All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 199 Lord Channel Gm Permissions! The Plane Trading Floor Has Been Relocated!

The new employee assessment period is over.

Trim the next day.

Early in the morning.

Lu Yun asked Lu Yue to wake up Bai Gui and others.

"First place in the newcomer lord assessment."

"Reward this year's Civilization Lord channel administrator rights."

"Now all the new lords are conducting a referendum on whether to return to the old lords' channel."

Lu Yun slowly told the changes in the Civilization Lord channel.

The thirty-day newcomer assessment is over.

All new civilization lords will use the seven-day preparation time to prepare for whether to return to the old lords channel.

A lively vote took place.

"Does your administrator's authority take effect immediately?"

Bai Gui asked.

"That's right."

Lu Yun then recalled the authority of the Civilization Lord channel administrator.


The administrator rights he has are divided into three panel modules.

They are: [Responsibilities] [Permissions] [Interview]

[GM Responsibilities]

1. Actively answer and solve questions raised by other lords to help them develop normally and smoothly.

Accumulated [civilization value].

You can obtain higher permissions in [National Era].

2. Find out the BUGs and shortcomings in [Era of All People], record the feedback from the civilization lords in the channel, and seek solutions in a timely manner.

3. Every time you are successfully promoted to Shou Lei, the [Civilization Value] will be increased.

[GM permissions]

3. Ban: Open or close some chat channels of [violating] civilized lords.

4. Communication: You have the authority to communicate with all civilization lords of this current period, and can carry out plane trade (free shipping).

【GM Interview】

5. Report on the work progress of civilization lords every 10 years.

"The most important authority is one."

"I have the authority to conduct interdimensional trade with all the lords of this term."

"I currently have 10 civilization points in my hand."

The reward for being the first lord in the world to be promoted to the main civilization era last time.

This time GM permissions are unlocked.

Lu Yun discovered another use of [Civilization Value].


"The postage for interdimensional mailing was also waived."

Lu Yun looked strange.

After the current thirty-day newcomer assessment period has passed.

When trading on the channel [Trading Platform], you not only need to pay taxes, but also need to pay inter-dimensional mailing fees.

As the administrator of the Civilization Lord channel, he naturally has some special privileges.

"Currently only have permission to talk."

"But there is no authority to specify what currency the Civilization Lord channel uses for transactions."

Dongguo and the others frowned.

Everyone had a thoughtful look on their face.

"The trading platform stipulates that Daxia coins and spirit stones can be used for transactions."

"The second is the most conventional barter transaction."

"The Lord of Daxia must be a group of internal beta managers who are at the forefront of the era of national lords."

"Hundreds of years of development time for civilized lords."

"According to the fact that it is held once every twenty years, this year's event will be at least the fifth."

Bai Gui and Li Kui talked to each other at a slightly faster speed, and their opinions were slightly different.

The only way to do this is to let Lu Yun's administrator have his rights upgraded.

Core officials such as Jiutian Interviewer and Black and White Wuchang reached a consensus with each other.

The administrator rights of the Civilization Lord channel are very important.

the other side.

Lu Yun had some different ideas.

He thought about some things from the perspective of a civilized lord and discovered some additional details.

for example.

1. Daxia Medal System.

2. Mercenary mutual aid function.

3. District-wide group chat mutual aid system.

Lu Yun reviewed the thirty-day assessment period for new lords one by one.

Unlimited resource points are refreshed in the first ten days, and then the [Trading Platform] is opened on the tenth day.

On the seventeenth day, a mutual aid chat group for lords in the region was established.

The [Mercenary Mutual Assistance] function on the twentieth day.

The earliest previous lords did not have these functions at all.

(Chapter 101 foreshadowing)

In summary.

"The Lord of the Great Xia Yun Dynasty."

"In fact, he is the core administrator with the most authority in the era of lords in this world."

"Every decision he makes indirectly affects the assessment process of the National Lords Era."

Lu Yun stared into the distance.

Think about and weigh the possibilities.

"This way."

"Every time the territory of Tiangong Fairy Town is promoted, it must win steadily when facing the global challenge."

"One step first, every step first."

"In the development of civilized lords for hundreds of years, there have always been civilized lords who have been dormant and constantly accumulating their heritage."

Lu Yun has full confidence to face and accept this challenge.

He also holds an S-level [Lord's Mansion Promotion Card (below level 7)] in his hand (Chapter 29).

There are only six days left at the border of the Ascension Iron-Blooded Great Wall.

It is best for Tiangong Fairy Town to be promoted to level 6 (county level) territory.

He stepped into the middle lordship.

Going to the border of the Iron-Blooded Great Wall will give you more say in dialogue, and you will encounter fewer challenges accordingly.

Think of this.

"Bai Gui."

Lu Yun shouted to the people who had been discussing next to him.

Bai Gui frowned slightly, his eyes were focused and serious, and he kept flipping through the documents in his hand, reading the contents carefully.


After hearing the Lord's question, Bai Gui hurriedly put down the document in his hand and returned to the road.

"I plan to trade the location of the plane trading floor."

“Moving to the top of the tree canopy.”

The branches of the building trees spread out to form a vast and dense canopy, like a grand natural dome.

Looking from a distance.

The starry sky covers the entire tree canopy, and countless stars are dotted among them, forming a bright universe.

The stars twinkled in various colors.

There are bright whites, deep blues and mysterious reds. Thousands of stars emit faint light, creating a dreamlike feeling.

"We can make a huge guest exhibition hall based on Kunlun snake eggs."


Lu Yun changed the subject.

He reached out and interrupted what Bai Gui wanted to say.

He knew what the other party was worried about.

"What is on display outside is a projection of snake eggs refracted by part of the incense."

"Real Kunlun snake eggs."

"I plan to place it at the underground root system of the tree."

Hear this.

Bai Gui put his hand on his chin, gently pinched his lower lip with his index finger, and fell into thought.

at present.

The plane trading hall has not yet opened the exchange business for [merit coins].

The reason is that the currency reserves in the Tiangong territory are too small.

the other side.

Core businesses such as the Immortal Tree and Longevity Fruit, Beauty Pool and Lifespan Inquiry are becoming increasingly popular.

The incense in the God of Wealth is also constantly fed back to Bai Gui, promoting the growth of the authority of the Northwest Wen God of Wealth.

At this moment.

If there is another exhibit in the plane trading hall that can suppress all places.

It can indeed play a role in intimidating the old civilization lords.

"grown ups."

Bai Gui gently bent down, his eyes still staring at Lu Yun.

"Since we are changing the exhibition hall."

"Then the rental price of each store will inevitably rise accordingly."

"After all, there is the crown of the ancient sky tree nearby."

After Bai Gui bowed his hands and bowed, he pointed to the nearby area and explained his thoughts.

When the chaotic aura passed through the dense canopy of Jianmu.

It was originally a turbid, chaotic and powerful spiritual energy, but after being absorbed by the tree crown, this spiritual energy became very mild and easily absorbed by the monks.

“It’s not just about raising prices.”

"And the price will be prohibitive for everyone with the gimmick of the Emperor's residence."

“Too cheap price.”

"Affecting sales of rental stores."

Bai Gui's eyes flashed, he understood very well what the rich people in the world thought.

"Bai Qing is right."

Lu Yun nodded slightly.

Another little detail that makes money every day!

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