Under the moonlight, a path of dust appeared on the wasteland land, with blue stars, and the mobile fortress made of white bones rushed through the smoke.

Moo – The

bighorns barked and slammed their heads forward, but they couldn’t completely shake off the monsters behind them, fear made them unable to think more, and instinctively sprinted towards what they thought was safe.

Li Ziyu held the window edge, gritting his teeth, of course he wanted to quickly catch up with the bighorn cattle and solve them, after all, the bone engine consumes soul energy every minute, a minute or two is nothing, but after a long time, it is really distressing, his resources are not rich enough that even soul energy can be consumed unscrupulously.

The undead walked behind Li Ziyu and transmitted the latest information to him, “An obstacle is found ahead, and the herd enters the obstacle, do you continue to pursue?”

Li Ziyu was stunned, turned his head to look at the undead, with a strange look on his face, “What obstacle?”

“It’s the woods.” The undead replied.


Li Ziyu was stunned at first, and then became surprised.

I go, and what about the windfall? In the wilderness, it is easy to find

barren grass, everywhere, find wood, find stone, it is more difficult, otherwise he would not exchange stone with a big hammer, I really did not expect that chasing a herd of bison and actually found the woods, then is there any reason to let go? Wood, stone, these are

all good resources, I want to build a warrior training camp, but these things, okay, bison I want, wood I also want, the woods are mine!

“Keep the hunt and try to destroy them in the woods!”

Li Ziyu waved his big hand and ordered unceremoniously, and the undead took the order and turned to leave. There is only a small forest in front, the trees

are sparse, there is a small pool in the middle, it is a good habitat in the wasteland, although there are not many trees, but the mobile fortress cannot be opened, can only park outside.

When the mobile fortress stopped, the skeleton undead came down in groups and entered the woods, and before much effort, there was the cry of the bighorn ox, with fear, anxiety and anger in the voice, followed by the roar of the undead and the sound of fighting. There is the

cover of trees and leaves, Li Ziyu, who is standing at the window, can’t see what the situation is inside, and he is in a hurry and does not dare to go over, joking, the undead was topped by the ox, Mao did not, but he is different, he is still a human being, by the big bull’s horn, the little life is gone, for the sake of life, or honestly stay in the fortress.


While the trees were shaking, a fat bighorn cow mooed and rushed out of the woods, with two skeletal undead hanging on its body, and in a panic, the bighorn ox rushed in the direction where the mobile fortress was located. Behind it,

a dozen bone undead chased out, threw the spear gun in their hands at the bighorn ox, and pierced it into its body, and the bighorn ox ran forward for a distance with the spear gun, and the front leg bent sharply and fell to the ground.

The two bone undead hanging on his body came down, grabbed the bone knife, and stabbed it hard in the neck a few times, blood splattered, the bighorn cow completely lost movement, and the sound in the woods gradually disappeared. Soon, one

by one, the bones of the undead appeared from the woods, groups of three or five, groups of about a dozen, dragging or pulling, to transport the hunted bighorn cattle to the mobile fortress.

“Three bison ran, did you pursue?” There are undead who come to report.

Still chasing?

Pull it down, for the sake of three cows, I can’t bear those soul energy, Li Ziyu waved his hand, signaling that he didn’t have to continue chasing, the cow can be let go, but the wood can’t be let go.

“No need to chase, go logging, we need wood.” Li Ziyu stretched out his hand and pointed to the woods and ordered the undead.

As soon as the carcass of the bighorn cattle was transported back to the mobile fortress, the undead set out again, this time not to hunt, but to become lumberjacks, but these loggers were quite unprofessional, they didn’t even have an axe, they wanted to cut down trees, they used either bone knives or machetes, and the efficiency was so inefficient that people cried.

Fortunately, the undead do not need to rest, they can keep chopping, slow is slow, victory is lasting.

The undead were all sent out to cut down trees, and Li Ziyu had nothing else to do, and began to count the spoils of this hunt – bighorn cattle. A total of 30 bighorn cattle, 14 adult bighorn cattle,

7 elderly bighorn cattle, 9 calves, the harvest was good, Li Ziyu was very satisfied, at least worthy of the soul energy paid, and then handed over to the system to decompose the materials. [Decompose adult bighorn +1, get fresh beef *100 units, bones *5 units, broken cowhide *1 sheet, soul energy *8 units] [Decompose old bighorn +1, get fresh beef *80 units, bones *5 units, cowhide *1 sheet, soul energy *5 units] [

Decompose juvenile bighorn ox +1, get fresh beef *20 units, bones *3 units, cowhide *1 sheet, soul energy *5 units]


Oh, that’s a lot!

Li Ziyu looked at the prompt from the system, his eyes immediately lit up, good guy, the harvest can ah, beef to get 2140 units, bones 142 units, cowhide 30 sheets, soul energy 192 units, this harvest still want to go?

The point is meat, this thing can be exchanged for more resources, bones, stone, wood can be exchanged, take it to a conscientious businessman, 2 units of meat can be exchanged for 1 bone, more than 2,000 units of meat, think about the bones that can be exchanged are drooling.

Hehe, when the time comes, what big bone wheels, small bone wheels, all are installed, more points, accelerate fast! Soul energy is not

much, only stronger than the previous steppenwolf, talk is better than nothing, so bad to make up for the consumed soul energy, small profits are not losses, in the end it is not an intelligent creature, just an ordinary beast, to the lizardman, directly gave 50 units of soul energy, how good.

Li Ziyu faintly realized, soul energy shows the strength of the soul of the creature, can develop wisdom, the soul energy will far exceed the beast, there is a gap like a gap, the stronger the creature, the stronger the soul, the more soul energy.

Hunting for the strong?

Now I can only think about it, if I really want to do it, let’s wash and sleep, a group of low-level skeletons under my hand, even a fierce beast can’t be beaten.

Through chatting, Li Ziyu has roughly figured out the level of monsters in this world, the most common is the kind of beast he hunted, not much different from those animals in the previous life, above the beast is a fierce beast, strong and intelligent existence, the appearance is generally more strange, the combat effectiveness is far more than the beast. On top of the fierce beasts,

there are also juxtaposed desolate beasts and demon beasts, according to the information in the chat channel, these two monsters, desolate beasts belong to warriors, have spiritual intelligence, but the thinking is relatively simple, the skin is thick, the body size is generally relatively large, but to burn special attacks.

Warcraft is equivalent to a magician, completely belongs to intelligent life, physical differences are large, their own combat effectiveness is quite strong, more powerful is that they have special means of attack, as for what kind of means, the city lords in the chat did not say, just remind everyone that if you encounter a Warcraft or a desolate beast, run is over, do not run and wait for death.

Desolate beasts and demon beasts are not at all what they can deal with at this stage.

While Li Ziyu was thinking about it, the undead had already cut down a few trees and transported them to the mobile fortress.

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