All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 460 We Want To Make Progress Too Much.

Chen Tang is closed.

"Report, Commander-in-Chief."

"The evil spirits and rat monsters in the pass were all eliminated by a large group of ghost soldiers from the underworld."

The soldier was ordered to kneel on one knee and report.

The words Li Jing was about to spit out were stuck in his throat.

Holding the long sword in his hand, he looked around and recalled the posture of the immortal descending from the sky, with expectation and joy on his face:

"Master, you still have a way, right?"

Outside Chentang Pass.

The monstrous water waves became more and more frightening, and hundreds of millions of aquatic people followed the rising water of Jiuwan River, and the black pressure came over them.

The towering city wall, which is a hundred feet high, is now close to the water, and sea water may pour into the city at any time.

Triggering extremely terrifying embankments and floods.

The next moment, the bottom of the water became turbid, and black shadows like giant snakes rose from under the black rocks.

"Li Jing, hand over Nezha."

"Otherwise today, all the tribesmen from the Four Seas will immediately kill Chentangguan and turn the pass into an earthly land."

Prime Minister Turtle stuck his head out.

The black stone as big as a millstone turned out to be a turtle shell.

There seemed to be a flash of eagerness and impatience in his eyes, which were slightly glowing with green light.

"Hand over Nezha!"

Black shadows surged across the sea of ​​clouds, and thunder echoed across the sky and earth.

"Is it really not worth handing over the Third Young Master to protect the safety of Chentangguan?"

"The trouble he caused as a seven-year-old kid."

"Why should we take the blame and bear the boundless wrath of Lord Dragon?"

"Hand it over, hand it over."

The stupid people's public opinion is boiling.

The scorching red sun is like a fire that dries up the land, causing the seedlings to wither and the trees to wither.

The Dragon King of the Four Seas moves the clouds and spreads rain.

Other people in Chentangguan only saw that heavy rain was coming.

If you, a maid, don't pity yourself, why don't you pity your well-dressed master?

Not enough to eat or warm to wear.

How could the people who were suffering from severe drought feel sorry for the third son of the Li family who was born to be a nobleman?

"You are so impudent. Your Majesty's disciples will not be allowed to be bullied by you."

The Jiutian interviewer raised his arm and swung his sword. The golden sword light flashed suddenly, and the turtle as big as a mountain was cut in half in an instant.

in a blink.

Prime Minister Turtle's body turned into a majestic rain of blood, causing demons and monsters to rob him.

"Prime Minister!!"

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, had a trace of sadness in his eyes and became even more furious.

Chen Tang is closed.

Lu Yun faced the continuous drizzle without a drop of rain touching his body. He first passed by Li Jing, who was about to speak but was hesitant, and came to Nezha's side.

"I don't want you to cut off your flesh and return it to your father, or remove your bones and return it to your mother."

"Remember the first words I said to my teacher."

"Have good intentions."

"The public opinion in the world is not necessarily correct. It is manipulated by others and is paranoid and good-hearted."

"A little evil dragon, if you kill it, kill it."

Lu Yun took out the Taiyin Samsara Lotus that had been cultivated for several years, cast a spell and put it directly into Nezha's body.

All of a sudden.

The heaven and earth are ignited with ghostly fire, and the biting cold sweeps across the water. This is a concept that is far more terrifying and cold than the sea water.

"The order, the water falls into the netherworld."


The water level of the seawater surrounding Chentangguan plummeted, and ghost gates seemed to appear on the seabed, sucking in seawater crazily.


"Run, run."

At the same time, some clever water monkeys tried to escape back to the water house, but they were caught by Tu Bo and other Yin gods and dragged back to the eighteenth level of hell.

"Good deeds and evil deeds will be rewarded."

"With all your walking merits and experience packages, we will not let go of the opportunity to make progress."

The black and white impermanent look is smiling.

A large net woven from Yinluo iron chains appeared between the sky and the earth. They grabbed the Sihai tribe without mercy at all.

Copy within seven years.

These evil tribes from the Four Seas have been dangling in front of the Beiyin Underworld.

Tu Bo, Dayi and other ghosts and gods were afraid of disrupting His Majesty's plan, so they forbeared and did not take action.

Now that the plot is over.

The immortals and gods of the Celestial Palace slaughtered everyone in the four great treacherous kingdoms, and granted officials and titles one by one, making other gods envious.

The Yin gods, who are also greedy for merit and good deeds, will naturally act ruthlessly.

Not to mention the people of the Four Seas.

Even the East China Sea was moved to the eighteenth floor of the underworld to see if the sea-eyed spirit had any sins!

Looking at the howling and fierce charging of the ghost soldiers of Beiyin in the underworld and the heavenly soldiers and generals of the heavenly palace.

Fear flashed in the eyes of the Dragon King of the Four Seas.

"Four evil dragons who are causing trouble for one side still want to run away?"

"Die to me!"

Wu Qi, Ge Erdan and other accomplished military strategists who combined martial arts and military formations formed formations one after another to encircle the dragon water people flowing in the sea of ​​clouds.

A group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals who ran out in disorder without any structure faced the well-trained elite ghost soldiers.

The moment the two legions met, they ended up dead.

Those dragon species who usually acted rampantly and had no one to control them felt the threat of death for the first time.

"Don't, don't... don't kill us, we are the righteous gods of heaven and earth."

"I am He Bo of Shuifu..."

The river gods and lake gods all over the place have adopted the background of gods enshrined by evil merchants themselves.

Just take advantage of the opportunity they have to get together.

Dayi touched his back, and there were not many arrows left behind him. After thinking for a while, he simply released the smooth-furred bug that he had carefully cultivated for many years in the underworld.

"Go and eat those dragon species."

"If you gain more merit, you, a tiger spirit, might also be able to achieve the status of a ninth-grade spiritual king."

In the suddenly frightened eyes of these Yunhai dragons, they suddenly rushed towards the ghost tiger of the underworld who was speeding up and galloping in the sky.

"If I eat you, if I can win His Majesty's favor, I will have to have the ghosts and gods of Fengdu Yin Mountain."

The sinister laughter of the big bug fell on the ears of Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, but it was particularly harsh.

The Dragon King has always regarded mortals and spirits as blood-food in his belly.

How could he know that one day he would be eaten alive by ghosts and monsters?

"Bah, Gurung."

A clear sound of chewing sounded in the ears of hundreds of millions of aquatic people, and the four sea aquatic people who were still struggling to death stared blankly at the sky.

I saw.

A majestic rain of blood fell from the sky, and some evil dragon blood dripped into the sea. The carp and crabs swimming in the nearby waters all grew dragon horns and beards, and their bodies were covered with dragon scales.

It was so overbearing that it caused some water tribes to mutate in the direction of dragon bloodline.

But such a high-ranking race in the sea was chased and devoured by a ghost tiger in the underworld. As soon as they met, they fell into a pool of blood. Even the wailing sounds of the few survivors were extremely weak.

"Lord Dragon...Lord Dragon was eaten?!"

"No dragon king in the four seas is spared. What are the origins of these ghost soldiers?"

Horror and fear struck the hearts of people from all over the world.

Chen Tang is closed.

Lu Yun stood next to Li Jing, thought about it for a while, and then said: "In my opinion, you are a person with integrity."

"Four years ago, Nezha specifically asked me if I could teach you immortality."

"I didn't hesitate and taught you immortality and Taoism for four years."

Li Jing was shocked when he heard this.

For many years, I have been dreaming about the Dharma Immortal.

It turns out that it is far away in the horizon, but close at hand.

"There are many people with good bones in the world, but the word "immortal fate" is rare.

Just one sentence.

It was like a wake-up call that made Li Jing wake up from a dream.

"My son..."

Li Jing collapsed to the ground and was speechless for a long time.

A three-year-old child is still thinking about seeking immortality for his father.

The fifty-year-old general guarding Chentangguan wanted to sacrifice his son's life for the welfare of millions of Dawn people.

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