All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 117 Promoted To The Second Level Steam Era! Artillery Fortress Construction Drawings!

[Three words for steam engine. 】

[Through one-sided language description, the industrial revolution was born, thus promoting the process of modern industrialization. 】

The familiar consciousness projection appears again.

Lu Yun saw a huge steam-powered ship.

The whistle sounded loudly, and the black mist spewed out, traveling through the boundless ocean.

the other side.

The large steam train with composite cylinders rumbled across the vast land.

This is an extensive collection of civilian steampunk train carriages.

It is famous for its economical benefits and simple environment.

These green leather carriages are swaying and may become detached on the track at any time.

Through the carriage window.

Lu Yun saw a steam airship approaching from a distance.

The wind drives the airship's tail propeller, the gears drive the pulleys, and the pulleys drive the steam engine.

Specially used for travel and sightseeing, its exterior adopts riveting technology and is very strong.

The airship has a large internal carrying capacity, low production cost, and limited technical reasons, so its flight speed is relatively slow.

A luxuriously decorated carriage hangs below.

A Victorian aristocrat wearing a top hat.

"The untouchables of the slums."

"The air at high altitude is still fresh and sweet."

They swayed the red wine in their glasses, looked down through the portholes, and mocked the lowly poor people swarming in the green train.

Lu Yun's vision stretched again.

This time the perspective is focused on the sea.

[Multiple rivets and steamed steel, the turret is supreme! 】

[Billions of turrets, billions of glory! 】

When Lu Yun heard this, he pondered slightly.

Pursue multi-turret doctrine.

In fact, it is limited by the technical limitations of the steam era.

The artillery's hit rate is very low.

Therefore, the rate of fire and the number of guns must be relied on to make up for the lack of accuracy.

[The doctrine of big ships and big guns is the unique romantic military sentiment of this era. 】

The majestic turrets on the warship stand, and the whole body is covered with thick steel outer plates, and a large number of rivets fix the joints of the warship.

When a huge steel fleet rowed across the sea.

The turbulence caused was impressive.

"Steam fleet?"

Lu Yun recalled that in his own territory, there was not even a shipyard from the classical era.

The low roar of a steam engine.

Echoing in the coastal harbor.

The commander and soldiers on the bridge stood high and majestic.

Showing an unparalleled momentum and power.

Big ships and huge cannons are riveted and strong.

A very classic weapon with violent aesthetics.

This is a steampunk civilization that relies entirely on steam machinery.

[This era relies on heavy and complex gear linkages to transmit instructions, and heat waves transmit inefficient kinetic energy. 】

"Sir, if you buy this artillery ship."

"It takes 89 people to work together and fire the gun."

Several mechanical engineers stood outside the arms manufacturing factory, struggling to explain to the nobles.

Groups of mechanical apprentices looked nervously at the arrogant nobles in front of them.

Waiting for the judgment of fate.

[In this era, advanced and backward coexist. 】

The old wooden sailing ship still raises its sails and swims on the vast sea.

Sail masts are preserved on the early ironclad ships.

[It embodies the nostalgic retro and forward-looking and progressive civilization. 】

[Welcome, dear lord, to the Level 2 Steam Age Civilization. 】

Lu Yun's consciousness returned to the territory.

"What will be the rewards for promotion in the steam era?"

Era rewards.

Whether it is technological drawings or period effects.

The props are completely random.


The plane trading hall in the Tiangong territory can connect technologies and materials from various planes.

But before the era promotion.

There is a drawing in the sky.

You can't make anything.

For example, some weapons and equipment produced in the technological side of the world will have different rules in another world.

It may not work yet.

[Congratulations on successfully unlocking the Steam Age. Currently, you have unlocked a few branch technologies. You can choose any two. 】

[①Difference engine construction drawings (excellent)]

[②Barlow Airship Manufacturing Technology (Excellent)]

[③Armored ship manufacturing technology (excellent)]

[④Swarm Bomber Manufacturing Technology (Epic)]

[⑤Artillery Fortress Construction Drawings (Epic)]

Carefully read the information introduction of each technology.

Speak the truth.

These technologies are not very attractive to Lu Yun.

The difference engine does have a lot of technological content.

But this steam-style analysis machine has no development effect on the Tiangong territory.

They all have national destiny beasts.

Who wants this kind of defective product from the old era?

Not much hesitation.

Lu Yun instantly selected options ④ and ⑤ in the technology list.

Like technical drawings for other options.

Inside the [Skaven Civilization] library and the [Goblin Civilization] library in the Tiangong territory.

In fact, there is no shortage of manufacturing drawings for battleships and airships.


The main function of steam airships is actually to transport people and supplies.

Jianmu's [Bridge Building] magical power can open plane passages.

Opting for airship technology is a complete waste.

"You have to urge Hu Mukeng."

"Go to various small planes to find research talents and mechanical engineers."

While talking.

Lu Yun gave Zhang San the construction drawings of the [Bumblebee Bomber] and [Artillery Fortress].

Let them digest and absorb it.

Despite transforming Rune City Wall into an artillery fortress.

On the way back and forth.

Lu Yun heard another system message.

[Current lord’s mansion targeted talent refresh (steam era)]

"Targeted talent refresh."

this is a good news.

Talents from the original classical era will no longer be refreshed.

To facilitate the further development of the civilized era.

Lu Yun raised his head and glanced at the sky.

Clear skies.

There are still 3 hours until the next dark day.

"Lu Yue."

Lu Yun shouted.


The lucky koi that was playing in the distance ran over quickly.

"Compare the maps of the past time and space of the main plane with the current time and space."

"See if there are any mineral veins nearby."

After the territory entered the steam age.

The first technological revolution liberated human physical energy and productivity.

Correspondingly, another problem arises.

The coverage of steam technology in the installation territory requires a large amount of mineral resources as a prerequisite.

Lu Yun needs to take advantage of this period of time to build a new mine as soon as possible.

"Excluding the poisonous miasma areas near the territory, the nearest mineral veins are about 8,000 kilometers away."

Lu Yue quickly compared the differences between the two maps.

"When Liu Changqing led the Tiger Army to explore, he prioritized cleaning up the areas where poisonous miasma strangely breeds."

"I didn't explore the nearby areas."

"Everything around is unknown."

Lu Yue simply marked out the areas with mineral veins.

After getting the precise coordinate position.

Lu Yun directly took 20,000 God Blessing Star Soldiers and Nine Heavens Interview Envoys to explore the nearby area.

"There is the mythical authority of the nine-day interviewer."

"The situation of the surrounding mineral veins."

"The results will be available soon."

Immediately afterwards.

A space door opens.

The Jiutian interview envoy disappeared into the Tiangong territory.

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