All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 472: Changes Occur After A Calamity Is Overcome, And It Is Difficult To Overcome The Heart W

"Who are you?"

Di Xin suppressed the horror in his heart and the panic that could not be described in words.

It is obviously an existence in the fairyland.

But he let himself, a dignified Sanxian, fall into an extreme reaction, which was very unreasonable.

Lu Yun did not answer, but carefully understood the changes in his body.

"The Mahayana and Tribulation realms can actually be classified into the same category."

"To describe it more accurately... transcending tribulation is a process in which ordinary life loses its acquired nature and reverses its innate nature."

Behind Lu Yun, a vague shadow of the Emperor of Heaven suddenly appeared!

Can't see the specific appearance clearly.

Di Xin just glanced at it, and the demonic energy in his body couldn't stop boiling.

In an instant, the momentum continued to drop.

However, the boiling of magic power in the body still did not stop.

The cultivation level in the middle stage of the loose immortal in the fifth realm of immortality collapsed to the early stage of the loose immortal, and even almost fell into the fifth realm.

The life-saving means and cultivation tools that Di Xin had previously had had long been stripped away by Lu Yun, and now everything he could rely on was gone.

This scene also fell into the eyes of all the lords, with different expressions.

"Lu Yun...Is Lu Yun going to become an immortal??"

"It hasn't been four years since the lord's assessment, right? He, a mortal, only needs four years to step by step until he becomes an immortal?!"

There was an uproar.

Not only were the veteran iron-blooded lords dumbfounded, but the newcomer lords at the same time were even more shocked!

"He is going to become an immortal..."

Xiao Kun was killing everyone on the battlefield across the world, and when he had just dispelled the haze in his heart, he saw the news flowing in the lord's channel, and was given another slap in the face.

How long has it been?

It only takes four years to complete the plan.

Lu Yun, the first person in his class, is already a master in the tribulation period. He is respected by hundreds of millions of people. His cultivation is unparalleled, leaving everyone behind!

"I have just reached the late stage of the Divine Transformation Realm."

Xiao Kun originally thought that he was already very popular among the lords of the same generation, but once the comparison object was changed to Lu Yun.

The difference between the two is 4 major realms and 12 minor realms!

"Become an immortal..."

The meaning in Qiao De's eyes was incomprehensible.

As an old member of Zhu Yuan's team since the founding of the Xia Dynasty, he spent hundreds of years on the front line of the Great Wall border defense.

Until now, he has only reached the middle stage of the True Immortal Realm.

"Back then, the king was facing a tribulation every eight years, and he made a major breakthrough every year, surpassing Chen You by eight blocks."

"Even for such a peerless monster."

"The king has been preparing for the tribulation for ten years before he dared to overcome the tribulation of immortality."

"Four years to ascend to immortality...Four years to ascend to immortality."

The more Qiao De said this, the more the iron-blooded lords around him felt that their realm was like a dog crawling.

"I have been practicing for a hundred years, and I have just made a breakthrough in becoming a god."

Feizi was lying innocently, but his thoughts were completely different from others.

"But, this is my boss."

"The stronger he is...the bigger my business will be in the future, and the more merit coins I will earn!"

Feizi suppressed the excitement in his heart and fought harder.

"Quick, stop him."

Nezha and Wu Song looked at each other and quickly saw that something was wrong with Di Xin's current state, and he seemed to feel some fatal threat, his whole body was swollen and swollen.

Looks like he wants to blow himself up! ?


Not only did the Nine Heavens Interviewer's [Psychic Sense] magical power start to predict Di Xin's movements.

Wang Lingguan's [Eradication of Evil], Dayi's [Fear of the Big Sun] and other magical powers were thrown at them like they were free of money.

All kinds of fairy light wash away.

They have only one purpose, they want to protect His Majesty!

"Become an immortal... Your Majesty is going to become an immortal?!"

At the Dragon Gate Inn, Du Qiuniang looked astonished, as if in a dream, witnessing the birth of the myth and legend with her own eyes.

"Hurry up, everyone is ready to help His Majesty in Xing Town, Xing County, and Fairy City!"

In the Heavenly Palace Territory and the Underworld Territory, the officials of Yin and Yang immediately took action, calling on the people and ghosts to pray and contribute incense and faith.

at the same time.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty is going to become an immortal!!"

Wang Erhe suddenly stood up and quickly mobilized the people of Ziweixian City.

The underworld.

Jiang Zhou and Mu Yuan's faces changed, and they waved their hands and issued a few orders, and all the city gods and land gods who were still practicing in the entire Incense Law Domain were released.

A large number of Taoist officials and ghost officials went from door to door to the people in the city to convey the good news.

Including, a pop-up window was temporarily inserted for the people of the territory.

But the people in the territory are all excited.

"Your Majesty, you are going to become an immortal, and the power of our homeland will become stronger."

"Nantianmen, Jianmu...Ziwei Star Master."

Li Babai's eyes widened.

Many people who ascended from other small worlds, after waking up, gave themselves a slap in the face to wake up from their embarrassment.

The faith, incense, and luck all over the sky gathered into a dragon and merged into Lu Yun's body one after another.

"Becoming an turns out I'm going to become an immortal too."

A trace of complexity and confusion flashed in Lu Yun's eyes.

he recalled in his mind.

Xun Changsheng who is obsessed with seeking immortality, Duan Hongfei who turns people into poison, Zhu Yuan who overwhelms the world, Tao Guangyi who lands on the moon and flies into the sky...

Or Li Kui, who is begging for help from all the people, or Bai Juyi, who is obsessed with beautiful women...

It seems that everyone has a reason to persist and continue.

So why did he become an immortal?

Lu Yun subconsciously thought about this issue that he had ignored.

[The first calamity of the Mahayana: the calamity of delusional mind, taking effect. 】

Just for a moment.

Lu Yun laughed softly, calmed down, pointed at Di Xin who was fighting hard in the sky, and spoke, his voice spread throughout the world:

"In the fight for the great road, we will not give in an inch."

"Humanity fights for good and evil, heaven and earth fight for life, even if the eternal starry sky above our heads will still grow old and pass away one day."

"When I become an immortal, I don't seek eternal life, I don't seek reincarnation, I don't seek the death of gods and immortals..."


Hearing this, the surrounding lords were all dumbfounded, and they all dared not imagine that this could be the courage that a lord of the same generation could say.

"If you don't seek immortality, if you don't seek reincarnation, the gods will perish..."

"Then why did you become an immortal?"

"What a great spirit. Becoming an immortal is the first step in finding the path in your heart. What does he want?"

Everyone was shocked and screamed one after another.

"Overcoming tribulations, overcoming tribulations, tempering one's character."

"Don't change your original intention and achieve the truth."

"A person's heart's desire to survive a tribulation will largely affect his future... What on earth is he thinking about?"

Joad shook his head, equally puzzled, but that didn't stop him from recording these things so that he could notify the outside world when he went out.


Xiao Kun took a breath.

Even Di Xin, who was surrounded by countless people, couldn't help but look sideways. He was very curious about what shocking remarks Lu Yun would make.

"I become an immortal..."

Lu Yun paused, and his voice spread throughout the Nezha copy.

"What we do is to truly regard the world as one, and all spirits as all the people in the kingdom of heaven."

The words are not over yet.

The image of the Emperor of Heaven behind Lu Yun is dazzling and vast.

At the same time, a majestic aura came overwhelmingly, overwhelming the world!

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