the filming deadline was delayed again and again, and even Fox had no patience for it. But the movie hasn't been finished yet, so the money invested in the past can't just go to waste.

So, Fox decided to pull a big head into the game.

Unfortunately, Paramount was the lucky one.

Out of trust in the box-office hits of Trucker's previous films, Paramount regarded the investment opportunity to participate in the new Trucker movie as a pie that fell from the sky, and took a bite without thinking about it.

Fox saw that Paramount was so deceitful, and when he found a pick-up man for the movie, he also secretly laughed at the other party's stupidity.

To know that Fox itself is not optimistic about this new truck driver.

This is not to say that the script of the ship itself is not good. What Fox is not optimistic about is not the script, but the director.

Just look at what kind of movies the truckers before the big ship were known for, and it's easy to see why Fox thinks this way.

A director who is famous for shooting iron-blooded, tough guys, gunfights and other elements, he switched to shooting romance films, and he also has a bit of an idol drama. This type of transformation is outrageous.

Your truck driver is so good and bad, you have to learn tofu Xi Shi, what do you make others think, and how does Fox think about it?

Usually, Fox was right, but what they didn't expect was that genius can't be measured by common sense, and truck drivers are geniuses.

From the perspective of future generations, the trucker's big ship named Titanic showed the wealth of the king as soon as it was born. It rampaged at the international movie box office and beat other movies to the ground. Fox did not hold it tightly, but let others. People have the opportunity to participate in investment, it is simply stupid.

But that was Zhuge Liang's behavior after the fact.

Not everyone can know the result in advance. People speculate that one thing can often only be judged by experience, and Fox's experience is that of Hollywood's large number of directors who failed in transformation and fell to the ground, and many of them were big directors. With so many failures ahead, it's hard for them to have confidence in truck drivers.

Especially when the truck driver's big ship has repeatedly invested in additional investment, Fox is even less confident.

There is a very common investment operation in the film and television industry, that is, unless you have absolute certainty about a play, no matter how much you have the right to speak or how much the company has sufficient funds, you will find someone to cooperate with. What he said was that everyone had money to make money together, but what he thought in his heart was that if you pull in alone, you will share the risk.

To put it in layman's terms, the latter belongs to the idea of ​​hurting others and not myself that I have to pull back if I want to lose money and accompany me to lose money.

This kind of practice that should be condemned on the moral level is commonplace in the film and television industry, and people in the circle are used to it. Thinking about it makes people not know what to say.

"Do you mean that Paramount doesn't want to be the victim of this and put money into this hole that looks like it's going to lose money?"

Xu Ang asked Lasseter.

"Yes boss, that's it. Paramount has already said something, Fox wants it to take advantage of it, it will never invest in this film, and it also warned those closely related to it to make These companies don’t invest either.”

The same as the Big Seven in Hollywood, Paramount also wants to save face. When it found itself in Fox's eyes as a big-budget, foolish and easy to deceive image, Paramount rolled up its sleeves and fought back.

If it weren't for the underlings and countless people inside and outside the circle watching, it must maintain its own image and maintain its demeanor as one of the seven Hollywood stars, Paramount would have been cursing long ago. It's gentle enough to just say that you don't invest, and let your friends don't invest either.

"I think they don't want to offend the truck driver. Anyway, Cameron's tough-guy movies are also a box office guarantee."

Before the truck driver's status in Hollywood passed, the Terminators and Expendables had already established themselves. For a director of his level, as long as they failed two or three films in a row, even the seven major film companies would have to coax them.

The reason why Fox is not optimistic about the truck driver making love idol movies and still invests in his new film is not to tie up this cash cow.

With the reputation accumulated by truck drivers, even if the big boat is with you, you can still make a lot of money if you go back and continue to shoot Terminators and the like.

"Boss, then we...?"

Lasseter was waiting for Xu Ang's instructions.

Xu Ang on the other end of the phone said: "Since everyone is not optimistic about the transformation of the truck driver, let's vote."


"Don't be surprised, I've seen the truck driver's big boat, and it's well done. If it's well-operated, it will make a considerable profit. Isn't it true that other people don't like this movie, just use facts to prove their so-called experience and their How ridiculous the eyes are. What are the seven big Hollywood, old-fashioned things, but it is only because they entered the industry early and accumulated enough time to occupy a position. In today's rapid development of the times, their set is outdated, only like ours This new force in film and television is the future. The world belongs to our young people, Lasseter."

Lasseter wiped the sweat from his forehead. Xu Ang said that he had seen the truck driver's new work. The amount of information was too great for Lasseter to dare to ask more questions.

Fortunately, this was his private call with Xu Ang. There was no one else in his office. Otherwise, what Xu Ang said would be heard, and it would be strange that Peaks was not madly targeted by the seven major film companies.

Confidence is a good thing, but overconfidence becomes conceit and it is bad.

If possible, Lasseter really wanted to admonish Xu Ang, saying to him, "Boss, stay awake, stay awake."

But in reality there is no So Lasseter can't say that to Xu Ang, he will only follow Xu Ang's words, confidently guarantee that he will handle this matter well, and make Peaks a truck Big Investor in Driver's New Movie.

"Fox treats us as money-losing boys, and we want to make them regret it. Lasseter, you must get a share of the investment, the more the better."

Xu Ang was thinking that if he became a big investor in that big ship, Lao Mi's plan to create a **** in the film field would be greatly reduced in terms of effect. In addition, as a major investor in the content of the film, he also has a say.

I remember that the truck driver restored a lot of historical facts when taking pictures of the big ship. When the big ship sank, the Chinese who were on the boat did a lot to help others. These truck drivers were filmed, but everyone knows the virtues of Lao Mi’s capital. They asked the truck drivers to delete these scenes and all the scenes about the Chinese. So much so that we can't even get our own share of such a good opportunity to promote the positive image of Chinese people.

Qian Laomi earned it, fame Laomi took it, and the **** Laomi in the film and television circle also made it. They took everything that could be taken away, and after eating and wiping it, they smugly bossed around.

If he can't reach Xu Ang, he can only forget it. Now that he can reach him, he will never allow this kind of thing to happen.

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