All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 186 Gray Knights Chapter, The Large Collective Network Is Launched! Bondarev's Doubts

[Lord Lu Yun took the lead and won the first place. Please keep up your efforts, Lords. 】

[Tiangong territory has defeated 241 monsters. 】

A series of prompts.

This made all the lords confused, especially the top lords who were trying their best to win the first place.

Guangwu Xuantian territory.

[Territory Level 5]

"How did the first place get more than half of the points from the second place?"

"Are the resources of the Crown Prince of Daxia no match for a newcomer who has nothing?"

Liu Xiu and his hero Punil stood above the floating city to discuss.


Thousands of magicians gathered near the [Floating City]. They wore gorgeous robes, held staffs, and released dazzling spells.

The arcane mages in the [Mage Tower] looked attentively and solemnly.

Magic arrays flashed one after another.

Continuously annihilating the foreign relatives appearing on the distant battlefield.

"have no idea."

Punil replied bitterly.

The rapid development of Liu Xiu's floating city is all due to the unrelenting support of the Liu family and arcane mages of Hanzhou.

According to what the lord said.

Lu Yun is a newcomer without the support of any lord family, but he steadily controls hundreds of millions of newcomer lords.

He won several first places in the ranking list and took all the first places in this year's newcomer assessment.

"Genius, absolutely evil destiny."

"Why on earth can he dominate the list? Is Tiangong some kind of ancient force?"

Liu Xiu was wearing a white Confucian robe, sitting in the city wall, holding his hand on the seat and meditating for a long time.

The legend of Heaven has been passed down from ancient times.

There are so many forces related to the Heavenly Palace in the world, and no one thought about it for a while.

Winter Dawn territory.

[Current territory level 5]

[You are currently ranked second in the ranking of lords in the world. 】

Bondarev just glanced at the prompt of National Times.

Not caring at all.

He had bigger things to accomplish.

"Comrade Sechenov, how is the research progress on liquid information carriers?"

Bondarev wears thick gray clothing with a large flaming symbol.

Military coats in the winter civilian territory are usually long, with thick fur decoration on the cuffs and collar to protect against harsh cold weather.

"Comrade Bondarev, everything is going smoothly. We have successfully reproduced the large collective system 2.0!"

"Comrade, we succeeded!"

Sechenov stepped forward and gave his lord a hug, repeating his excited words in a higher pitch and louder volume.

"It's successful, it's good if it's successful."

Bondarev looked around blankly, with tears in his eyes. For the first time, he felt that he was so close to his ideal.

[Large Collective System 2.0] is a neural network.

The aim is to give humans better control over robots and further automate manual labor, leaving more time for humans to pursue whatever creative or academic pursuits they want.

"Science is power. Let me tell you, this is called style."

Bondarev grabbed the big bee robot flying by, and the buzzing robot automatically spit out a cup of water.

Inside is a bold and bold Volga soda.

He is getting closer to his ideal. One day, the red flames will burn across the stars, and there will be no obstacles to stop him.

"No matter how difficult it is, with the united efforts of our comrades, it is still a trivial matter, haha."


Bondarev and his comrades along the way raised their glasses and clashed with each other.

"Science can certainly overcome any obstacle."

Sechenov's eyes were firm.

Then he looked at the fighting battlefield in the distance with a slight hesitation.

Hundreds of [Gray Knights] are tall and mighty, and their appearance is covered with hard metal.

Their entire mechanical armor has a very thick appearance and looks very strong, capable of withstanding heavy attacks from the enemy.

"We are Gray Knight warriors, with faith as our armor, devotion as our shield, and purity as our sword.

"We will bring the Emperor's sacred light into the darkness and purify all evil spirits in the world. "

As the trigger was pulled by the [Gray Knight], the blue Gatling began to spin crazily, making a harsh gunshot sound.

The sparks on the barrel grew more and more bright, illuminating everything around them.

The coating on the surface of the gun barrel has been burned into deep red by high temperatures, revealing the metallic texture underneath.

"We will let them witness the power of faith!"

"Boss, there are survivors here!"

A series of sounds of bullets being loaded.

the other side.

The [Gray Knight], holding a giant ax and a laser sword, used three strikes, five strikes and two strikes to complete the last hit and cut the monster into pieces.


The monsters on the battlefield were completely wiped out by this group of [Gray Knights].

"I have met the Lord."

He gave a faint salute to Nussbaum, the leader of the Gray Knights who was wearing [Dreadnaught Armor].

"How many times have I told you to call me comrade?"

Bondarev scolded.

Dozens of gray knights behind him were silent, they had an indescribable admiration for the lord.

Apart from the Emperor, Bondarev was the second person who dared to speak like this in front of Nussbaum.


"I noticed that your faith seems to have been shaken recently."

"Please stand firm and firm your faith, for a better future and for the red flames to burn across the stars!"

"I promised you."

"Sooner or later, the emperor you talk about will be rescued. Those who share the same ideals should not be trapped in a cage!"

Bondarev pointed at himself passionately and made one guarantee after another.

[Dawn Revolution] The Mandate of Heaven takes effect.

Nussbaum nodded.

Turn around and lead the other [Gray Knights] into another fierce fighting battlefield.

"Boss, do you really believe what the alien lord says?"

The Gray Knights nearby asked.

"I saw red flames burning all the heavens and the world, and the Almighty Heavenly Father, the Holy Emperor of Holy Terra, stood up."

Nussbaum answered without hesitation.

"Welcome to the physical universe."

Nussbaum grinned, slashed the psychic weapon in his hand, and was the first to charge towards the monsters.

The other Gray Knights believed this.

Because Nussbaum is the [Prophet] in the [Gray Knights] Chapter.

According to the practice of the [Gray Knights] Chapter, he should stay in the psychic echo chamber to observe the possible future and predict when and where the demon will appear.

The era of national lords gives the [Gray Knights] a new life.

"I believe in him."

"This lord is very similar to his former Heavenly Father."

Nussbaum recalled the Emperor's words.

[I will eradicate religion because it is a scourge to mankind, twisting mankind with superstition, ignorance and fear! 】

Immediately afterwards.

He recalled the conversation with Bondarev. Their unwavering determination and belief were exactly the same as the image of the emperor.

Nussbaum even had his doubts.

Bondarev is another image vest of the Emperor.

"I hope that the red spark can start a prairie fire, dispel the fog of this eternal existence, and become a new sun."

"Bolshevik means majority."

"Comrade, there is no god in the world who can save all sentient beings, only mortals who stand up."

"You can shoulder the shoulders of mortals and surpass the gods!"

Bondarev's words.

It echoes in the hearts of all [Gray Knights].

They had heard the familiar theory that the Emperor had once incarnated himself as Cal and carried this banner.


The [Gray Knights] naturally chose to believe Bondarev's words, and they were loyal to the Emperor without hesitation.

"Comrade Bondarev, are these psychics really worthy of trust?"

Sechenov was an unwavering materialist.

He was very confused about the source of the abilities of these [Gray Knights], and wanted to get their bodies more than once.


According to what the other party said, they need to enter the [Land of the Dead] after death, otherwise the inheritance and resurrection of gene seeds will not be easy.

"Comrade, unite all forces that can be united!"

"My path to reform will not be lonely."

Bondarev answered the question incorrectly, but then answered Sechenov's question.

"Comrade, I am superficial."

Sechenov gave a military salute, turned around without hesitation, and continued to invest in the construction of [Large Collective Network 2.0].


In a huge underground warehouse.

Countless robots are sleeping in neat rows.

This is a wide space, with towering metal shelves filled with robots.

The robots have different appearances, shapes and sizes, and each represents a miracle of precision craftsmanship and future technology.

"The world's first."

"Lu Yun, are you a gay like me?"

The [Nine Fountain Talisman] in Bondarev's hand was shining brightly. He looked at the first place on the list and frowned secretly.

Unite all forces that can be united.


The other party’s position is worthy of our solidarity.

(Karl: In the Warhammer world view, the emperor has been incarnated before. I can’t go into details. I’ll search it up myself.)

(Place of the Dead: The place where the Gray Knight hopes to be buried after his death. There are many other settings. You can read what the author of this chapter says.)

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