All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 112 Legendary Scientist Panel! Are You Looking For The Wrong Direction In Scientific Researc

Zhang San is wearing a neat white coat, neat white pants and black shoes.

His calm and focused expression and clear and bright eyes reveal his thirst for knowledge and enthusiasm for exploration.

At first glance.

Gives a fresh, clean and focused impression.

Lu Yun sat on the chair.

Looking carefully at Zhang San's appearance and dress, the more he looked, the more familiar he seemed.

"It looks like you can give me one."

"Zhang San loves the feeling of studying science."

Lu Yun opened Zhang San's new panel.

【Zhang San】

Quality: SS level legend

Occupation: [Scientist] (Engineering)

Career level: lv0 (up to level 5)

Talent: [Excellent Academics] [Erudition]


1. Physics research, sociology research, and engineering research progress +5% (random for individual projects);

2. The conversion time of scientific research projects to industrial projects is shortened by half;

3. When responsible for building scientific research equipment, there is a 10% chance that it will be completed immediately without additional funds.

4. The success rate of discovering research errors is fixed at 0.001% (manual use).

Introduction: Every time a scientist's professional level is upgraded, personal projects will be increased by +2% scientific research speed.

Lu Yun sat on the chair and read the character attributes one by one.

Can randomly increase the progress of 3 scientific research projects by 5%.

Looks useful.

The later the scientific research develops, the more profound it is. It is already very good to be able to promote 5% of the project progress.

“Change time cut in half.”

Lu Yun's eyes lit up.

This is a very practical character attribute that can shorten the time for research projects to fall into physical industrialization.

The violent troops and various development speeds in the Tiangong territory are like giving them a pair of wings to take off.

The latter attribute is similar to the previous attribute, both of which enable faster completion of research and conversion into industry.

The scientist profession can increase the speed of scientific research.

Very good too.

“The chance of finding a research error is 0.001%?”


Lu Yun, who had seen and experienced a lot, couldn't help but gasp.

Lu Yun stroked his chin, seemingly aware of the loopholes in the era of national lords.

"The meaning of this character's attributes."

"Is it only necessary for Zhang San to carry out research?"

Lu Yun fell into deep thought.

"Is there a certain success rate in finding errors?"

The description of the success rate of definitely finding errors is interesting.

If you keep correcting mistakes in a project, there will always be times when you hit the right direction.

"If this is the case, the success rate of 0.001% seems a bit ridiculously high."

Lu Yun couldn't help but stand up.

He took a step forward and looked at the handsome Zhang San more carefully.

Zhang San swallowed subconsciously.

The body unconsciously took two steps back.

Lord Lord, there shouldn't be anything wrong with Longyang.

"Cough cough cough."

"What scientific research projects are you responsible for recently?"

Lu Yun realized that his movements were a bit abrupt, sat back down and asked.

He needed to verify a conjecture of his.

"Back to the lord, the villain is currently studying to bypass the restrictions of the civilized era."

"To improve rune individual firearms."

"I think the territory must change its people's attitude toward learning."

“Re-schedule learning so that the talent pool of cutting-edge craftsmen and knowledge can keep up.”

Talk about your areas of expertise.

Zhang San immediately became energetic.

Lu Yun looked thoughtfully at Zhang San's love and persistence in science.

Does a promotion card change a person's thinking about career choice, or does career affect his philosophy?

I didn’t continue to think about this issue.

He emphatically re-read Zhang San's panel properties.

[Single Player Firearms Project]: The chance of discovering research errors and the success rate are fixed at 0.1% (affected by the Climber title).

"Sure enough, it's affected by the title!"

Lu Yun stood up excitedly.

Is the probability of one in a thousand small?

Every choice triggers a one-in-a-thousand chance of finding an error.

Not too small.

Description of the title [Climber]: When encountering technical barriers, the probability of breakthrough increases.

Combined with Zhang San's character attributes, there is one thousandth chance of trial and error.

Lu Yun suddenly had a sexy idea in his heart.

He stared at where an ancient-looking Black Bird Ancestral Artifact was placed near the Qiyun Tianchi.

"I can't help but smash my faith."

"Use the [Guidance] effect of the Yin and Shang ancestors."

"Even if you throw 20 million beliefs at once, you can deduce the future."

"If I spend 20 billion, can I make a research mistake?"

Lu Yun suddenly stood up.

Metaphysics can save you, and money can change your life.

What is a krypton gold boss?

If both metaphysics and gold are on my side.

So how should you respond?

Finding errors in a research project can save a lot of energy and time.

Continuously correct and study the wrong direction, and you will always find the right direction.


"The deduction does not represent the final actual effect, which is a bit difficult to grasp."

Lu Yun was not in a hurry.

This is just his preliminary idea. As the territory develops later, there may be better props.

Or use a mythic grant.

Strengthen [Yin Shang Ancestor Weapon] once.

at this stage.

The Tiangong Territory has yet to encounter a project that requires spending a lot of money (faith) to correct the progress of scientific research.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Yun informed Zhang San of this idea.

Zhang San finally understood why the Lord was so excited.

"I must know the direction of scientific research once, is it a wrong opportunity?"

Zhang San's eyes suddenly lit up with fire.

"It's not inevitable, it's a probability that is infinitely close to reality."

Lu Yun corrected.

Zhang San thought more instead.

Traditionally, the concept of determining probability is related to one's luck.

A lord who can recruit gods from all over the world.

Will Lu Yun, who has pressured hundreds of millions of new lords, be unlucky?

"You guys should study other projects first, and I'll supervise the upgrade of the God's Blessed Star Soldiers."

"Try to raise their level to thirty Nascent Soul levels in the next few days."

"At that time, the restrictions that choke the main civilization will disappear."

"You can just start studying the [steam engine] drawings."

"I am responsible for promotion in the civilized era."


Lu Yun directly took the Nine Heavens Interviewer to gather the God Blessing Star soldiers again.

But this time.

Lu Yun first approached Li Zhixuan and Liu Changqing and asked them to take their troops to clear out the nearby monsters.

When a battle is triggered, a portion of the experience is uniformly divided and stored in the [Experience Pool].

at the same time.

Lu Yun asked Lu Yue to issue an announcement to all the people in the territory through the [Qi Luck Law Network].

Don’t use the [Experience Pool] today.


Those who use the [Experience Pool] are generally people from non-combat professions who prefer life professions.

Lu Yun planned to stack 30 people to the Nascent Soul stage as quickly as possible.

Break through the limitations of development in the main civilization era.

As for the shackles of spiritual practice.

The [God Bless the Star Soldier] effect of God Bless the Star Soldier increases personal qualifications.

In addition, [First Arrival] reduces the shackles of breakthrough by 1%.

"It's this 3 billion experience cap, which seems not to be enough at the moment."

Lu Yun looked at the epic [Experience Pool] and fell into deep thought.

The epic level [Experience Pool] can add experience to the Nascent Soul stage.

The total experience of 3 billion is divided equally among 160,000 people, each with 18,750 experience points.

(Calculate the number of 3w God Blessed Star Soldiers)

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