Chapter 155 Like a Child!

Li Ziyu took a deep breath and brought up the description of the dark skeleton from the system.

【Dark Bones】

[Introduction: Very dangerous undead, when using them, pay attention to them, dark bones do not care whether the surrounding is friendly or not.] As more dark energy is absorbed, the dark bones become more powerful, and they are monsters that evolve. 】

[Requirements: 1 unit of demonized bone××, 30 units of mutated soul energy, 500 units of soul energy ×]

After reading it carefully, his heart was clear, he was wondering why this undead needed so much soul energy, and now he understood everything, 500 units of soul energy, until now, among all the bone undead units of Li Ziyu, there was no class that needed such a high soul energy.

With so much soul energy, his growth rate and intelligence were not comparable to those of the bone undead.

And the berserk bones and dark bones, as the royal family among the xenomorph undead, are born with the ability to control and control the lower undead, not to mention the bone beasts, even if they are bull demons, they can suppress and make those guys obedient.

Obviously it looks small, no different from a normal bone undead, but it is actually a guy who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger.

Li Ziyu silently looked at the dark skeleton, this guy’s time by his side is not short, he hides quite deeply, and he is not exposed at all.

Originally looking at the lively dark skeleton, seeing Li Ziyu suddenly looked over, obviously stunned, then he seemed to read something in Li Ziyu’s eyes, and immediately pretended to be dazed, scratched the bare skull, and looked iron.

Li Ziyu’s eyes narrowed, and he said in an unkind tone: “Wow, it’s really powerful, pretend to be very similar, high-level xenomorph undead are coming, I underestimated you before.” ”

Dark Bones: (#A)

Berserk Bones: ⊙ (·◇·)

“Pretend, you pretend, I’ll see how long you can pretend.”

Li Ziyu looked at the shocked appearance of the dark skeleton and said angrily.

The soul fire in the eye sockets of the dark skeleton slowly moved and floated to the side, as if people did not dare to look squarely and avoid their eyes when they were embarrassed.

“Boss, what happened?”

Liu Xingxing and Zhang Peng watched dazed on the side, they didn’t know what was going on, and when they came, they saw a strangely shaped undead fighting with a bone beast.

“Hey, what happened, hehe, you may not believe it, this guy is not simple, not an ordinary undead, smart, has been hiding by my side, in fact, it is estimated that the degree of wisdom is not lower than ours.”

Li Ziyu pointed to the dark undead and said to Liu Xingxing and Zhang Peng.

The two couldn’t help but look at the dark undead in surprise, is this guy’s wisdom so high, can’t see it, except that the color of the bones and soul fire is not the same, there will be some skills, it seems that there is no big difference from other bone undead, at best, it is a much stronger bone undead.

But what if you’re smart or not?

“But I feel that my cat people are also smart, sometimes smarter than me.”

Liu Xingxing scratched his head and asked puzzled.

“It’s different, the undead under the boss, there is one counted as one, they are all humble and very obedient, do your cat people have the undead so obedient?”

Zhang Peng stared at the dark bones, but his mouth was explaining to Liu Xingxing.

Liu Xingxing thought about it and suddenly realized.

In fact, it is also very easy to understand, the undead are very easy to control, have ∞ loyalty, simply one of the best races, whether it is a gopher man, or a treasure cat man, has its own ideas, has a high and low loyalty limit, and there is never a way to act 100% according to the will of the city lord like the undead.

The best evidence is that Li Ziyu let the bone undead send them to death, these guys don’t have any other ideas, they will honestly line up to send them to death, and let the enemy kill themselves, just because of Li Ziyu’s order, and the race under Zhang Peng and Liu Xingxing will definitely not be able to do it.

Not to mention whether there will be a rebellion because of too low loyalty, even if there are more deaths, the race under them will be defeated, and it is possible to escape directly.

Among the traversers, there are definitely not many people who can have such a race as the undead.

But now, the undead in front of him actually has wisdom that is not inferior to humans, and it is not iron, and whether it will be as obedient as the bone undead, then it is not certain, this is a variable.

Usually naturally can’t see anything, hello me hello everyone, but when it comes to the critical time, it is fatal, for example, let them break, they run, the enemy directly pursues, isn’t it dangerous.

Knowing that he was completely seen through, the dark skeleton simply did not pretend, straightened his waist, and looked like “no pretend, showdown, I will be superior, what do you want to do with me”.

Seeing this, Li Ziyu rubbed his chin and said slowly: “I wonder if you still completely obey my orders, or let’s experiment?” ”

The Dark Skeleton Soul Fire flashed twice, and there was a bad premonition.

“You, self-detonating soul fire.”

Li Ziyu suddenly turned his head to look at a skeleton undead and ordered.

The bone undead turned his head to look at Li Ziyu, and then without hesitation, the soul fire made a “poof” sound, very slightly, the soul fire in the skull dissipated, turning into a pile of bones scattered on the ground.

Li Ziyu nodded, sure enough, this is the absolutely loyal bone undead, even if he let him blow himself up, he did not hesitate to complete the order, turned his head to look at the dark bone, and grinned: “What next, you?” ”

Dark skeleton: 彡 (———; 彡.

“The minister retreated, this retreat is a lifetime!”

Li Ziyu’s eyes widened in surprise, and he actually received a soul message full of emotion, which was sent by the dark skeleton in front of him.

Lean, play really!

“Stop, stop!”

Li Ziyu hurriedly called a halt.

The soul fire in the dark bone skull has begun to sway, faintly has a tendency to explode, hearing Li Ziyu’s eager voice, the soul fire swayed, and finally did not explode, but was forcibly stabilized, even so, the dark bone has become much weaker, the body is swinging, the bones creak chaotically, as if it can fall apart at any time.

Li Ziyu took a breath, it seemed that the dark skeleton was still under control and was absolutely loyal.

To tell the truth, he didn’t want the dark bones to self-detonate ah, it’s good that the undead were summoned in the early stage, and they have always been by his side, and they have never been sent out to fight like other undead, let’s just say that a hand has feelings for a long time, not to mention the dark bones that are struggling with themselves in the otherworld.

There are feelings.

After changing other dark bones, Li Ziyu may still be able to be ruthless and resolutely put an end to the existence of this hidden danger, but this in front of him is really not good.

The matter of the claw bursting bear really made Li Ziyu very concerned, he was very afraid to do it again, and he was even more afraid that he would have the idea of distrust of the undead, although the dark bones, the furious bones saved him from the claw explosive bear, but he still had distrust.

But fortunately, Dark Bones proved with actual actions that his loyalty was still credible.

Li Ziyu sighed, after experiencing the claw bursting bear, he became suspicious, this is not a good thing, the undead are his foothold in the other world, if something goes wrong with the undead, who else can he trust?

In fact, even if the dark bone chooses to self-detonate, Li Ziyu is still a little hesitant, after all, there is such a strategy as a bitter meat plan, but then again, if the dark bone is willing to play a bitter meat plan with him with soul fire, then he admits.

“Oh, okay, I believe it, say, how can I get you to recover.”

Li Ziyu looked at the dark bones that were about to fall apart and asked.

“Soul energy.”

The dark skeleton sent a message.

Li Ziyu did not hesitate, and immediately extracted 200 units of soul energy from the system and injected it into the dark bone soul fire.

As soon as the pure soul energy entered the body, the dark bones seemed to have taken a big tonic, the soul fire instantly grew, and the entire skeleton became spirited, no more swinging, not much, the thief was healthy.

He moved his arms, moved his legs, jumped reductively, and then looked at Li Ziyu.

“Master, rest assured, we will always be loyal to you and will never betray.”

The dark skeleton sends a message.

“I have always thought this before, but today’s events, you have also experienced, I need an explanation, why did that clawed explosive bear attack me.”

Now that he knew that the dark bones had wisdom that was not weaker than humans, Li Ziyu began to communicate well.

“The tattoo is because of the furious tattoo print, making it lose its mind, this probability is not high, but it occasionally appears, especially it is easy to appear on the beast.”

Dark Skeleton explained seriously.

I see.

Li Ziyu pondered for a while, this explanation he could accept and make sense.

He just checked the system, the loyalty of the claw bursting bear is still ∞, saying that it is a betrayal, there is no way to talk about it, to be caused by the tattoo, but it is more acceptable.

So this time was attacked, it was a fortuitous time, and he was unlucky?

I got so many bone giant porpoises before, all of them used the fury pattern marks, and there was no problem, and it seemed that they could only be explained by their own bad luck.

“So, you can control the clawed bear and have a high level of intelligence, right?”

Li Ziyu looked at the berserk bone and asked.

Berserk Bones: (◇′)

The first half of the sentence, he can understand, is he himself said, what does the second half mean?

“No, he’s really bunny…”

The dark skeleton secretly glanced at the berserk bone and passed the news to Li Ziyu.

I don’t know how to do it, I’m afraid that because of a soul network, the berserk bone actually received this news, and immediately became angry, and the violent aura of the whole body soared, emitting a soul roar, and rushed towards the dark bone.

You kick my head, I pick your ribs, and the two xenomorph undead royal clans fought together in front of the three city lords Li Ziyu, Zhang Peng, and Liu Xingxing.

“Okay, that’s it, stop!”

Li Ziyu covered his forehead and couldn’t help shouting.

The two xenomorph undead royal families suddenly stopped, the berserk skeleton held several ribs in his hand, and the dark skeleton carried the skull of the berserk skeleton in his hand.

“Normal, don’t make any more trouble!”

Li Ziyu roared angrily.

Although the head is in the hands of others, when the violent bones don’t care at all, after hearing Li Ziyu’s words, he threw the ribs away, so he didn’t want to return the bones to the guy who scolded him.

The dark skeleton looked down at the ribs that had been thrown to the ground, lifted the head of the berserk skeleton, looked at it, threw it to the ground, and before the berserk bone picked it up, flew up and kicked the skull like a football.

I was going to pick up the violent skull and press the violent bone, but I didn’t expect that the dark skeleton actually played a trick, the soul fire was stunned, and the headless body turned around three times in place, as if drunk, and staggered and ran to pick up his head.

Taking advantage of the furious skeleton to pick up the skull, the dark skeleton picked up his ribs three times and five by two, re-settled, and honestly stood in front of Li Ziyu.

The berserk skeleton also pressed back his skull, turned his head to look at the dark skeleton, and was about to pounce again in anger.

“Stop! Stand there and don’t move! ”

Li Ziyu stretched out his hand and pointed to the violent bones and said.

As if playing with 123 wooden people, the body of the violent skeleton immediately froze, still standing on one leg, staring at the dark skeleton, but really did not move again.

The soul fire of the dark skeleton moved slowly, and when he saw the appearance of the violent skeleton, it suddenly jumped, even if he couldn’t make a sound, even Zhang Peng and Liu Xingxing on the side could see it, this guy’s soul fire obviously carried the meaning of mockery and provocation.


Li Ziyu slapped on the braincase of the dark skeleton, making him withdraw his gaze.

“Why are you so bad, you get cheap and sell well.”

Li Ziyu scolded angrily.

The dark skeleton quickly bowed its head, looking aggrieved, but it was a violent skeleton that was fixed, and the soul suddenly jumped, revealing a kind of excitement and schadenfreude.

Li Ziyu rubbed his temples, the dark bones are indeed very smart, but this guy is like a child, restless, always thinking about doing things, especially after having the violent bones, it is really three days and two provocations, and they fight from time to time.

“Berserk Bones, come here.”

Li Ziyu beckoned to the berserk bone.

The furious skeleton, which was standing on one leg, immediately ran upside down, and the soul fire also glanced at the dark skeleton defiantly.

“Okay, don’t provoke.”

Li Ziyu sighed, this guy is indeed the same as the dark bones said, he is a.

Every time the dark skeleton provokes, he will respond, there is never an accident, every time it is he who starts first, there is never an accident.

Zhang Peng and Liu Xingxing also looked a little handsome on the side, which are the two undead, it is clear that they are two naughty children, they are just scary.

“I’m going to let you go to the passage, are you sure that you will take the xenomorph undead to kill those demonic creatures?”

Li Ziyu looked at the berserk bones and asked.

Since he is a xenomorph undead royal family that can grow, and his loyalty is indeed high, he does not have to hide the other party’s side around him, and it is true to improve his strength, and the effect will be great in the future.

He planned to take this opportunity to let the berserk bones go to exercise.

The furious skeleton was first stunned, and then he nodded repeatedly, and there was a battle, and he immediately became energetic.

His promotion route is closely related to the battle, and the more he fights, the faster his Berserk Tattoo Seal improves, the easier it is to become stronger, and the stronger he fights.

He had been hungry for battle for a long time, but Li Ziyu did not speak, and he did not dare to move.

“Master, let me go, the berserk bones are not only humble, but also stupid, and the most important thing is that it is easy to get out of control.”

The dark bones are anxious next to him, he is also eager to fight, and speaking of it, he is an old-timer, why didn’t he go to the battlefield, the latecomer of the berserk bones is going to the battlefield, that’s not okay.

Berserk Bones turned his head to look at the Dark Bones, and while his attention was on Li Ziyu, he immediately sneaked up and punched the Dark Skeleton impartially.

So, the two xenomorph undead royal families fought together again.

Well, Dark Bones says that Berserk Bones are easy to get out of control?

What about himself, isn’t it easy to get out of control with this appearance of having to provoke things when there is nothing to do?

Hello, a little convincing!

Li Ziyu sighed in the sky, the child is older, he can’t manage it.

Finally separated the two xenomorph undead royal families, Li Ziyu knocked on the braincases of the two bones one after another.

“You all want to go, right, then all go! I only have one request, take control of the xenomorph undead, bring me back more corpses of demonized creatures, don’t make trouble, and above all, be careful not to kill your own people! Get out of here! ”

Li Ziyu scolded, and with a wave of his hand, the two bones immediately pulled their legs, afraid of running slowly.

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