"I know that the black-robed monster is not an invincible enemy! Brethren, let's start the next wave of attack right away!

Ryan shouted in a loud voice.

At the same time, under this level of onslaught, the black-robed monsters were blown up into slag.

But it's far from over!

The black-robed monster began to assemble again, and quickly rushed in the direction of the city wall, extremely fast, it seemed that it was planning to launch a final general attack!

"Keep throwing bomb fruits!"

Ryan ordered the soldiers seriously.

As things stand, this is a time-consuming war of attrition.

The winner is the one who perseveres to the end.

Those slaves under Wang Yiming have been on the move, constantly carrying a large number of bomb fruits to the city wall, even after fighting for so long, there are still enough ammunition reserves in the ammunition depot!

There were many soldiers standing by and watching the battle, and they all closed their mouths in surprise.

Many people became very interested in this weapon.

They wondered, why did this thing erupt with such great attack power?

Moreover, no one has seen such weapons before.

Suddenly, someone walked up to Wang Yiming, and then knelt down reverently and kowtowed a few times.

When Wang Yiming saw this scene, he only felt very speechless, he didn't like others kneeling on the ground and kowtowing to him at every turn, but in order to respect other people's ethnic culture, he didn't say anything.

He just silently distanced himself.

"Fortunately, my subordinates have left you leeway, otherwise you would be dead now!" You're doing this to make a deal with me, right? I can see that your mind is not simple. Hearing

this, the man kneeling on the ground was extremely excited.

He actually met such a smart person today, it was simply a rare friend!

"Lord City Lord, I know that my attitude is too enthusiastic, and you may not be able to accept it, but I am eager to find out, how did you get the bomb fruit?"

"Hehe, you are the first race to recognize this fruit!"

Wang Yiming sneered, and he already had a plan in his heart.

He raised his hand to the bomb fruit in the basket.

"You have all seen that these fruits are very powerful, even if they are very powerful black-robed monsters, they will only be blown up into a group of slag in the end, so this fruit is very valuable."

Wang Yiming said the truth.

And the man kneeling on the ground was also moved, and he also wanted his group to have this powerful fruit.

So he took out all the valuable things he had and instructed his other men to do the same.

It didn't take long for the ground to be covered with gold bars, gemstones, and strangely shaped seeds.

Wang Yiming was not excited because of these things.

He was still very calm, just looked at the man on the ground quietly, and said nothing.

But it was all about it.

Wang Yiming's meaning is already obvious!

The man kneeling on the ground also said the truth, "Respected City Lord, there are more precious things in our race, but if those black-robed monsters still exist, we can't limit ourselves to you.

It's just that before Wang Yiming could answer, there was already new news from Laine's side.

The black-robed monsters outside have all been killed!

Black iron crystals fell from their bodies.

Although Lane doesn't know what this thing is, it can be taken to the owner for appraisal in a while, so the battlefield must be cleaned up, and nothing can be left behind!

"Brothers, start cleaning up the battlefield!"

After that, Lane was the first to jump off the city wall and quickly ran to the battlefield.

So did the other fighters.

Lane and his soldiers moved very quickly, quickly clearing the battlefield and taking all the iron crystals back.

Wang Yiming was very satisfied with their loot.

He used the system in front of these people, fusing these iron crystals together to create new weapons.

Of course, in the eyes of these guys, Wang Yiming is just casting spells.

After all, they don't have the concept of a system in their heads!

After doing all this, Wang Yiming was surrounded by giant warriors and was ready to turn and leave, and the man who was kneeling on the ground just now was a little anxious, and hurriedly came to stop him and eagerly explained.

"Supreme Lord City Lord! We really need these bomb fruits to save the lives of the race! Please help us!

"In the long history, my race has suffered countless blows, and now it is finally dawn, which you, the Savior, have given us, please be able to fulfill us!"

"We really need your strength, we really need these fruits."

In the following time, the man praised Wang Yiming's sky.

New these words, Wang Yiming couldn't help but laugh.

Next to him stood the elf patriarch, who was looking at the oily man in front of him with a serious face at this time, and admonished: "Master, this guy has a very good mouth, which makes me think that he is not a good person!"

"This kind of guy has a slippery tongue, what if he betrays you one day?"

Wang Yiming did not answer immediately.

The man was shocked at that time, and a sense of foreboding welled up in his heart, but in this case, he had no right to explain at all.

Later, he followed him to the cultivated land of the estate.

Seeing the scene in front of him, the man's eyes were full of shock.

I never imagined that there was such a lush fertile land here, and there was even a huge tree that only existed in legends!

He said excitedly: "Respected mature lord, I once heard about this tree in the legend of the group!" By the way, this is something that we have passed down from generation to generation, it is very precious, it is the seed of this tree!

"But it's a pity that because it's been too long, the seeds have become fossilized, and I don't know if it works."

"If it is Lord City Lord, these seeds will definitely be cultivated, and the land here is abundant, which is very suitable for crop growth!"

Hearing this, the goblin clan patriarch showed a surprised expression.

Wang Yiming's eyes also flashed with surprise.

Seeds of a leprechaun tree?

If this thing is real, it is simply a gift to the door!

Wang Yiming immediately said: "If you can prove that the Fairy Tree seed in your hand is real, then I am willing to give you more bomb fruits!" If we find it inconvenient to talk here, we can go to a separate compartment! "

He has given the maximum conditions.

Actually, men will not refuse such requests.

After all, those seeds in your hands are a bunch of small pebbles, which are of no use at all.

If Wang Yiming can use these seeds to cultivate a fairy tree, it can be regarded as a contribution, and as long as he mixes the relationship with Wang Yiming, he will definitely be able to get shelter in the trading house!

All in all, it's a no-loss deal!

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