Chapter 173 Round 1!


Frontal hammer!


Jump the hammer!


Broken meteors!

A thousand elite heavy hammer skeleton warriors went to the battlefield, and without saying a word, it was an output.

In front of the four-meter-tall wasteland troll, the elite heavy hammer bone warrior who can be three meters tall really looks very close to his younger brother, and it seems that his combat effectiveness is insufficient.

But in fact, although they are short, they are solid, and they are short and heavy, declaring that what is called concentrated is the essence.

Not as tall as you?

Then you pick me up and try it!

The wasteland trolls don’t believe in evil, and he took it.


The sledgehammer was hammered on the chest, the chest cavity was sunken, dead.

The sledgehammer hammered in the belly, the internal organs were shattered, and died.

The sledgehammer was hammered on the head, and the brain plasma burst and died.

The green-skinned goblin warriors are stupid, what is this thing, just die?

One by one, the wasteland monsters were hammered so that they could not find the north, and they did not expect that the elite heavy hammer bone warriors on their chests were even more powerful than them, and they were much greater, so large that they could not resist at all.

The key is that people are not only powerful, but also more flexible than themselves.

The wasteland monster weapon is a simple “meteor hammer”, if you want to hit someone, you have to turn up, but when you hit the meteor hammer, the hammer on the opposite side is hammered on yourself.

Even if you are lucky and turn the meteor hammer over, but the melon hammer of the people can smash the stones on the meteor hammer at once, and it can’t hit people at all.

No kidding!

The elite heavy hammer skeleton warrior, that is a systematic evaluation of “a chariot on the battlefield, a small fortress that can move”, and the heavy class in the battle sequence of the undead, is not something that a stupid and rough monster like a wasteland troll can deal with.

The wasteland monster almost did not kill a few elite heavy hammer bone warriors, but died to death, injured injuries, directly scared by others, did not dare to fight again, the previous arrogance was completely gone, threw the meteor hammer, held his head and ran back.

They are stupid, they are humble, but they are not afraid of death.

Nearly two thousand trolls, hundreds were killed in a blink of an eye, and the remaining wasteland trolls looked at it, what else is this fighting, run.

On weekdays, these guys are bullying people with their own height and strength, and most of the races in the wasteland have nothing to do with them, after all, the body size is there, and the four-meter-tall big physique rushes over, as if the mountain pressed over, and they were cowardly before they hit.

Every time, they bully others and rarely lose, which makes the wasteland trolls not only think that they have no opponents, so they are also unscrupulous when they go to the battlefield.

Where did I think that today I ran into hard stubble, these guys who are a little more powerful than their own chest.

The wasteland monsters were picked up, but fortunately, during the day, the combat effectiveness of the undead was weakened, and if it was night, they were more unlucky, and those elite heavy hammer bone warriors were even more fierce.

“What is that, what are those!”

Palmeida looked into the distance, dumbfounded at the beaten monster of the wasteland, unable to believe his eyes.

What’s going on?

How did the wasteland monsters suddenly collapse and let people kill so much!

These are heavy soldiers, one of their battles to attack the undead, and they were inexplicably defeated like this.

Palmeida’s brows furrowed deeply, and his heart became more and more dissatisfied with the intelligence network of the coalition army, he did not see the undead and such heavy troops in the intelligence, if he knew that the other party had such troops, he would definitely not send trolls to the field at will.

The loss of the trolls, and their defeat and escape, is too demoralizing, especially now with the first wave of charge.

He sent the Wasteland Trolls to the field in order to expand the results of the battle, enhance the confidence of the frontline Goblin Warriors, let them fight more bravely, strive to take advantage of the Trolls’ heavy troops, gouge through the position of the undead, let the Goblin Warriors rush over, and then let the lizardmen and the hunters play, you can take the undead.

Well planned, I didn’t expect the change to change so quickly, because the troops that were not in the intelligence caused the monsters to flee, and the goblin warriors in front also rioted.

After defeating the Wasteland Trolls, the elite Heavy Hammer Bone Warrior did not leave, but cooperated with the Bone Undead and launched an attack on the Goblin Warrior.

Just as the Fangcai Wasteland Trolls attacked the bone undead, the Goblin Warriors could not stop the elite heavy hammer bone warriors at all, which called a tiger into the flock, and the melon hammer swept away.

Don’t see that there are less than a thousand elite heavy hammer bone warriors, but they have the ability to push across the battlefield, and the Goblin Warriors’ weapons do not harm them at all, no, it cannot be said that they cannot cause damage, but they are tickling.

The elite heavy hammer skeleton warriors are covered in heavy armor, and the bones have been strengthened, plus they are tall, and the goblin warriors can’t hit their heads when they jump up, which is really no way.

The original momentum of the Goblin Warrior was directly destroyed by less than a thousand elite Heavy Hammer Bone Warriors!

When the wasteland monster ran, the goblin warriors in the rear knew that something was wrong, followed the troll, and the goblin warriors who wanted to wrestle with the elite heavy hammer bone warriors in front died a miserable death, turned their heads, but found that their companions had run away, naturally refused to fight again, and ran back.

At this moment, the Goblin Warriors were defeated.

Halfway through, the goblin warriors met the goblin warriors and bear goblins who had come to reinforce, and they didn’t know what was going on ahead, and the monster rumbled past them, rushed to the front, and now rumbled again.

What’s the situation?

Finished fighting?

The Goblin Warrior and the Bear Goblin were full of question marks, and then they saw the hula-la-Ling Goblin Warrior running towards him playfully.


What’s going on ahead?

They didn’t know what happened until they saw a figure in the distance, jumping high and falling heavily in front of them, and the rubble on the ground splashed and shot at the armor, making a clanging sound, and the figure picked up the hammer in his hand and smashed several goblin warriors out, they didn’t know what was happening.

This is a rout!

We haven’t reached the place yet, and the front has collapsed!

The Goblin Warrior and the Bear Goblin, who had just run halfway, still hesitated, turned their heads and ran back several times faster than before.

It’s slow when you come, but it’s fast when you go back.

To become a goblin warrior, not to mention the combat effectiveness, you must run fast, especially when fleeing, that speed is definitely enough!

Don’t look at them wearing metal armor, that can’t slow them down!

What are the prerequisites for becoming a Goblin Warrior?

Battle effectiveness?


Of course not, it’s fast!

If you don’t run fast, you don’t have a life, and a soldier is a fart, if you want to become a warrior, you must first live!

So the goblin warriors have one to count, running fast, even if they are wearing metal armor stomach, and they are started after the goblin warriors, but they can not only catch up with the goblin warriors, but also surpass them.

Li Ziyu saw from a distance that the other party had completely collapsed.

Liu Xingxing and Zhang Peng were also dumbfounded, and there were two words in their hearts: That’s it?

Didn’t you fight quite fiercely at the beginning, and in a blink of an eye, they all fled back to the location of the coalition forces.

Good guys, call good guys, they run away much more professionally than charge.

The goblin is small and jumps up and down, and the speed is really fast.

The elite heavy hammer bone warriors only chased half the distance, and after the goblin warriors also began to escape, they stopped, which was what Li Ziyu meant.

In fact, the undead don’t want to chase very much, mainly during the day, they will become weak, making them feel very bad, so during the day, the undead don’t like to move, and they are very spiritless.

If this is at night, the elite heavy hammer bone warrior takes the lead and can directly kill the opponent’s camp, let them know why the flower is so red!

Seeing that the other party ran farther and farther, the elite heavy hammer bone warriors played the hammer, turned around and walked back, the bone undead who had just arrived were stunned, it seemed that the battle had ended, looked at the elite heavy hammer bone warriors blankly, and instinctively followed each other back.

Palmeda did not punish the Goblin Warriors for their rout, but he was also not lightly angry, the reason why he was angry was not the failure of the first battle, the battle, he had experienced more, he was angry because of intelligence!

This defeat has nothing to do with the Goblin Warrior, in the eyes of Palmeida, the Goblin Warrior has done well, better than he expected, if it were not for the intelligence error, which caused him to make the wrong decision, maybe he would have won now.

The group of fools below, what can they do, they can’t even get intelligence right, and they don’t even know what kind of troops the undead have!

How many times did you make a mistake?

The last time the pioneer camp was raided by the undead, it was also because of intelligence, and the defeat in the first battle this time was still because of intelligence.

It’s too hard to fight.

Palmeda has a sense of powerlessness, this kind of team, there are too many things that need to be changed, with the current strength, let alone enter the central zone, whether it can sweep this wasteland is a problem.

The first round of battle between the two sides ended like this, Li Ziyu spent a big price to get out, and the elite heavy hammer bone warrior who had been hiding around shined and gave the tumor coalition a head-on blow.

Cancer Coalition, Conference Room.

“What now?”

“Just one defeat doesn’t say anything.”

“Fortunately, it is daytime, but if it is night, it is more troublesome.”

“Yes, but you have to find a way to solve those undead with hammers, otherwise it will not be easy to do, the morale on the goblin side is gone, and the goblin warriors will not step forward.”

“I said not to fight, this is good, the first game will fail, make more trouble…”

Before the lizardman patriarch’s words were finished, an axe spun and flew over, poofed, split his head in half, and continued to fly, nailing to the wooden pillar behind.

Everyone was silent for an instant, looked at the dead lizardman patriarch, and silently turned his head to look at Palmeida, who was standing up and strode towards the axe.

“Who else of you wants to question my words?”

Palmeda grabbed the handle of the axe, pulled the double-edged axe off the wooden pillar with slight force, turned his head to look at the generals and patriarchs present, and asked in a calm tone.

The generals and patriarchs are silent, you look at me, I look at you, they all bowed their heads, since Palmeida became the president of the coalition army, they were gentle with them, which made them gradually forget the identity of this guy.

Before the president, he was the legendary patriarch of the Hunter Clan, known as the Killing Conqueror, in addition to being a patriarch, he was also a powerful warrior, and he was never a good-tempered guy.

This axe reminded everyone of Palmeida’s identity.

Those who can become generals and patriarchs may not be the strongest warriors, but they are definitely not waste, and Palmeida is the best even among many warriors, and in his time, there are very few people who can face him head-on.

The era in which Palmeda lived was a barbaric era, different from now, when if you wanted to become a patriarch, you had to have a strong strength to back it up, otherwise the people below would not be convinced at all.

You say you’re smart and have brains?

Oh, what’s the use of being smart, you have to be able to keep your head.

Palmeida’s time was not devoid of smart people, but those smart people could hardly stay in the position of patriarch for a long time, either died in war or mutiny, and no one would believe a patriarch who was not strong enough.

In that year, personal bravery was magnified, and every time he charged, it was inevitable that the patriarch would take the lead, and if the patriarch did not take the lead, others would naturally not rush over bravely, they needed examples.

And Palmeida came from that era, he used real fists and strength, set off bloody storms, stepped on the bones, ruled the Palmeida tribe, and led the small tribe that could be destroyed at any time step by step to become strong.

Don’t look at his age, but his combat effectiveness has not decreased in the slightest, and he is even stronger than before.

After experiencing countless battles in his life, he killed Palmeida, who did not know how many enemies, carried the double-edged axe that had been accompanying him, looked at the wolf Gu, and saw that no one dared to move, so he walked to his seat step by step.

“I don’t want to hear that kind of voice again, you must remember my name, my name, Pa, Er, Mei, Da.”

Palmeida looked directly at her seat and said word by word in an old, deep voice as she walked.

Blood and killing intent spread in the hall, and at this moment, the long-silent killing conqueror was revived, and the man who once made the enemy tremble just by hearing his name finally showed a fierce appearance.


Palmeda sat back in his seat, his body seemed to have a thousand powers, and the chair made an overwhelmed sound.


The double-edged axe fell to the ground, as if someone had struck the heart with a drumstick, and the generals and patriarchs who were not strong enough couldn’t help but snort.

“Rectify the army, fight another wave, we will destroy each other during the day.”

Palmeda said with a fierce eye.

The generals and patriarchs did not speak, and listened honestly, they did not want to clash head-on with Palmeida, so they could not oppose his words.

At this moment, a goblin patriarch stood up trembling and looked at Palmeida with fear.


Palmeida looked at the goblin patriarch and snorted softly.

“Honor, respected and great president, I have something to say.”

The Goblin Patriarch fell to his knees and said in a trembling and fearful voice.


Palmeida leaned back slightly, propped his hands on the axe handle, and looked down at the goblin patriarch and said.

“Our goblin warriors they don’t want to go anymore, even the trolls are defeated, they think the undead are invincible.”

The Goblin Patriarch said cautiously.


Palmeida’s eyes lit up fiercely.

Feeling the strong killing intent, the Goblin Patriarch pressed his head lower, almost buried it in the ground, and said in a trembling voice: “O powerful Palmeida, can we stop attacking today and fight again another day.” ”

As soon as the goblin patriarch’s voice fell, Palmeida’s figure had already disappeared from his seat and appeared beside him, and with a wave of the axe in his hand, a cold light flashed.


The Goblin Patriarch screamed and fell to the side, one of his arms missing and his face covered in sweat from pain.

Palmeida leaned down, stared at the goblin patriarch, and said coldly: “That’s your problem, not mine, I asked you to prepare for the second attack, where do you not understand, or say that you can’t do it, if you can’t do it, then I will change to a patriarch who can do it.” ”

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