Under the guidance of Liu Xingxing, Li Ziyu drove the fortress to an open space… Look at the open space outside the window, turn to look at

Liu Xingxing, and look at the open space outside, Li Ziyu rubbed his eyebrows, the last time this goods brought himself to the ancestral grave of the people, so bad that a stick was inserted on the ground, he can know what place it is, this time it is good, it is directly the open space, nothing.

There is nothing too rigorous, there is still sparse grass.

“Are you sure there’s treasure here?” Li Ziyu sighed, feeling that he might have been fooled again.

Liu Xingxing came to Li Ziyu’s side, looked down at the open space outside, clicked on his system and operated it, and nodded seriously, “That’s right here, big brother, treasure hunting, treasure hunting will not be placed on the ground, then doesn’t everyone know?” Gotta dig, underneath it.

You have a point, I can’t even refute it.

Before digging for the treasure, Li Ziyu observed the surroundings and determined that this was not a “forbidden place” such as an ancestral tomb, and let the undead probe again, there were no traces of tribes gathering around, only some small animals like mice and rabbits, and he was relieved.

Since it is said that there are treasures underground, they are coming, dig and see, wave their hands to let the undead go, and dig the open space ahead.

Upon receiving the order, the bone undead immediately moved, leaving the fortress in droves and coming to the clearing, excavating aimlessly.

The undead are not professional miners, nor do they have tools to take advantage of, holding their paws and throwing around, dusty, but of little use, relying on those few paws to dig the ground, it is really difficult for them, fortunately, the undead do not care, serious efforts of the “grinder”. An undead digging and

digging, his claws suddenly touched something, he picked up the thing and saw that it was a bone, it looked like it should be some kind of beast bone, dug something, he ran to the fortress with the bone, and handed the bone to Li Ziyu.

According to the judgment of the undead, the owner of this bone should have been dead for quite a long time, so that the flesh and blood had disappeared, and only the bones remained.

“Dig again!”

It is not surprising that there are bones Li Ziyu, I don’t know how many creatures are buried in the wilderness, and there are bones underground, which is not unusual at all. The undead

got the order, immediately ran back to the place where Fang had just dug out the bones, and planed them again, as if because he found the bones, the undead gouged the ground much faster this time, and more bones were found by him, dug out of the soil and thrown aside.

It wasn’t until the skull was also dug up that the undead stopped, found a companion, picked up the dug bones and returned to the mobile fortress, and put a pile of bones in front of their own lord, and the soul flashed.

Li Ziyu checked, this is a complete beast bone, it should be a beast such as a bighorn ox, equivalent to 3 units of bones.

Planing the ground can get 3 units of bones, not a loss, Li Ziyu raised his eyebrows, looked at Liu Xingxing on the side, he was curiously studying the bones, trying to put the bones together.

“What exactly is the treasure here?” Li Ziyu touched his chin and asked.

“Hehe, there’s a lot of bones buried under here.” Liu Xingxing stopped fighting the beast bones, turned his head and responded with a sunny smile.

Last time I brought myself to the ancestral grave of people, the treasure location found this time is that there are a large number of bones, Li Ziyu touched his chin, looked at Liu Xingxing, who went to fight bones seriously, and guessed in his heart, this guy treasure hunting, should be oriented, otherwise it is impossible to find two consecutive places is either the ancestral grave or the buried bones.

Treasure hunting, looking for treasure, gold and silver treasures, who treasure hunt will take the initiative to dig graves to find graves?

Unless he did it on purpose.

This is really a surprise, I didn’t expect him to have such ability, directional treasure hunting, interesting. Li Ziyu remembered the task he had assigned to Liu Xingxing before, at that time, it was said that it

was best to find bones and corpses, and he would not be blamed if he could not be found, Liu Xingxing was a lord who had just crossed, not to mention this world, even his own fortress was not familiar with it, at that time Li Ziyu thought that he relied on luck to hunt for treasure.

Now he knows that he has seen the treasure, Liu Xingxing’s ability, is definitely a treasure ability, developed it, will he still worry about resources?

What’s missing, just hunt for treasure!

Li Ziyu seemed to see full of light… Eh, full of darkness… It doesn’t seem to be right, it should be a tomorrow full of hope. As the first undead dug up the bones,

followed by the second, the third, one after another, bones were dug up and sent back to the fortress, basically the bones of the bighorn cattle.

Did this clearing bury the herd?

Or does the bighorn cow also have the habit of elephants, and like to find elephant graves when they die?

Li Ziyu looked at the bones that were moved, a little puzzled, turned back and threw the question to Liu Xingxing, the place was found by him, of course, he had to ask him.

The answer to this question is not critical, the main thing is that Li Ziyu is bored and waiting, digging bones is not the same as hunting, there is no passion and blood at all, there is no danger, just wait, he does not expect Liu Xingxing to give himself an answer, after all, he plans to take himself to dig people’s ancestral graves, but if he knows what place it is, he can’t be stupid to bring himself over.

“Oh, according to my investigation, this place was probably a swamp or something before, so the animals buried here are well preserved.” Liu Xingxing fought his bones and explained without turning his head. Oh, the

swamp, that really explains why a bighorn cattle herd was dug up here, presumably accidentally crashed into the swamp, and then fell into it and died.

However, I actually know that this is a swamp, what about the cemetery before?

Could it be that this guy knows that it is a cemetery and plans to make a fuss himself?

Li Ziyu looked at Liu Xingxing, who was fighting for the skeleton, his eyes slowly narrowed, if it was as he guessed, then he would have to guard against him.

The surface of the sun, in fact, a bad stomach guy, has seen a lot in his previous life, either has a slippery and slippery good skin bag, the heart is good.

With the shackles of the contract, Li Ziyu relaxed his vigilance against Liu Xingxing a little, but now, he raised his vigilance again, Liu Xingxing may not directly betray him and attack him, but he can set him up.

The conqueror contract allows Li Ziyu to control Liu Xingxing’s life and death, but it cannot let him master Liu Xingxing’s thoughts.

Feeling that there was a murderous aura behind him, Liu Xingxing snorted, stiffly turned his neck to look at Li Ziyu, “Big, big, big brother, what’s wrong?” Don’t scare me! What did I do wrong, you tell me, can I change it?

During Fang Cai’s battle, Li Ziyu personally solved Eminem, making him have more layers of anger on his body, and his squinting eyes almost scared Liu Xingxing. Fighters who have been on the battlefield

to kill people are completely different from fighters who have not been on the battlefield, and have a special aura.

“You know this may be a swamp, what about the ancestral grave before that? Do you know too? Li Ziyu was silent and slowly spoke.

There is no way to control your thoughts, then I will ask directly, if you dare to lie to me, then wait to accept the punishment of the contract!

Several bone undead and bone warriors felt the change in the city lord, silently took their weapons and walked to Liu Xingxing’s side, and they smelled of killing him without saying a word.

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