"Take a look at the plan I just made~"

Leah held the plan in her hand and introduced happily.

However, Wang Yiming felt that she herself was more charming, and began to go up and down and enjoy it.

"Oh, this is the office..."

"It's not like I haven't tried here before~"

In this way, Leah was embarrassed for a long time, and then obeyed.

And that day, until the evening, she didn't do anything, and after dinner, she brought the design drawings that had been drawn long ago to Wang Yiming.

"Look at the results of my planning."

Wang Yiming looked at the planning map seriously.

He plans to move his company to this territory, after all, the territory is so large, how much space can a company occupy? A drop in the bucket!

In addition, Wang Yiming is also preparing to add other industries in this territory.

At the same time, a large number of cities will be built to recruit residents.

According to the territory area of this layer, it can even accommodate billions of people!

Of course, the resources of this layer of territory are not inexhaustible, inexhaustible, mineral resources are relatively limited, water resources and so on, there is no need to worry about water resources.

Of course, Wang Yiming will not really engage billions of residents in this territory.

There is no need to get so many people.

He will maximize the value of this territory within a limited scope and become more and more prosperous.

The bottom layer is pasture, the second layer is industrial territory, and as for the third layer... Wang Yiming also had a plan to completely build this place into a forest!

That would be hundreds of millions of square kilometers of woods!

It can effectively regulate the ecological chain and store water at the same time.

All in all, there are many benefits.

As for the remaining layers of territory, Wang Yiming didn't think of what to do for the time being.

Together with the main territory, this multi-layer territory has a total of ten floors!

Wang Yiming feels that this is enough, not to mention that the number of ten is quite auspicious~

The layer closest to the main territory, that is, the ninth layer, there is a lush forest, the lake is crystal clear, and the scenery is beautiful.

There are several villas by the lake.

And those beauties who paid tribute in the West District were placed here.

Wang Yiming occasionally comes here to vent while enjoying the beautiful scenery, which is very leisurely.


The ten layers of territory in Wang Yiming's hands, each layer is a relatively independent state.

The space element goblins have made restrictions, even if someone has bad intentions and wants to use drones and other means to ascend to other layers of territory, it is simply impossible.

The distance between each floor of territory is about ten kilometers.

Looking at the entire Heavenly Court World, this distance is nothing at all.

Among these ten layers of territory, the lowest layer has the most residents, and Wang Yiming is not ready to introduce other residents in the upper three layers of territory.

Nowadays, the seeds of special grasses are king-level.

Although the absorption of energy points is average, there are many other benefits.

It grows fast, has high density, and maintains good soil and water circulation, even if there are other crops nearby, special grasses will not rob them of their nutrients.

The main industrial development of the territory has now been built with a large number of houses.

Because the territory is large enough, there is no need to build dozens of high-rise buildings.

There are many blank areas here, so when planning the territory, there is a lot of room for play, and it can be arranged very reasonably.

The main energy source of these cities is electricity, and the main source of electricity is solar energy, and the elemental goblins have set up special prisms in the mountains to effectively use solar energy and bring sufficient electricity.

Wang Yiming also proposed other new ideas for the light element goblins to try to create energy bodies!

If it is really successful, it will usher in an unprecedented revolution in energy use!

All the light elemental goblins above level twenty-five were involved in the research of energy bodies.

Year after year, Wang Yiming's territory has been developing steadily.

Due to the continuous efforts of the light element goblins, the energy body was finally successfully developed and can be mass-produced!

At the same time, Wang Yiming did not monopolize the energy body, he sent the mass-produced energy body to Aqua Blue Star, solving the problem of resource shortage.

In the Heavenly Court World, he also distributed a large amount of energy bodies to other Eastern Region Lords, solving a lot of trouble.

In the Heavenly Court World, not everyone can build a power station.

It requires a lot of materials and manpower, as well as abundant funds, which is not something that ordinary people can handle.

Even if a power station is built, it is mainly based on wind power, and hydropower generation is not even a thought!

The emergence of energy bodies can solve this problem, their main source is solar energy, Wang Yiming even took out a layer of territory to make energy bodies.

There are a large number of prisms around the perimeter of this territory, and the sunlight is effectively used, all gathered together, and then create energy bodies!

After the successful promotion and use of energy bodies, the East District caused a lot of heated discussions.

"Narugami is awesome! It is possible to create such a thing!

"It not only solves the energy problem of the Heavenly Court World, but also brings great convenience to Aqua Blue Star!"

"Hahaha, we now have an energy body in the eastern region, it is estimated that the western region is about to spoil, but just don't use it, they deserve it!"

Over time, the East End became more and more prosperous.

The number of supernatural people is increasing, and the economy is becoming more and more prosperous.

The West Side has basically declined, and the science and technology they once were proud of are now lagging behind, after all, in the face of powerful powers, technology has long been useless.

Their population is also becoming smaller and smaller.

So much so that many people in the West End tried to come to the East End, but there was no door!

Hundreds of years ago, the West Side dominated the entire world, and no matter how bad the West Side men were, they could attract a large number of East Side women to dedicate themselves.

But now it is different, and the East End has become a strong player in the world.

If a West End man wants to marry an East End woman and then enter the East End, he won't have a chance!

Especially the new generation of East Side women.

They were born when the East End was most prosperous, and they were exposed to it since they were children, of course, they looked down on those West End men!

As for the men of the East District, whenever they go to the West District, they will attract a large number of West District women to take the initiative to give them a hug, just to obtain the East District nationality.

In a city in the East District, two men are chatting face to face.

"Old Zhao, where are you going again?"

"I worked in the Heavenly Court World for a whole year, saved a lot of money, and planned to travel all over the world to have fun!"

"Also, after a hard year, just to have a leisurely life, then you have to be careful when you go to the West District, the women there are like wolves when they see the men in the East District, don't indulge in the gentle township!"

"Don't worry, I have a number, it's just fun with them~"

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