All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 174 The Nest Was Successfully Made, And The New Lord Fish Took The Bait!

The function of [Reincarnation Platform] is very strong, but it also has many limitations.

To make a long story short.

Currently, only one [Reincarnation] function is enabled, and it only works in areas covered by [Qi Luck Law Network].

I want to return to my previous peak.

There is a long way to go.


Lu Yun closed his eyes and felt the countless thin lines around him. In the distant land of Netherland Yinsi, there was a lord using the power of the [Nine Springs Talisman].

The bond of fate.

Let the other party's location in the underworld be clearly visible in Lu Yun's eyes.

"After three days, you finally couldn't help but use it?"

Lu Yun smiled.

Instruct Bai Gui and others to prepare for the coming leeks.


[You successfully used the "Nine Springs Talisman" gifted by Dong Guo to successfully open up a small yellow spring, which has the ability to temporarily shelter the ghost people. 】


George Hua was the first to use [Jiuquan Lingfu].

Most of the lords of the Lighthouse Kingdom do not have an independent underworld space, and they are basically attached to a certain underworld in the Great Xia Yun Dynasty.

After struggling for a while.

George Hua did not resist the temptation of having an independent Hades space and took the lead in using it in his own Hades space.

In a dark and dark space.


George Huayang's territory is already a level 4 territory, and with the help of the whole country of [Lighthouse Country], it will soon break through the threshold of level 5 territory.


George Wah's netherworld.

The underworld space is still just a gathering of villages, where the scattered souls of dwarves and goblins are projected.

There isn't much that can be organized to effectively defend against ghosts.


A plane door appeared in George Hua's underworld space.

Opened silently.

"What's going could this happen?"

George Hua turned pale.

He suddenly realized a serious problem.

As a supreme member, is Dongguo really a good person?

When you feel uneasy.

[You have been invited by the plane trading hall. Do you agree to the trading application? 】


"Plane Trading Hall?"

"As long as it's not Dong Guo's plan."

George Hua breathed a sigh of relief, and then sent a team of people to the plane trading hall to see what was being sold there.

And he.

Relying on the Lord's perspective.

Together they peeked into the plane trading hall to see what was going on.

The gate through the plane of Hades.


In front of this huge team of nearly a hundred people, a gorgeous and ancient tall portal opened.

The trading floor is a massive building with dozens of giant columns supporting the ceiling.

"Five hundred, five hundred."

"One of the Five Hundred Lucks of Luck, please go to the private room upstairs on the second floor."

The business of Longmen Inn is still booming in the plane trading hall, and countless plane visitors are greedy for the flesh and blood of various auspicious beasts.

Make money every day.

Just relying on some medicated foods that increase blood energy and medicinal materials, the daily transaction turnover can be called huge profits!

Look at the hustle and bustle of people around you.

At the rear of the trading floor, there is a row of tall walls and doors leading to various specialized trading areas.

These trading areas cover various fields from finance to real estate, from agricultural products to technology, providing a broad platform for people seeking business opportunities.

"Ming Guangkai... the symbols Ming Guangkai are selling cheaply."

"No 998, just 88 spirit stones to take away."

Each trading area has a unique appearance and facilities, providing traders with a comfortable environment and efficient trading experience.

it's here.

A variety of races can be seen, coming from different worlds and cultural backgrounds.

But they all have the same goal.

That is to find your own opportunity and destiny here.

“Tens of thousands of doors going in and out.”

"How many planes and worlds does this connect?"

It was the first time for George Hua's team to visit here, and they were all amazed.

What they don't know is.

Lu Yun is currently connected to less than a hundred worlds in total, and the extra plane gates are all for entry and exit within the territory.

Pure looking goods.

The headed goblin scholar Claire.

I quickly figured out the rules of the transaction.

[1. Please be polite to the staff of the plane trading hall, otherwise you will be blacklisted and will never be allowed to enter the trading place again. 】

[2. The blacklisted guest world is a neutral world.

The plane trading hall will have the right to carry out activities, including but not limited to: sending troops, occupying, plundering, exploring, mining, destroying...]

[3. The transaction tax is one in a thousand. The trading hall only collects transaction tax and will never ask you for any form of property in any form. 】

[4. During the transaction process, the plane trading hall guarantees absolute fairness, openness and transparency. 】

[5. If there is fraud or harm to the transaction partner, the first offender will be fined for life, or even detained in the underworld for a long time.

Breaking the ban again?

The plane trading hall has the right to deprive you of: life span, soul, memory, belief, emotion, plane world and other valuable existences.

(Trust us, you definitely don’t want to experience the tricks of the trading floor.)]

Claire and George Hua, who was observing all this behind the scenes, couldn't help but feel a chill behind them when they saw these rules.

Whether it is extracting life span or destroying the plane world.

This plane trading hall is definitely something created by the veteran lords.

As for the new lord?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

"Claire, go to the longevity area and look for any props that increase longevity."

"I'd like to see."

"Does the plane trading hall have such confidence?"

George Hua ordered.

Goblin scholar Claire quickly followed the lord's instructions and followed the maids to another trading area.


The [Free Trade Zone] of the trading floor is surrounded by a variety of goods, ranging from ordinary daily necessities to rare luxury goods.

Each shop displays its most signature products, attracting customers from all over the world.

The shops are separated by huge shelves, making it easy to browse and compare prices.

"Angels, demons, goblins, harpies, sword fairies, ancients."

“It is truly a vast trading place that encompasses the heavens.”

Go further in.

Claire and George Hua felt more and more awe and peace of mind.

With the size of a plane trading hall.

I definitely won't do those messy things.

at this time.

As Claire and the others went deeper, the plane guests along the way were either rich or noble, and all of them were dressed in luxurious clothes.

I saw.

In a gorgeous auditorium.

Angels slowly floated down one by one. They were dressed in pure white dresses and holding bouquets of gorgeous flowers.

Deliver these fragrant blessings to the guests with a smile.


"They actually asked people from the angel clan to do the rituals."


Claire and the other person next to her gasped at the same time.

"Hello, who are you?"

"Ouyang Zi, a certain incompetent lord."

Ouyang Zi introduced his identity dejectedly.

it's here.

He has seen many visitors from the plane world, and the identity of the lord is not worth mentioning at all.


Instead, Claire and George Hua completely let go of their worries.

Ouyang Zi did not appear at the last [Ruixin Auction House], which shows that the plane trading hall really has the ability to connect thousands of worlds.

Jiuquan Lingfuhe accepted the invitation from the plane trading hall.

Purely a coincidence.

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