Chapter 086 Revenant Mountain Range!

The stars twinkle in the night sky, the moon emits a white light, and the wind of the wasteland sweeps large clouds slowly in the night sky.

In the wasteland under the night, a mountain suddenly appeared, straddling the slightly desolate land, sprinkling a large shadow, like a sleeping giant beast.

It’s finally here!

In the shadows, the soul fire flickered above the undead fortress, Li Ziyu stood in the main building of the castle and looked at the mountains in front of him, and couldn’t help but sigh, because he didn’t start the bone engine, in the state of low speed, after leaving the swamp cemetery for four days, he finally came to a new treasure location.

In the main building, not only Li Ziyu, Liu Xingxing, Mou Mu, and Tasturing did not rest, accompanying him, looking at the mountains.

For safety, Liu Xingxing’s treasure hunting range is limited, and this mountain is the boundary he explores, and the storage of various resource treasures in the mountain is also the highest, like a cornucopia.

Compared with the excitement of Li Ziyu and Liu Xingxing, Tasturing was a little in a daze, although he had never been here, but inexplicably had a sense of familiarity, seemed to know something, but forgot, it was a very important thing.

He lowered his head and pondered carefully, constantly recalling, and was surprised to find that this familiarity came from shamanic inheritance, which was the memory knowledge left by the ancestors.

Feeling the strange fluctuations emanating from Tasturing’s body, the three people around turned their heads in surprise, and saw that Tasturing fell into a state similar to meditation.

“Tasturing, what’s wrong with him?”

Li Ziyu looked at Mu Mu in bewilderment and asked.

The Minotaur is an indigenous race, and has existed for a long time, there are too many things that he does not understand, Li Ziyu does not understand the current state of Tasturing, but he can ask Mou Mou as the patriarch.

“It seems to be… It seems to be the ancestors of communication? ”

Mu Mu said uncertainly, shamans are a magical profession, not everyone can understand, and the Tabu tribe has never produced shamans, Mu Mu can only guess.

Tasturing’s state is unknown, Li Ziyu did not rush to let the undead fortress close to the mountain, but stopped in place, waiting for Tasturing to return to normal, he always felt that Tasturing’s current state was somewhat related to the mountains in front.

Tasturing became more and more strange, he slowly raised his head, his eyes turned white, and with a soft light, there were countless special words flashing, not silent and not speaking, just staring directly at the mountains in the dark, very strange.

After a long while, he trembled, like someone who suddenly woke up from a nightmare, the light in his eyes dissipated, and he returned to normal again, gasping for breath sharply.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Liu Xingxing looked at Tasturing curiously and asked.

“This mountain… Abnormal! ”

Tasturing’s lips were dry, and he said in a slightly hoarse voice.

The three people around him looked at each other, all a little inexplicable, what does this mean that this is not normal?

Fortunately, Tasturing also realized that what he said was not clear, and explained again, “We can’t go over, the ancestral inheritance tells me that this is one of the forbidden places in the wilderness, and the tribes that tried to occupy here all perished, without exception.” ”

Wow, is it so dangerous?

Li Ziyu was taken aback, glanced at Liu Xingxing, and couldn’t help but wonder if this guy’s special talent was activated again, could it be that he found a place that could not be developed?

Liu Xingxing saw Li Ziyu’s eyes, embarrassed smile, he didn’t want to back the pot, quickly asked Tasturing: “What kind of danger is it, let’s talk about it.” ”

Tasturing lowered his head, the surroundings quieted, and slowly there was a terrifying atmosphere, and a deep voice sounded, “This is a cursed mountain, not from the wilderness, but because of witchcraft magic and other forces, all tribes close to here, will be cursed, death will accompany them, its name is the Revenant Mountains.” ”

Hiss-Liu Xingxing gasped, it was really scary, how did I find this weird again… Well?

Wait, what mountains, the Revenant Mountains?

Revenant? Terrible? Death?

He silently turned his head to look at the boss beside him, is this mountain range sure that it does not exist for the boss, his race is the skeleton undead race of the Eight Classics, death itself, so what kind of revenant mountain range can still let the undead die again, is this considered home?

Originally, I thought that Tasturing was going to say something, and Li Ziyu was also full of nervousness, but when he heard the four words of the Revenant Mountain Range, his eyebrows were first raised, and then he narrowed.

You seem to be teasing me to say that after the ancestral inheritance, Tasturing was still immersed in that horror, waiting to hear the suppressed exclamations of the people around him, but after waiting for no movement, the surrounding atmosphere became strange, he couldn’t help but raise his head and look at the people around him, but found that they were all looking directly at him.

“What’s wrong? I’m done, this is a forbidden place, we shouldn’t go in. ”

Tasturing thought they didn’t understand, and reminded seriously.

“Tasturing, this is the Revenant Mountains?”

Mu Mu couldn’t help but speak first.

“Yes, how dangerous.”

Tasturing nodded reasonably, not quite understanding what the patriarch meant.

Mu Mu shut up and looked at Tasturing helplessly, you kid is usually quite shrewd, why hasn’t he reacted yet, I reminded me so.

“Will you be cursed if you get close, will you die?”

Liu Xingxing reminded again.

“That’s what the ancestral tradition says.”

Tasturing looked at Liu Xingxing blankly, was what he said so unclear.

“Tasturing, do you see who I am?”

Li Ziyu sighed and pointed to himself.

“You are my contractor, the master of the fortress, the lord of the undead, er…”

Tasturing finally understood, and the whole person was stunned.

“You see, I am the Lord of the Undead, this fortress is full of bone undead, and this mountain range, it is called the Revenant Mountain Range, is it surprised, is it unexpected?”

Li Ziyu had a mocking smile on her face, teasing Tasturing.

How did I forget his identity, I am afraid that other tribes will not be able to station around this mountain, but the Lord of the Undead is no problem, no wonder the patriarch and Liu Xingxing talk so strangely, it is clearly reminding me!

Tasturing’s face suddenly turned red, and he was embarrassed and almost used his hooves to deduct a three-room and two-hall on the ground, he didn’t know, there was a word called social death.

With Tasturing’s explanation, Li Ziyu is not only not afraid, but also in a good mood, the Revenant Mountain Range is a blessed land, a treasure land of feng shui.

Think about it, the inheritance says that the tribes close to here will be cursed and will die, if not for nothing, it means that there are really tribes here that have all perished, and I am afraid that it is not two tribes.

Then I thought, after the tribe dies, will there be corpses left, and if the people of the tribe are dead, no one will move the corpses, and the corpses will definitely stay around here!

Around, the ground is full of bones, hey, doesn’t that mean that this is the “big mine” of the undead?

Then this is not a blessed land, what place is a blessed land?

I originally wanted to help Liu Xingxing find some resources, but I didn’t expect to find a feng shui treasure land for myself, Bashi.

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