Chapter 153 Sudden Attack!

The sun set, leaving behind a cloud of fire.

The Fortress of the Dead has been lifted from dormancy mode and returned to its architectural appearance.

Thinking about the gains from the underground world this time, Li Ziyu did not sleep too long as usual, ended the dormant mode early, and got up to work.

The corpses of the demonized creatures had long been transported out by the undead, stacked on the bone plate platform, and formed into small hills, exuding a strong smell of blood and rancidity.

Li Ziyu looked at the statistics, this time harvested more than 7,000 corpses of demonized creatures, among which he was most looking forward to demonizing minotaurs, demonizing hill trolls, demonizing ogres and other large demonized creatures, nearly 2,000, most of them were killed after escaping.

Large demonized creatures fight fiercely, thick skin, great strength, that is, meat shields, and warriors, but when fleeing, they are very disadvantaged, large size is easy to become a target, the speed is still slow, other demonized creatures can run back, they can only stay as cannon fodder.

Being able to have such a harvest has already made Li Ziyu feel quite satisfied, and after transforming them all into undead, his own combat effectiveness will increase again, and he spent so much soul energy before, and he came up with 3,000 elite heavy hammer bone warriors.

“System, decompose all the demonic creatures.”

[Decompose the demonized minotaur +1, get 2 units of demonized bones×, 60 units of mutated soul energy ×, and 1 piece of dark magic energy (fragment) ×]

[Decompose the Demonized Giant Fangpoise × 1, get 2 units of the Demonized Skeleton ×, 10 units of Mutated Soul Energy ×, and 1 piece of the Berserk Demon Energy Pattern (fragment) ×]

The decomposition information kept popping up, Li Ziyu had a full smile on her face, and whenever this kind of harvest came, it always made people feel very good.

Just waiting for the decomposition, it is quite boring, last time Li Ziyu experimented with enchantment 3 times, the success rate was so low that he collapsed, enchanted more than 100 wasteland gray rats, only succeeded a few, which made him very distressed, and even forgot the success rate of the next 2 enchantments.

Today’s mood is good, just experiment with the success rate of 2 enchantments, I hope the success rate can be higher, come to a double happiness.

Or use the wasteland gray rat for experiments, this thing has a large number, it is not distressing to use at all, and the important thing is that the consumption is small, summoning the bone wasteland gray rat only requires 2 units of mutated soul energy and soul energy, even if it is enchanted 2 times, it only needs 6 units of mutated soul energy and soul energy.

With the lessons of the past, Li Ziyu does not plan to come one by one, directly 10 units to summon, the first print or choose the plague, the second print to choose the physique, and start to summon.

7 succeeded.

Li Ziyu’s eyes lit up, sure enough, the success rate of 2 enchantments is much higher than that of 3 enchantments, but I don’t know what the specific success rate is, this dog system, always likes to hide some key information, only says that there is a failure rate, and does not tell people what the failure rate is.

I also experimented with summoning 20 bone wasteland gray rats, and each time they were able to summon successfully, and the success rate was basically more than 50%.

Even a 50% success rate of 2 enchantments is enough to make Li Ziyu happy.

The increase in success rate means that undead such as the wasteland gray rat, which were not much use, can also come in handy.

This time I came to find the demonic creature dungeon, and the gain was really not small, not only could increase a lot of xenomorph undead, but also obtained a large number of runes, which increased the power of the undead under his hand.

After gathering 100 skeleton wasteland gray rats that were enchanted twice, Li Ziyu stopped, and seeing that the decomposition was not over, he returned to the main building first, and sat on the white bone chair to resume this battle.

He does not know much about demonized creatures, or there are not many people who know about demonized creatures in the undead forces, and the person who knows the demonized creatures best is Tasturing, which comes from the records in the bloodline, but unfortunately, it is also very limited.

Li Ziyu always felt that the demonic creatures in the dungeon were strange, and he seemed to have overlooked something, but he couldn’t remember it.

The attack of demonized creatures on the undead should be premeditated and organized, not scattered like the demonized beasts, which means that as long as the undead are still there, they may always attack, and they can exchange the bones of the bone undead for the bones of the demonized creatures, thereby expanding a xenomorph undead legion.

In fact, by now, there are not too many bones of demonized creatures, but there are already tens of thousands of bones of demonized beasts, all of which are the result of the skeleton undead sweeping in the passage during this time.

Just these demonized beasts, come this time, it is not a loss.

Thinking wildly, the system finally decomposed all the corpses of the demonized creatures.

Li Ziyu checked the existing resources, summoned another 80 Physiognomic Bull Demons, expanded the number of meat shields to 100, and increased the number of hill trolls and ogres to 50, these large xenomorph undead, the last time on the battlefield was quite outstanding, are excellent troops.

The bone beast can not be let go, the bone steppenwolf and the bone giant porpoise have repeatedly made merits, although they are low-level, but the effect is still very prominent, and the ability is still much stronger than the bone undead, very characteristic.

Without doing anything, Li Ziyu directly replenished the number of bone steppenwolves and bone giant porpoises to 2,000, so that the bone beasts could really be deterrent.

Although the combat power of a single beast is limited, if a beast tide is formed, the combat power will rise sharply, and Li Ziyu, the beast tide that demonizes the beast, has never seen it, but he intends to see the beast tide that sees the bone beast.

Steppenwolf and giant fangpoise are the bottom layer of the demonized beast, and after being transformed into xenomorph undead, they can have such an effect, and other bone beasts are worth looking forward to.

Li Ziyu has a large number of demonized beast bones in his hands, demonizing steppenwolves, demonizing giant fangs, demonizing wasteland gray rats, demonizing treehorned antelope and other low-level demonized beasts, accounting for more than half of the beast bones in his hands, but there are indeed other demonized beast bones.

For example, saber-toothed wasteland lions, cheetahs, clawed explosive bears, etc., these are all strong people of the Eight Classics, belonging to the top predators among the demonized beasts.

The bones of this kind of strong demonized beast, Li Ziyu has not many in his hands, after all, he is a top predator, and the number itself is not much, even if the undead try to hunt, they still haven’t been able to hunt too much, but there are still thousands of them.

Well, I’m not too content.

Li Ziyu touched his chin, when thousands of bones, he felt less, remembering that he could get a dozen bones before, and he was very excited.

It’s inflated.

Rubbed his face and examined himself in his heart.

After clicking on the system to sort out the bones of the demonized beasts, Li Ziyu decided to create a batch to try the effect, and by the way, expand the bone beast legion.

What to summon first?

Well, claw pop bear, you are big, you come first.

After going through the battle of the jackals, Li Ziyu fell in love with the large undead, mainly looking majestic, and full of a sense of strength, and regardless of the real strength, at least bluffing.

Clawed popping bear, bear beast in the wasteland, the body length is generally more than 250cm, up to 350cm, shoulder height is more than 150cm, thick hair, silver-gray, neck has a fiery red mane, their most important feature is the forelimb bear paw, unusually large, with five claws like steel hooks, violent personality, so it is called clawed popping bear.

After being infested with demonic qi, the clawed bear became more aggressive, the fur was no longer supple, but tough, and even the hair on the back was like a steel needle, the defense power was greatly increased, and at the same time, the bones were strengthened and harder.

It can be said that the demonization of claws and explosive bears is not inferior to the existence of Warcraft.

[Decompose the Demonized Claw Burst Bear × 1, get 3 units of the Demonized Skeleton ×, 30 units of Mutated Soul Energy ×, 1 × Claw Burst Bear Skin, 10 Claw ×, 2 Sharp Teeth ×, 1 Berserk Demon Energy Tattoo (Fragment) ×]

Looking at the system information, Li Ziyu raised his eyebrows, the magic energy pattern decomposed by the claw bursting bear, in addition to the fury is power, there are no other types of magic energy patterns, this guy is really reckless type, to his heart.

Mangfu is good, Mangfu has strong fighting power.

【Bone Beast, Claw Burst Bear】

[Introduction: The skeleton undead in the form of beasts, compared to those weak guys, it can better represent the word “beast”, that pair of bear paws is not a joke, it is recommended to match the berserk demon energy print, which can make them play a more powerful combat power, but pay attention to the fact that these guys are not easy to control. ] 】

[Requirements: 3 units of demonized skeletons× 1 unit of ×bones, 30 units of mutated soul energy ×, 40 units of soul energy ×, 1 claw bursting bear skin ×]


It’s quite special, there are still a lot of requirements, and you actually need bones and bear skins, and the bone beasts summoned before don’t need these resources, maybe there will be a surprise.

Since the system says that let the matching berserk demon energy print, Li Ziyu is very obedient, and directly chose the enchanted berserk demon energy print, listen to the system, in this regard, the system is still very reliable, do not suffer losses.

Enchanting 1 time is a 100% success rate, Li Ziyu does not need to consider failure, directly click to summon.

The kung fu is not big, the berserk bone claw burst bear came out of the xenotomb, this guy looks really different, not like other bone beasts, but like a monster.

On the outside, it looks like a hungry claw popping bear, the bear skin is tightly attached to the bone, increasing part of the defense ability, and the empty eye sockets are burning with a dark blue soul fire, and the soul fire is mixed with red that jumps from time to time, revealing its abnormality, which is a kind of madness.

Then there is the bear claw on its forelimbs, which are originally huge, and the color of the claws is actually blood-red, with wisps of blood-colored aura wrapped around it.

Oh, it looks fierce.

Li Ziyu summoned the clawed explosive bear that had just been summoned to the main building, intending to study it.

Hearing the call, the clawed bear immediately ran over, looking humble, defenseless, entered the main building, and came to Li Ziyu.

Li Ziyu stood up and looked at the clawed explosive bear in front of him, well, it was very undead to look at, it was quite good.

The clawed bear tilted its head slightly when Li Ziyu observed it, and seemed to be observing the human in front of him.

Hehe, still look at me, kind of interesting.

Li Ziyu raised his eyebrows and walked towards the clawed explosive bear, intending to study it up close.

But just as he approached, the claw burst the bear, suddenly opened his mouth, and let out a roar that shocked the soul, Li Ziyu’s body trembled violently, as the lord of the undead, his immunity to the soul roar was quite strong, and he came back to his senses in an instant, but found that the clawed explosive bear in front of him had stood up and slapped it with a bear paw.

Lie in the groove, to finish!

He never thought that the undead he summoned would actually attack him.

It’s not scientific!

The loyalty of the undead is ∞, and the claw bursting bear is also an undead summoned through the system, how can it attack itself?

Facing the bear’s paw, Li Ziyu was thinking in his heart, the bones and undead on the surrounding walls had emerged, wanting to save the city lord, but their speed was really a little slow.

Li Ziyu watched the bear paw shoot down, and a shadow behind him suddenly came to his side, and dark bones emerged from the shadow, raised his hands, and met the bear paw.


The bear paw slapped fiercely on the hands of the dark bone, and the claws of the human standing up burst the bear, the size of the body is more than 300cm, and the size of the dark skeleton is similar to that of normal humans, but it easily holds the bear paw, even if the claw bursts the bear crazy force, it still does not shake the dark skeleton in the slightest.

The dark skeleton slowly raised its head, looked at the claw explosion bear that the soul fire had turned red, bent its arm slightly, and suddenly lifted up forcefully, pushing the bear paw out.

I’m afraid that the claw burst bear did not expect that his bear paw was actually caught by a small man, and the other party’s strength was not smaller than his own, and the bear paw was pushed up.

It opened its mouth and was about to roar, but found that a figure wrapped in a furious aura jumped high, raised its fist, and smashed fiercely on its mouth.

The booming claw bursting bear was as if it had been hit head-on by a sledgehammer and flew out directly upside down.

The furious skeleton landed on the ground, the jaw opened up, and wisps of white smoke escaped.

In terms of speed, he is not as good as the dark skeleton, that guy’s speed is already fast, but in terms of explosiveness and combat effectiveness, he is not intimidated at all, so the dark skeleton blocked the claw explosion bear, and he gave the other party a punch.


There was another soul roar, and the clawed bear got up, and was about to rush over again, when two thick totem poles had fallen on its back, suppressing it on the ground and unable to move, it was the two dark bull demons who rushed in.

The bone undead on the wall also walked out one after another, slowly thinking of the claw bursting bear walking, for what dares to hurt the city lord, no matter what you are, a creature, or an undead, they will destroy it, the undead should be loyal to the city lord, not unscrupulous in front of the city lord!

The suppressed clawed explosive bear was still struggling unwillingly, wanting to get rid of the two dark bull demons, but there was a gap in strength, struggling for a long time, and was still firmly suppressed.

The body of the furious bones erupted with a strong breath, the furious aura circulated around his body, he walked towards the clawed explosive bear, strangely, as he moved forward, the surrounding bone undead actually stopped and let go one after another, seemingly not wanting to get close to him.

The dark skeleton tilted its head, looked at Li Ziyu, and then looked at the berserk skeleton, and finally did not move, just stared firmly at the clawed explosive bear.

The furious skeleton stretched out its arms back, and let out a soul roar at the clawed explosive bear, and the roar almost formed a wave, and the air was real, spreading forward in a circle.

The two dark bull demons seemed to understand something, silently removed the totem pole, took a few steps back, and stood on either side.

Without the suppression of the bull demon, the clawed bear felt that he could do it again, got up, and also roared.

It’s just that its soul roar, compared with the soul roar of the violent skeleton, is simply pediatric.

Berserk Bones didn’t plan to get used to this guy, and raised his fist and hit it directly.

Compared to berth, who can be crazier than him, he is famous for his rage, a beast, not only dares to attack the city lord, but also dares to shout in front of him, who gave him such boldness!

Don’t look at the berserk skeleton is only 190cm, but the fierceness and madness of the battle, Li Ziyu was stunned, he felt as if he saw the undead version of the war god Kuiye.

Since summoning the Berserk Bones, it has been hidden like the Dark Bones, and this is the first time he has seen the Berserk Bones fight, which made Li Ziyu’s eyes widen.

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