All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 247 Red Yao Galaxy, Roa Sub-Sector! Fiji's Achievements

Heavenly realm.

[Current territory development level 6]

The building complex on the planet's surface presents a streamlined and geometric minimalist appearance.

Towering high-rise buildings.

Curvaceous military buildings and complex and varied architectural layouts constitute a unique appearance of the space territory.

These buildings are no longer limited by gravity and space constraints on the main planet, and are fixed to the surface of the planet through magnetic levitation technology.

"Why haven't the new lords who will succeed me come yet?"

"Count the days."

"The twenty-year tenure has ended."

Feizi paced back and forth in the space station, staring at the territory teleportation altar placed on the surface from time to time.

He longed for a few border-moving Dao soldiers hundreds of meters high to appear immediately and move his territory again.

"The Southern Martial Arts Great Wall Star Territory has been affected by the war, and nine colleagues nearby have successfully escaped one after another."

"As long as there are 120 more lords with territory development at level 3, they will guard more than half of the planetary worlds."

"There will be no problems with the Dragon Qi Law Restriction within the Luo Aci Star Area."

Feizi stopped from time to time and looked up to check the clock time. There were still 10 minutes left before the end of his term.

The waiting time became extremely long.

He simply checked again the huge star map placed in the space station.

Use green, blue, yellow, gray, black, red and other colors to mark the lighting range in the star map.

The area shown in the three-dimensional star map shows that the black boundary is the range of the Red Obsidian galaxy.

In Feizi's eyes.

There is only one bright area, which is the Loa sub-sector.

The Luo A sub-sector is an area directly controlled by Feizi, a level 8 [Star Guardian]. It is also one of the ten sub-sectors that directly belong to the Luo He sub-sector.

As Fiji has developed the galaxy area.

Highlights are marked green.

There are about 230 planetary colony worlds in the Loa sub-sector, which are within a sphere with a diameter of 20 light years.

The remaining nine blue sub-stars next to it belong to the sub-stars under the jurisdiction of other lords.

Extending outward are unexplored areas painted gray.

Extremely vast.

These are uninhabited, unexplored areas, spaces occupied by aliens, foggy areas inaccessible by fleet navigation.

They all belong to the wild four-ring world.

The last areas marked in red all belong to galaxy voids.

This is the scope of the iron-blooded battlefield that is truly plunged into the millstone of war every moment.

It belongs to the area that is not covered by Daxia's [Dragon and Tiger National Fortune] and the loophole area of ​​[Dragon Qi Law Forbidden].

The galaxy void can only rely on military star bases such as [Star Port] and [Star Barrier] to serve as temporary [Dragon Qi Center].

in addition.

There are no fewer than hundreds of small galactic cavities within the Erythma galaxy alone, and there are some between star regions and between galaxies.

Scattered distribution.

The entire star map can be seen at a glance.

The entire area covered by the yellow dragon energy law was filled up, and the only illuminated Roa sub-sector was like a lonely island in the ocean.

Countless [Dragon Qi Center] nodes are distributed in hundreds of planetary worlds, forming a huge Dragon Qi Law Restriction.

From a macro perspective.

Countless small nodes similar to the Red Yao Galaxy, like a planetary world, form the Great Xia Dragon Qi Law Forbidden that stretches for unknown number of light years to resist the invasion of the evil spirits of the fog!

"Before leaving."

"I deliberately collected all the taxes from the 230 worlds so that the next lords would not be in a hurry during the handover."

"The summer tax is paid once every five years."

The vastness and dispersion of the civilized lord community made a centralized system of government unfeasible.

Therefore, each Star Warder is granted discretionary power (including administrative, military and economic development) over the planet they rule.


All planets within the jurisdiction of the civilized lords during their term of office must be handed over to the Great Xia Yun Dynasty [eleven tax].

Article 1: Provide a stable and high-quality source of troops to the Iron-Blooded Great Wall Army.

Article 2: Submit the beliefs and fortunes of all planetary civilizations within your jurisdiction.

These two items are the most basic and unchanged provisions of the Great Xia Dynasty [Eleven Taxes].

"The first ten years of the term (calculated according to current galaxy time)."

"The few old lords around who have not left will be responsible for resisting the invasion of most monsters in the Roa sub-sector."

"You have to develop as soon as possible."

Feizi looked back at the first half of his life.

His eyes were confident and proud, and there was a glimmer of pride between his brows.

Feizi gently stroked his chin, showing an expression of thinking and recollection.

His tenure at the border of the Iron-Blooded Great Wall was very outstanding. It only took him 10 years to become the first lord to break through the level 6 territory.

One hundred years of tenure.

It also advances the civilization development of the Celestial Territory from the [Classical] Era to the [Space] Era!

"Looking back at the first half of my life."

He sat on the chair, leaning forward slightly and keeping his back straight.

The gravity control system adjusts the gravity in the space station to the value most suitable for Fiji activities.

"Tianlei County."

“I have worked hard for this day for a long time, and now it’s finally come true.”

Feizi put his hands on his waist and patted them gently, celebrating his achievement.

[Reminder from the era of national lords: Your term of stationing at the border of Daxia has ended. 】

[The lord who takes over from you will arrive soon. 】

Hear this.

Feizi stood up quickly.

A stream of grooming spells fell.

His hair was neatly combed, he was well-dressed, and he appeared to be in high spirits.

"The apes on both sides of the bank can't stop crying, and the boat has passed the Ten Thousand Mountains."

Feizi laughed loudly, boldly and loudly, and the whole room was filled with his laughter.

From now on, the sky is high and birds can fly.


The huge sound of tearing space resounded in Feizi's ears, and a series of piercing and shrill alarms quickly sounded around him!

[Warning: Near the center of the Roa sub-sector, the space-time structure fluctuates violently. 】

[Warning: The stability of the space-time structure has decreased! 】

[Warning: A suspected behemoth of 1,300 square kilometers is moving to the center of the Roa sub-sector! 】


"Do you really know how to choose the right time to launch a surprise attack just before I leave office?"

Feizi's expression changed.

He thought it was the alien empire forces from several surrounding galaxies and wanted to take advantage of this opportunity.

Launch a planetary strike.

Directly erase the Loa sub-sector [Star Mansion Center].

"Little Love!"

"Turn on all the planetary shield generators near the Star Mansion Center, and turn on all the missile launch pads in the surrounding space stations."

"Immediately mobilize all fleets docked near the center of the Star Mansion."

"Destroy the invading enemies."

Feizi's language is concise and powerful, and he quickly issues territorial combat instructions through artificial intelligence Xiao Ai.

The planetary shield produced by the Planetary Shield Generator can be very effective in protecting against orbital bombardment.

A huge crack appeared in the starry sky, as if it was torn apart by an invisible force.

The cracks continued to expand, and the surrounding stars and nebulae were torn into pieces, forming a chaotic area.

Through the cracks in space.

At the outpost observation station, we discovered that behind us was a circular spherical world stretching for thousands of square kilometers.

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