All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 171: Climb The Three Corpse Gods, Settle Mission Rewards, Win Big!

[Your subject Gao Yun summons the power of "Qinggu" to forcefully kill the Lich Lord Kelsu. 】

[The current level 5 (town) territory has successfully completed the city defense assessment! 】

[After waiting for the Boss to be killed, the mission rewards can be settled. 】

"Qing Gu?"

Lu Yun did not continue thinking.

Hurry up and send a team of people to rescue people near Gaoyun.

Just now, Gao Yun, who had relied on the [Step Up] state to forcibly burst out with power that was infinitely close to the divine transformation stage.

All the muscles and veins in his body were broken.

Gao Yun's dantian was like a huge sieve, leaking spiritual energy crazily to the outside, and the alien's blood was close to drying up.


A team of heavenly soldiers and feather guards cautiously picked up the old man whose bloodline had dried up.

Gao Yun's body was as thin as a dried tree, and his skin was sagging and covered with wrinkles and spots.

Breathing hoarsely.

Breathe as hard as you can every time.

His life is short.

Seeing this, several heavenly soldiers and feather guards nearby opened Gao Yun's mouth and forcefully stuffed narcissus wine and longevity fruit into it.

Gao Yun was on the verge of death and was rescued.

the other side.

Lu Yun ordered Lu Yue to inquire about the origin of "The Young Girl with the Corpse".

On the distant battlefield.

The fight between the three towering giants became more and more fierce, until the Lich King was suddenly restrained by a series of chains.

The long-awaited interview with Hei Wuchang and Jiutian was about to take action.

One shot.

Let the battlefield situation end directly.

[Your unit successfully killed the level 145 Lich King and dropped an SSS level treasure box, 111.4 billion experience points, 12.31 million spiritual stones, and 43124 strands of luck. 】

The moment the Lich King fell.

The surrounding [Scavenger Legion] turned into streams of light and disappeared.

A dazzling treasure chest is left above the ground.

The sky is full of blessings from celebrating fireworks.

Colorful fireworks bloomed in the sky, and the colorful sparks intertwined to form beautiful patterns.

The era of national lords conveys blessings to [Tiangong Fairy Town].

Going to the territory of Yun Dynasty, the treatment received is completely different from that of ordinary civilized lords.

at this time.

[Extreme: abundant martial virtue] The trend of thought gradually faded.

The Huben Army, the Fumo Army, and the God Blessing Star Soldiers could no longer maintain the general military power.

The dharma images of Wang Lingguan and Lei Gong exploded all over the sky.

The moment the enthusiasm in his eyes dissipated.

The thin thread that maintained the tension in the hearts of the sergeants quietly broke.

The sergeants of the demon-suppressing army collapsed on the ground, their legs hanging limply by their sides, their fingers clawing at the dirt.

Use your last bit of strength to support yourself.

The soldiers of the Huben Army performed even worse, breathing rapidly and irregularly.


"We killed the boss with tens of billions of health bars."

"The first step for a mortal body to rival the gods."

The sergeants of the Huben Army and the Demon-Subduing Army cheered, waving their sore arms and shouting loudly.

Someone jumped up a second ago.

They fell down again in the next second, and could only keep kicking and swinging their bodies. They were releasing their inner joy and excitement.

"Tiangong finally heads towards Fairy Town."

"The first step on the road to destiny."

The eyes of the God Bless Star Soldiers were bright and full of expectation, their eyebrows were raised, and their smiles were full of smiles.

Some heavenly soldiers raised their fists and clenched them in front of their chests, as if celebrating victory and common achievements.

"Get in formation...go home!"

Liu Changqing, Li Zhixuan and others looked at each other, grinned a painful smile, and high-fived each other.

The moment when tens of thousands of troops returned to the [Artillery Fortress].

Thousands of cannon salutes were fired in the city.

"The hero is back!"

The voices of the people rose one after another, forming a sea of ​​joy.

"Uncle Ge, Uncle Ge is back!"

"We won, we won, Tiangong Fairy Town!"

Their voices are loud and powerful, full of pride and pride. Some even sang and sang.

"Tiangong Fairy Town!"

Hundreds of thousands of people vented their enthusiasm, and their voices resounded throughout the world and never disappeared for a long time.

Who wouldn’t want their territory and country to be strong?

Under the new power.

The bigger a platform develops, the greater the space for development and promotion of its underground people.

the other side.

Bai Gui, Dong Guo and others immediately started running around and started recording the whereabouts of the heroes according to their household registrations and the "Book of Life and Death" in the underworld.

"Quickly, burn these rosters."

"Show it to Master Hei Wuchang in the underworld."

Dongguo took Wu Qi and others to proofread the military roster and burned the names of the sergeants who died in the battle one by one.

Under the influence of [Return to Earth after Death and Life].

Nearly 10,000 soldiers of the Demon Subduing Army and Huben Army who died in the battle reawakened under the Netherland City God's Temple.

There isn't much else in the Underworld, except for countless evil ghosts of all kinds.

Groups of rampaging soldiers were led by Jiang Zhou and Mu Yuan.

Warn all around the underworld.

The newly awakened heroic spirits re-entered the barracks of [Rampant Soldier] and [Soul Envoy] and trained for a period of time.

You can rejoin the underworld barracks and become the backbone of the fighting force.

Death is not the end.

Being forgotten is the real death.

"Father, we found it."

Lu Yue's small golden dragon body appeared quickly.

"In the ancient heaven, there were three corpse insects on every human body. They could remember people's faults and report their faults to God while they were sleeping."

"Three corpse insects, the upper corpse is named Qinggu, the middle corpse is named Baigu, and the lower corpse is named Xuegu."

"The Cang Fei Climbing Madness Technique inherited from ancestor Gao Yun relies on the power of the Three Corpse Gods."

Lu Yue stretched out her hand a little.

The information that Qi Yun Law Network found in [Wenyuan Library].

Instantly entered Lu Yun's memory.

Hear the words.

Lu Yun nodded, closing his eyes and thinking about the bits and pieces in his memory.

As a descendant of the Taiqing Temple Taoist priest of the Yi family, it is not difficult for Gao Yun to master some [Shou Geng Shen] methods to avoid the Three Corpse Insects.

The weird thing is.

On the contrary, the Taoist priests of Taiqing Temple looked crazy and related to Qinggu, one of the three corpse gods.


The performance of Gao Yun's ancestral [Cangshu Climbing Madness Technique] and Xun Changsheng's are too similar.

"It's like...the three corpse gods that their ancestors believed in were taken away by the existence of the gods."

Lu Yun suddenly realized another very serious problem.

With the development of Tiangong territory.

More and more gods are returning from illusion to reality.

It is bound to happen.

We will face the problem of competing for the authority of gods. The authorities of different gods are similar, or even completely consistent.


Under the premise that only one god can reach the top of a path and ask questions.

It will inevitably cause a fierce battle between the gods and their paths.

"The power of the Three Corpse Gods in a certain world has been devoured by Cthulhu pollution."

Lu Yun felt that this guess was correct.

Some specific conjectures.

You need to go to the border of Daxia [Iron-Blooded Great Wall] to know more.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Yun began to take stock of all the gains from this battle to defend the city.


The Scourge Legion dropped a lot of treasure chests, recruitment cards, recruitment cards, and various basic resources.

As the newcomers’ training period is gradually coming to an end.

The treasure chests and resource drops in the National Lords era have also received another adjustment.

Lu Yun shook his head.

Send all kinds of resources into the hands of the six-room officials.

Old rules.

It is still a good idea to give the ordinary treasure box to Bai Gui, the God of Wealth, to open it. It will not go wrong to get more of the other person's luck.


An immortal-level boss drops a treasure chest waiting for Lu Yun to open.

"Open the treasure chest."


A dazzling golden light flashed past.

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