All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 239: The Cave World, The Thoughts Given By Myths, And The City God’S Decree!

Dark and cold.

Lu Yun's first feeling after entering the underworld of Dongling Zhentian.

He looked around, and there was a howling wind everywhere, except for some ghost beasts.

In the cave world.

There was not a single ghost or wild ghost as far as the eye could see.

"Like the hundreds of immortal peaks in Dongling Zhentian, Taoist Gao Zhen and immortal gods and officials are all missing."

Lu Yun walked on the vast underworld.


Measuring the territory of Dongtian Yinshi Netherland, it only exists at 100,000 square kilometers, and it shows a shrinking trend.

"After losing the support of Yang Shi."

"The scope of the Netherworld is constantly shrinking and declining."

Lu Yun was not surprised by this.

The Dongtian Yinshi of Dongtian Paradise is the same as the Yinshi of the clan of the dynasty family, and the opened underworld space relies on the Yangshi.

Once the supply of incense from the Yang world is lost, this type of underworld is like a rootless tree.

Destruction is possible at any time.

Further forward.

When Lu Yun saw a series of buildings, he immediately cheered up and crossed over in one step.

A tall city appeared in front of me.

An endless moat surrounds the outside, and the internal building complex is large-scale and magnificent.

The gate tower is tall and spacious.

[You have explored the Lushan City God’s Incense Domain. 】

[Bold little brats who are not affiliated with Dongtian Yin Division, anyone who comes close will be killed...]

The progress bar has not finished running yet.

[Beiyin Emperor's Order] takes effect.

next moment.

[Warmly welcome, the most noble and holy Emperor Fengdu, to visit Lushan Cave Tianyin Division for inspection. 】

[All the officials of Hades are extremely honored by this. 】


The interior of the city creaked, and the gate that had not been opened for thousands of years was opened for the first time.

Lu Yun nodded slightly and walked inside.

Inside the city.

Empty without a single ghost.

The distant construction area is roughly divided into: City God's Temple, Yin and Yang Division, Quick Report Division, and Gongcao Division.

Except for the most basic three divisions.

Merit and demerit, blessing, plague, induction, punishment for evil, merit test, record of merit, event, prison department.

Inspection, reward law, criminal law, inspection, witness record, coming record, alarm, reward for good deeds, treasurer, reform, health care, population, etc.

A total of twenty-four divisions are fully equipped.

"The level of the Lushan City God is located in the Capital City God."

"Converted to today's Daxia territory, he would initially be responsible for a province of Hades."

Lu Yun pondered.


Lu Yun first summoned hundreds of thousands of ghost officials and underworld officials in the underworld, as well as black and white impermanence.

Let them be responsible for planning the cave, the underworld, and the underworld.

Do it all.

Lu Yun continued walking in the city, and he found a palace that was only slightly inferior to the City God's Temple. The decorations on the left and right were extremely luxurious.

"Shui Mansion Judge's Hall?"

"Could this be the place that controls life and death in Dongtian Water Mansion?"

Lu Yun was surprised at first, and then suddenly realized.

The Judge of Shuifu is the being responsible for the Dragon Lord, He Bo, Jiang Shen and other Shuifu gods.

In the cave spirit true heaven.

The water is abundant and there are rivers and streams everywhere.

It is normal for the Yin Division to set up a special Shuifu judge here.


Under the system of the huge ghost kingdom of Fengdu Yinsi.

The state institutions of the underworld include the army, police, justice, prisons, etc.

The rulers who control the state institutions are Ksitigarbha, Underworld Lord, Emperor Fengdu, Emperor Dongyue, Houtu and other supreme underworld gods.

Many judges, ghost officials and city gods formed a huge ruling group.

Of course in this ghost country system.

This does not mean that one local city god is the absolute leader.

The power of Cui Jue, the first judge of the Underworld, is comparable to that of the City God at the level of Hades.

Even far surpassing King Mingling of Yingtian Mansion.


Lu Yun pushed open the door of the Shuifu Judge's Hall, but inside was still a dark and empty hall.

Not even a decent statue of the god exists.

There was emptiness in all directions.

"Where have all the gods and earthly creatures in the Chinese pantheon gone?"

"Are you all waiting for me to call you?"

Lu Yun was in a daze, stroking the warm bronze wick in the hall, and couldn't stop murmuring.

A dark wind blew.

The cold air it brought was extremely cold, but it felt warm on Lu Yun's body.

"Only the mythical grant provided by each territory upgrade can bring you back."

"It's too slow, too slow."

Lu Yun leaned motionless in the hall.

There were no ghosts to bother him, and there were only the occasional low footsteps and breathing sounds coming from the underworld.

"Maybe we can change our thinking."

"I can continue to search for and bring back your existence in a similar way to searching for copies."

Lu Yun's eyes became solemn and focused, staring blankly at the busy ghost officials and underworld officials outside the palace.

The huge city god's incense domain.

As a large number of ghost citizens from the underworld poured into the city, various sounds such as laughter, vendors' cries, and the sound of carriages and horses walking around merged into one.

Permeated in every corner of the city.

Countless voices intertwined together, and the bustle restored the prosperity of the past.

"I can feel it clearly."

"With the popularity of merit coins in all the worlds, the gods that I could not summon in the past have become slightly looser."

Lu Yun closed his eyes.

With the continuous upgrading of Tiangong County, he can carry out the object rights [given by myths].

It has risen a lot again.

"Well first."

"I need to find a dungeon wonder similar to a level-breaking type, or a heritage-type building similar to the Hundred Craftsman's Mansion."


"Or more myths will be given to it."

Lu Yun's eyes became brighter and brighter.

He thought of another correct way to use it.

“With the spread of merit coins, the concept of Chinese pantheon is firmly anchored in the current time and space.”

"Mythology is more like a mechanism that transcends anchoring and continuously brings back the existence of the Chinese pantheon."

Lu Yun thought more and more deeply.

Various ideas and opinions flash like lightning and are quickly connected together to form a new chain of thinking.

Thinking of this.

Lu Yun shared his thoughts with Lu Yue.

Use Lu Yue's ability to acquire similar props and buildings in this Civilization Lord channel.

He also ordered Bai Gui to purchase at a premium as he did in the plane trading hall, and immediately bought back the corresponding wonders and buildings he found.

"Solution to a problem."

Lu Yun felt much more relaxed and his thoughts were clearer.


He stood outside the Lushan City God's Temple, using the talent of [Beiyin Emperor's Ming] to become familiar with the imperial power.


With the help of Jiang Zhou and Mu Yuan, hundreds of thousands of ghost people continued to migrate into the Lushan City God's incense domain.

"As the territory of the Underworld Division continues to expand."

"It's time for the first City God to appear."

Lu Yun recalled Zhu Zhang's hints and secret words, thoughtfully.


"Jiang Zhou is the first city god in the Yin world of Dongling."

The order of the Underworld condensed into a dim edict suspended in the sky.

[City God Priesthood]

[Protect the country and support the country, and send sweet gifts to save the people. 】

[Reconcile yin and yang, command the gods, detect good and evil, judge life and death, and show retribution! 】

Accompanied by Lu Yun’s words.

The boundless mist of fragrance reaches straight to the Nine Netherworld, and the dark edict regains its strength.

Countless golden words penetrated the silk and rushed into the virtual land of the underworld.

The next moment.

The impermanent ghost in Jiang Zhou's body suddenly transformed into a city god costume, majestic and full of incense.

"My lord, Jiang Zhou, is in charge of the post of City God of the Yin Division today."

"The twenty-four divisions will be assigned to the City God."

"Sort out the good and evil of the ghosts and people in the area, check the life and death of the Yangshi, and record the book of death and death in the cave!"

Jiang Zhou's voice trembled, slightly choked.

Who would have thought.

Once a young man with a broken arm in the territory of the Heavenly Palace, now actually has the opportunity to become a Yinsi City God.

Jurisdiction over the reincarnation, life and death of thousands of ghosts in the underworld!

Jiang Zhou kept moving in the direction of Lu Yun, worshiping again and again, unable to calm down the shock in his heart for a long time.

at the same time.

Mu Yuan and a group of old ghosts who followed Lu Yun looked at this scene with fascination.

They also want the opportunity to go further!

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