Chapter 165: Battle of the Night!

Rage Mode is on!

Charge – the bone giant fangpoise is not a real demonized beast, it is an undead, they also have a will, knowing the danger of the Berserk Tattoo Mark, when leaving the undead fortress, they do not open it directly, but only open it when they are close to the opponent’s camp to find the enemy.

The bone giant porpoise that turned on the fury mode continued to accelerate, and the flame-like light on its body became more and more vigorous, and it slammed into the vanguard army waiting in front of it.


The commanders of the three races looked at the furious bone giant fang, which was getting closer and closer, and the extremely fierce momentum was extremely fierce, and ordered loudly.

They had never seen a berserk bone giant porpoise before, but looking at the appearance, they also knew that this was an undead, a skeleton, and could still move, not what an undead was, but they didn’t know how effective the battle was.

It stands to reason that the lizardmen or the hunters are stronger than the goblins, but they are in the rear, who let the goblins have more numbers, and they are stupid, this kind of frontal charge, it must be a huge loss, of course they don’t want to bear such losses, so they decisively pushed the goblins to the front.

If it is an ordinary goblin, seeing the fierce existence of the berserk giant fang, it must be a panic, scattered, and will never hold the position, compared to the position, their own lives are more important.

But the goblins in these vanguard armies are the elite selected from various tribes, and they are much stronger than ordinary goblins, they have no fear in their hearts, but their faces show a crazy look, wearing leather armor, holding a shield in one hand, and carrying weapons in the other, densely crowded together.

This is their tactic for dealing with the charge, which is also called the meat wall in the goblin tribe, which means that the wall is piled up with goblin flesh and blood, so that the enemies who dare to storm the wall will hit the head and break the blood.

In the eyes of the lizardmen and the hunters, the meat wall tactic is stupid, the consumption is huge, and there will be a large number of deaths and injuries, but the goblins have really used this tactic to win many battles, but they feel that the meat wall tactic is wonderful.

As for the dead, heh, how can there be undead in battle, besides, do we goblins still care about the dead?

Goblin breeding ability is too strong, and there is no reproductive isolation for many species, that guy is like a mouse, litter by litter, so some dead and injured, it doesn’t matter, as long as the upper goblin is not dead, it is completely acceptable.

Let’s just say this meat wall, all the people who make up the meat wall are ordinary goblins, and there is not a single bear goblin, because the bear goblin is an upper-level goblin, strong in combat effectiveness, and cannot be damaged in the meat wall at will, and those ordinary goblins, the dead goblin commander does not care.

The speed of the 5,000 Berserk Bone Giant Fangs has been fully raised, and they bow their heads slightly, aim their fangs at the enemy in front of them, and hit them fiercely.

Bang bang bang…

The goblins in the front let out a sharp howl before dying, but did not dodge at all, just tried to block with the round shield in their hands, but the quality of that shield was not good, and it was hit by the berserk giant fang, shattered in an instant, and their bodies were pushed to the rear.

Pieces of goblins were killed by giant fangs, while goblins in the rear used all their strength to resist their companions in front and refuse to retreat.

The flesh wall composed of nearly 13,000 goblins is carrying the charge of the berserk bone giant fang, the entire formation is sunken inward, and the harsh howl resounds through the wasteland, but the charging momentum of the berserk bone giant fangpoise is indeed contained, their speed is decreasing, even if they are still pushing forward, but the densely packed goblins in front of them are still resisting the special one.

The rear lizards showed a shocked look on their faces, they didn’t expect that the so-called flesh wall was actually really useful, and they resisted the other party’s charge with their flesh and blood.

The head hunter was full of indifference, not moved by the tragic death of the goblin, and the goblin commander was proud, raised his head, and swept towards the lizardman commander Momonet and the head hunter commander.

Look, look, this is the wall of flesh you despise, how useful, let you come, can you block the charge of the undead, it has to be our goblins.

But his pride didn’t last long.

The Berserk Bone Giant Fangpoise found that his charging momentum was blocked, so he simply did not charge and turned on the head-shaking mode.

Their name is giant fangs, which means that they have two thick, large, almost disproportionate fangs, some sharp, some shovel-shaped, and others antler-shaped, on which many bone horns like tree power are separated.

The main attack mode of the demonized giant fangs is not a charge, their attacks mainly rely on fangs, after facing the enemy, shake their heads left and right, and use their fangs to kill and injure the enemy.

After becoming undead, in most battles, they are the first to charge, the role is to break through the opponent’s defense line and cause damage to the enemy, as is the case in the underground passage, there is rarely a chance to kill with fangs that shake the head left and right.

Unexpectedly, the combat skills that were not used in the underground world were used outside, and the goblins stopped their charging momentum, making them unable to break through the enemy position, really blocking them, but also giving them the opportunity to use their fangs to kill.

The berserk bone giant fangpoise in the front swings its head left and right, as long as it is stabbed by their fangs, it will be thrown away vigorously, and the goblin’s body is flying in the air, screaming and screaming endlessly, and the berserk bone giant fangpoise seems to be bouncing in the night, and the head shakes a cheerful one.

But if it is pierced by fangs, it is not good, the goblin is originally short, much smaller than the giant fang, and after being stabbed by the teeth, it is thrown again, and it immediately opens its stomach.

The giant fangpoise kept throwing the goblins in front of him and flew away, shaking its head and moving forward, turning into a bulldozer, very happy.

Momonet and the Hunter Commander silently turned their heads to look at Fang Cai’s triumphant, proud Goblin Commander, flesh wall? That’s it?

Yes, you did withstand the charge, and then what?

Just die?

This is a battlefield, not a contest that kills more than anyone!

What’s the use of blocking the charge, you have to kill the undead who rushed over!

The speed of the bone giant fangpoise was not slow at all, and it kept pushing forward.

The goblin commander was angry, I was actually despised, this is not okay, I don’t want face, so he yelled ahead: “Kill them!” You trash, kill those undead for me!” Rush up, surround them, smash their heads! ”

Having experienced the battle with the undead, the people of the Cancer Alliance also know that if you want to kill the undead, you have to smash their braincases, and other attacks have almost no effect.

So this time the goblins of the vanguard army, the standard defense is leather armor and shields, and the weapons are various blunt weapons, hammers, wooden sticks, stone rods and so on.

But they didn’t expect that what they encountered was not a skeleton soldier at all, but a group of beasts!

The braincase of the bone giant fangpoise is much harder than the bone undead, the goblin’s weapon knocks on the head, at most makes their soul fire shake, shake their head to recover, continue to move forward, want to kill a berserk bone giant fang, it takes a lot of effort, it is possible that dozens of goblins, knocking in turn, in order to completely smash their braincase, let their soul fire escape.

Every knock to death of a bone giant porpoise makes the goblins excited, it is really too costly to knock a death, making them feel that their efforts will be rewarded in the end, but they don’t realize that knocking out the violent bone giant porpoise is not the end, but a more tragic beginning!

Bone beasts are not normal bone undead, they are xenomorphs, special undead with tattoos, their souls are not pure, especially the giant fangs also activate their own berserk imprints.

When their soul fire dissipated, the power of the tattoo also dissipated, and the goblins in the battle did not notice this at all, so unknowingly inhaled the escaping soul fire into their bodies.

The power of the Berserk Tattoo Seal quietly integrated into the goblins’ souls, and gradually began to affect their brains, and as they continued to fight, their blood boiled, and the Berserk Tattoo Mark gradually came into play, making them more crazy and their sanity gradually disappeared.

The goblin, who was affected by the Berserk Tattoo Mark, his eyes became blood-red, protruding outward, and the corners of his mouth drooled, and he became a madman without noticing it.

The Berserk Skeleton Giant Fangpoise felt the power of the tattoo on some goblins, and they gave up attacking these goblins instead.

Goblins infected by the Berserk Tattoo are no longer their enemies, so there is no need to bother.

The furious goblin, who fell into a state of madness, howled, raised his stick to his companions, and smashed it down without hesitation, causing even greater chaos.

“What’s going on, your goblins are attacking their own people!”

Momonet was the first to notice that something was wrong with the goblin, turned to look at the goblin commander and asked.

The goblin commander looked dazed, he didn’t know what was happening, why those goblins in front of him attacked other goblins, more fiercely than when attacking the undead.

Momonet felt that the momentum was not right, and immediately ordered that the lizardmen go to the battlefield, and they had to quickly destroy these beast undead.

When the lizardmen went to the battlefield, the hunters naturally did not stare, and also sent their own centaurs up.

The addition of two new forces with stronger combat effectiveness instantly caused a lot of casualties to the berserk giant porpoise, and both races have long-range attack means, even if they are not close, they can also rely on long-range weapons such as spears to hit the enemy.

The giant fangs were killed and injured, but the berserk goblins were even more, and they became allies of the undead and attacked their families like crazy.

Just when the vanguard army focused on the berserk giant porpoise, intending to kill them quickly, in the darkness, the figure of the shadow Zhuo Zhuo appeared and launched an attack from the outside, it was a dark skeleton steppenwolf.

The undead are easy to hide, and the dark night has given the dark bone steppenwolf better concealment, they approach silently, and they don’t even attract the attention of the cancer alliance, and when the other party’s whole mind is on the giant fang, they blatantly attack.

Before the lizardmen and hunters on the periphery could react, they were bitten by the steppenwolf on the neck, arms, and thighs, and forcibly dragged into the darkness, leaving only a series of screams.

“There are enemies in the darkness!”

Momonet’s face was pale, these undead beasts in front of him were just bait, and there were more enemies!

As soon as he realized this, he heard the sound of breaking the void.

Arrows shot out from the darkness, causing the lizardmen and hunters to scream, and steppenwolves sneaked up, seizing the opportunity to drag enemies into the darkness.

When the lizardmen and hunters tried to fight back, more arrows were fired to stop them from killing Steppenwolf.

The soldiers of the Cancer Alliance need to rely on lighting items such as torches to see clearly what is in the dark, but the undead do not need it, they can easily distinguish where there is an enemy through the breath of life, just like bringing a night vision device, the darkness does not hinder them at all.

The people of the coalition did not know how many enemies were in the dark, they could only be beaten passively, they wanted to shoot arrows and throw back fire, but Steppenwolf’s speed was too fast, often flashing, and the darkness was almost integrated, and it was difficult to aim.

If it was daytime, those bone beasts, they wouldn’t care so much, but now it was night when there was no moonlight.

“Back off! Return to camp! ”

Seeing that the situation was becoming more and more unfavorable, the commander of the Hunter tribe immediately ordered, and the Hunter took the lead in retreating in the direction of the camp.

There are torches in the camp, there are bonfires, it is brighter, and fighting in the camp is obviously more advantageous than fighting outside the camp.

After the Hunters retreated, the Lizardmen immediately followed, but the Goblin Commander was a little hesitant.

Momonet and the commander of the Hunter clan do not know about goblins, but he knows his own people too well as a goblin commander, the meat wall is still there, they can still fight, once they say that they want to withdraw to the camp, the meat wall is gone, not to mention whether they can stop those bone beasts, it is said that with the goblin’s urine strength, there is likely to be a rout.

It is simply unrealistic to let the goblins keep the flesh wall and slowly retreat, they do not have such high discipline and can only lead with approximate orders.

The question is whether it is not possible to withdraw now, the head hunters and lizardmen have withdrawn, if the goblins still block each other, then all the undead firepower will fall on the goblins, and then the goblin commander does not dare to think about it.

Forget it, retreating is not his idea, but the idea of the commander of the hunting clan, retreat, if the damage is too great, let the commander of the hunting tribe go and tell the leaders of the army, anyway, it is not his own fault.

The goblin commander had already thought of an excuse to excuse himself, and retreated while retreating before giving the other goblins an order to withdraw to the camp.

The order came, the goblins who did not touch the undead in the rear, did not think about it, turned their heads and ran, the speed was called a fast, more and more goblins routed in the direction of the camp, and the wall of flesh dissipated.

The berserk fangs were full of fire and were about to pursue, but the dark bones gave the order to stop the pursuit and let them prepare for a second charge, and those crazy goblins, the undead were not their own people anyway.

The crazy goblin screamed, chased after his companions, and rushed in the direction of the camp.

“Don’t let those crazy goblins come and kill them!”

The commander of the Hunter Clan immediately shouted when he saw that the crazy goblin was also about to enter the camp.

What a joke, these guys are coming in, it will definitely cause chaos, isn’t that an opportunity to create a sneak attack for the undead.

Take advantage of the fact that the undead are not chasing after them, first dispose of these uneasy factors, and then gather forces to deal with the undead.

The head hunters, the lizardmen set their bows and arrows, threw spears, and killed all the crazy goblins who were chasing them from behind outside the camp.

“What about the undead?”

Momonet looked outside the camp, there was a fire in the distance, it should be those undead beasts.

But instead of coming, the guys stepped back some distance.

The Hunters were on guard and at the same time punched and kicked the goblins, ordering them to stand in front, regardless of whether they could still organize a wall of flesh to block the undead.

Goblins die when they die, but to die worthwhile, at least give them some opportunity to attack.

Fang Cai Goblin performed quite well, blocking the opponent’s charge, although in the end inexplicably crazy a lot, but the problem is not big.

“The opponent’s charge is coming! Get ready for battle! ”

Momonet guessed the plans of the Berserk Bone Giant Fangpoise, shouted loudly, and organized manpower to prepare to deal with the second wave of the Giant Fangpoise’s charge.

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