All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 10 Tang Dynasty Mo Dao, Both Men And Horses Were Shattered, Restaurant

Under the sun.

10 pairs of mighty armors, exuding a grayish golden light.

Lu Yun couldn't put it down and stroked the Mingguang Armor.

Mingguang Armor is known as the best armor in the Tang Dynasty.

It is also the armor worn by most Buddhist protector gods.

Needless to say, its majestic appearance.

"Call over the 10 knights who are teaching. Thirty of you will put on these chainmails and swords."

Lu Yun's eyes were full of love for the armored sword, and he shouted with a rather reluctant tone.

"Got the order!"

The thirty militiamen who followed Taoist Master Gao on their exploration had blazing eyes.

I dress neatly with my hands and feet quickly, for fear that I will be snatched away by others if I am slow.

With good equipment, you have a greater chance of surviving while exploring.

Lu Yun stood in front of them and walked past.

Thirty militiamen with complete armor and long-handled swords, their momentum changed completely.

【Military Ge Erdan】

Quality: D grade excellent

Level: 3

Strength: 8

Physique: 10

Toughness: 15 (mental)

Introduction: Elite infantrymen wearing chain armor and holding Tang Hengdao have the courage to fight against low-level evil spirits.

"This looks a bit like infantry."

Lu Yun randomly looked at the militia attributes and was very satisfied.

in addition.

He noticed that the broadsword mentioned in the introduction was Tang Hengdao!

Tang Hengdao.

The pinnacle in the history of ancient cold weapons!

Ordinary armor cannot stop the Tang Dao's sharp slashes.

Encounter the evil mist from before and match it with the yellow talisman.

Lu Yun can guarantee it.

It only takes thirty people to go up and hack him to death.

At this time.

Lu Yun noticed ten long knives.

When it fell just now, it made no sound, just like cutting into tofu, and sank into the earth.

"Good knife."

Lu Yun grabbed the long knife, and the cold and murderous aura made the surrounding militiamen feel inexplicably cold.

[Tang Mo Dao (Mutation)]

Grade: C grade rare

Attributes: (1. Causes the enemy to bleed within 10 seconds of attacking. When attacking the bleeding enemy, the skill attack power is increased by 5%;

2. All attack speeds +15%, stacked up to 3 times, cool down for 1 minute. )

Special: [Both men and horses are shattered] +1

Requirements: Strength attribute cannot be less than 13

Introduction: A ten-foot-long double-edged cold light sword that needs to be held with both hands.

【Shattered human and horse gear】+1

Attributes: Sharpness 15, attack carries "serious injury" and reduces self-healing.

Introduction: Shouting "The territory is here, it is in danger, please start from the beginning", there may be unexpected surprises.

Mo Dao has two very good attributes, an attack speed of 45%, and the serious injury effect of "shattered human and horse gear".

Greatly improve the efficiency of monster spawning and upgrades!

"Sir, the knights will bring you."

Uncle Wang led 10 warriors with strong backs and strong backs, and shouted respectfully.

"Don't be stunned. Put on these pieces of armor and try this long sword again."

Lu Yun dropped the Tang Mo knife on the ground and ordered.

With the help of the militia, the 10 knights neatly put on Mingguang armor.

Ten people were wearing mighty Mingguang armor and holding long swords in one hand, standing in the first row. Behind them, thirty infantrymen in chainmail stood waiting.

at this time.

Old man Wang trotted all the way.

A three-meter-high flag was placed next to the military formation, and the rustling flag streamers brought a different feeling.

"Only such a sharp warrior can defeat an enemy ten times as strong."

"The atmosphere of the prosperous Tang Dynasty in the territory has improved by three points."

Lu Yun sighed.

It's not hard to imagine.

The generals of the Tang Dynasty, wearing golden armor, galloping on the battlefield on sweaty horses, singing triumphantly.

No wonder that after thousands of years, some people still miss the prosperous days of the Han and Tang Dynasties.

Uncle Wang wiped away the sweat on his face and shouted with joy in his heart.

The lord recognized them!

My little boy, Ge Erdan, has been watched by the lord for a long time, and he is expected to be promoted!

[Mo Swordsman Liu Changqing]

Quality: C-level rare (growth)

Level: 5

Strength: 13

Internal strength: 17

Toughness: 14

Introduction: Wearing the Mingguang Armor of the Tang Dynasty and holding the mutated Tang Mo Sword, he can be called a Mo Swordsman with his rich fighting experience.

See this property.

Lu Yun couldn't hold back the sword in his hand and was ready to find a place to show off his territorial glory.

"Your Majesty."

"Seven miles to the east, there are more than 300 low-level mist evil spirits."

Gao Yun observes words and expressions.

He immediately understood the Lord’s intention.

"More than 300 low-level evil spirits."

Lu Yun hesitated.

Currently, there are 40 pairs of territorial armors in total.

Counting swords and spears, it can pull up a team of 75 people.

Coupled with 20 pairs of bronze armor and broadswords, the number of troops can be close to a hundred.

Three to one does not mean that there is no head start.

"According to the observation from the trail."

"About 100 evil spirits are scattered around looking for food, and they will only return to their stronghold at nightfall."

"We can chip away at it gradually and have a decisive battle at night."

Lu Yun's eyes lit up.

It was immediately decided to raid Xie Sui's stronghold at noon and strive to return the army to the territory before sunset.

If you really can't beat it, something unexpected happens.

The worst case scenario is to attract the monsters and retreat to the territory to fight.

4 B-level excellent arrow towers and 10 C-level rare turrets.

I will teach Miwu Xie Sui how to be a "human".

No matter what.

The war buff of Lushan Wonders [Galaxy Nine Heavens] is full of details.

Clean up the battlefield indiscriminately.

These are Lu Yun’s confidence and confidence.

He first rewarded Zhang San and Li Si with 10 medium-grade spiritual stones each.

Order the Crossbow Factory to forge a batch of crossbows before noon.

Add a little more confidence to the afternoon expedition.

After seeing off Taoist Gao and Old Man Wang.

Lu Yun rubbed his head and thought about his next move.

the other side.

The empty school field at the foot of the mountain.

"Raise an army for a thousand days and use it for a moment."

"Everyone, Lord, the time has come when we need you!"

Uncle Wang cleared his throat and looked around at all the militiamen present.

"For the Lord, I will not be afraid of death!"

Nearly a hundred people raised their arms and shouted, a heart-rending response.

Arms were waved and war drums thundered.

The team of hundreds of people devoted themselves to physical and mental training and actively prepared for the afternoon battle.

Sweat is dripping on the sand, and there is one less drop of blood on the battlefield.

"very good!"

Uncle Wang nodded with satisfaction and ordered others to prepare a rich meal for the militiamen who were going on the expedition.

After allocating the output of other buildings, Lu Yun clicked to build [Restaurant].


Quality: E-level ordinary

Attributes: Produces 750 dishes per day.

Construction: 30 energy, 100 wheat ears, 80 fresh fish, 100 ordinary wood, 80 ordinary stone.

Introduction: Produce a few dishes.

Duration: 30 minutes.

After using the blueprint, build the territory building.

Lords can send their subjects to learn construction experience and cooking skills.

Next time, wait until the people learn to cook and build.

The lord can directly build the restaurant twice and copy the process infinitely.

It is not that the construction drawings of the territory are exposed before the corresponding buildings can be built.

As long as the qualifications and abilities of the people in the territory reach a certain range, the care can be unlocked in advance.

Talent is the first driving force for territory development.

During this period.

It is a great test of people’s learning qualifications and speed of learning and acceptance.

"The daily output of 750 dishes, plus the output of the breakfast stall, is barely enough to maintain the diet of the people in the territory."

"When a few people leave the restaurant, there will be no need to worry."

Lu Yun rubbed his sore head and breathed a sigh of relief.

The food delivered by the system lasts only one day.

Only half of it was consumed, which was not enough for the people of the territory.

Territory energy is very precious in the early stage.

He doesn't want to imitate a fool.

Wasted on making food.

"When the army returns, the militiamen still have to be responsible for reclaiming the farmland."

"With only 10 terraces, food output is gradually unable to keep up."

“The road to development is long and arduous.”

Lu Yun collapsed on the bed, his eyes blank.

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